Chapter 34 34 Presumptuousness

The request of the priest did not put much pressure on Father José.

When he was not lost before, he also often presided over the Great Mass on Sunday.

The preferred person to preside over the Great Mass should be the bishop, who rotates five priests when the bishop is not in the church.

The priesthood of the deputy priest is not allowed to preside over Mass.

Even though he is the second administrator of the church, his position is only that of deputy priest, deputy to the bishop, without this relationship.

He was also only a deacon of a holy bishop, on the same level as Leiden and Rust.

In fact, in the early days of the creation of the holy bishop, the founder of the religion, the son of Jega, his original intention was to believe in the holy lord, and the priest of the holy bishop, and the status of everyone was equal.

It was not until the development of the Latter-day Saint Bishop became more and more prosperous, and the internal hierarchy became more and more strict.

For the remaining two days of Sunday, Stull stayed in Father José’s office, busy rewriting the new Bible.

He added a lot of philosophical ideas from the previous life to this Bible, and for people in this world, reading his Bible is bound to bring great cultural shock.

There is a mythological description of this part of the Holy Lord, and he has also made some modifications, so that it can be used later and cooperate with his goldfinger mystery book.

It’s Sunday.

Both Stull and Father Jose woke up early in the morning.

Father José will preside over today’s Great Mass, with Stull as his only monk.

He will act as an auxiliary priest when he presides over the Great Mass.

“Tell me about the Mass that His Highness presided over. ”

The Fran elder, who was sitting in the front row, pulled Lydon to sit next to him.

Lyden smiled bitterly, this was the third time that the Flemish elders had asked him to tell him about the Son’s mass in the church in Gannon town.

Yesterday Elder Fran approached the two of them and began to ask them about the Son.

The main thing is how the two of them met the Son after arriving in Gannon town, what they experienced together, and what kind of miracles the Son performed in Gannon town.

Elder Fran told them both of them, and he still had a notebook and a pen in his hand.

He stressed to the Leydens: “You must tell me in detail that what I have recorded is likely to be recorded in the Gospels in the future.” ”

Rust and Lydon were speechless as the Fran elders listened to their descriptions of how Stuart had miraculously cured the blind man’s eyes and the crippled leg disease.

As well as the terrifying alien demons that appeared later, His Highness bombarded the alien demons with holy magic, including the serial murder case of Withro.

Finally, in the church in Gannon Town, the Gospel Mass was given by God.

Elder Fran recorded it little by little, and every time the two of them said something, he would let out a sigh of surprise.

“In Withro’s case, there is an evil faith!

There is a mystery involved! ”

In the end, Elder Fran sighed: “I really envy the believers in Gannon Town, who can hear the Mass personally presided over by His Highness and feel the gospel.” ”

He looked at the two people next to him, his eyes full of envy, because these two were first-hand experiencers.

After the recording, the Fran elders kept asking them both in private about the details of the Son’s Mass.

Until today’s Great Mass in the church, Elder Fran touched the scene and even began to pull Leyden to inquire again.

“Elder Fran, don’t you think that there are a little too many people coming today, it seems that there were not as many people who came at the last Mass. ”

Lyden looked around and said to him.

“Yes? I don’t feel it, after all, when the Great Mass was held in the past, it was not always full of people!

Alas, now our holy bishop is weak and rejected by society.

There are also fewer people coming. ”

Elder Fran let out a long sigh, and then perked up: “But I believe that with the return of the Son, the church can flourish again.” ”

Lyden smiled bitterly, he had not yet told the Fran elders about the doctrine of calamity, the Bible Lord’s prophecy of the beginning of the era of calamity, was affirmed by the Son.

Next year will be the beginning of the era of calamity, when humanity will face one disaster after another.

The purpose of the Son’s return to the church was not to restore the church’s prosperity, but to lead the faithful through the many calamities of the era of calamity.

Thinking of this, Leyden looked at the believers attending Mass again, and in the past, when there were fewer people, there were more elderly and lost middle-aged believers.

Today, there are many more young people, who look really young, like ‘students’.

Father Jose took up to the pulpit and spread out the Bible on it, Stull standing behind him.

When Stull first followed Father José up, it attracted a lot of attention, especially the girls, because Stuhl’s image was very handsome and had a holy temperament.

Stur, who was standing behind Father Jose, looked at a deacon on the other side, holding a red wooden box in his hand.

It should be a relic in St. Neil’s Church, the skull of Saint Neil.

“God says that the purest beauty can be seen in the eyes of creation, untainted with sin, like the ultimate in pure color, that even he is willing to stop and admire it…”

Father José began Mass.

His voice will be audible to anyone sitting in the church, even in a corner.

At the same time, Stall couldn’t help but compare Father Jose to Father Pitt.

Father Pitt’s business ability is still far from Father José, even if Father José has been crazy for several years.

After several years of not attending Mass, he is still very capable of presiding over the Great Mass.

Let Stull sigh that the other party is worthy of being a priest in the main church of the parish.

“Finally, praise be to the Lord! ”

“Praise the Lord! ”

The worshippers in the church said in unison.

This Mass lasted for 25 minutes, and the rhythm was very good.

Father José closed the Bible, but his mind remembered that the Son was rewriting the Bible in his office for the past two days.

He stroked the cover of this Bible, but thought in his heart that it should not take long in the future to preside over Mass with His Highness’s rewritten Bible.

It really made him feel anticipation.

Then the deacon holding the wooden box slowly walked down, and Father José said to the faithful: “This church is named after Saint Neil.

Today, the relic is invited out, and everyone can come to this location to worship, but each person can only be given ten seconds. ”

Father José’s tone paused, and he continued: “After the end of the Great Mass every Sunday from now on.

Relics are on display. ”

After he finished speaking, the deacon slowly opened the wooden box, and inside was a cover made of crystal.

The base of the crystal cover is a cushion sewn from red silk cloth, and gold strands are also sewn on the four sides, draped with tassels.

Inside the crystal cover, a gold-plated skull is placed in it, and the forehead of the skull is set with an emerald the size of a grain of rice, setting the holy bishop’s holy emblem.

The emblem of the Holy Bishop is three keys that cross each other.

Form a *-shaped pattern.

This originated from the creation of the holy bishop, the Son Yaga, who took it from the Lord, the key of heaven, the key of the holy word, the key of the spirit.

Stull was seeing the so-called holy relic for the first time, which in his eyes was nothing more than the skull of an ordinary dead man.

It is decorated with gold and precious stones, and the emblem is just placed on the brain.

The deacon holds it in his hand, and believers from the front row can come forward to worship.

But there are believers who are really religious, they want to kiss the holy relics, and Father José on the side will allow them to kiss on the crystal cover.

Afterwards, he would wipe it with a handkerchief made of silk.

One by one, the believers came up.

Stull noticed that some believers would look at the relic with a curious eye when they came to worship.

Some believers will be very religious, actually kissing, and even bowing their heads in silent prayer.

Everyone had only ten seconds, and sometimes Father José had to interrupt the people who were praying.

The other party will not complain about anything, but leave directly, after all, in front of them still stands sitting on the throne, the huge sculpture of the Holy Lord.

Under the gaze of the Lord, no one will do anything offensive.

Until a young man wearing a cap, the other party deliberately lowered his head and stepped forward.

Father José smiled gently at him and signaled that he could take a step further and pray.

And the latter suddenly raised his head, and he still wore a tight black mask on his face.

At this time, his eyes were burning at the holy relic in front of him, and the other party’s eyes made Father José’s heart tighten.

The next act of blasphemy by the other party directly shocked all the clergy, monks, and nuns in the church.

The other party snatched the mat in the deacon’s hand and took the holy relic inside.

“Stop! Youngster…… You…… Don’t be impulsive! ”

The deputy priest was shocked, and a fine cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

For St. Neil’s Church, the skull of St. Neil is a very important holy relic, as is the soul of this church.

Moreover, this holy relic is still recorded in the Holy See.

Even every year the Holy See sends commissioners here to inspect and worship this holy relic here.

If this holy relic were damaged even a little on this occasion, then he and all the clergy present would become sinners.

Even when Bishop Rama returns, how should the deputy priest explain to the other party?

In particular, this is the skull of the ancestor of Bishop Rama.

“The Holy Bishop does not act!

The holy bishop should restrain the faithful and abstain from eating meat! ”

“Every year on the ‘holy offering’ of the faithful of the Holy Bishops, they slaughter a large number of cattle and a large number of sheep.

For the so-called sacrifice! ”

“To protect the animals, the priests of the holy bishop, are using the blood of other living beings to please the holy lord. ”

Suddenly, a crowd of people stood out from their seats, about thirty people.

They were men and women, very young, shouting slogans.

He even rushed directly to meet the young man who snatched the holy relic.

The faces of the deputy priests and others turned pale.

Elder Française and another elder, as well as the old lady in charge of the nuns, their bodies trembled.

And in the back row, Burris watched everything that happened in front of him in a daze, he took out his camera, and forgot to take pictures.

He knew that the people of the Egg of Life today would come to make trouble, and they wanted to do something here to attract attention.

Yesterday evening, Burris also specially came over to remind the Holy Son, but Burris did not expect that these young members of the Egg of Life would do things so impulsively.

“Smash it! They, a group of hypocritical priests, went to worship a broken bone. ”

The members of this group of life eggs are actually young students.

At this time, at the encouragement of his companions, the young man holding the holy relic in his arms lifted it high and then fell directly to the ground.

The sound of the crystal cover shattering made the deputy priest stunned.

Thanks to the red silk mat underneath, the skull was not damaged too badly.

Even so, the members of the young Eggs of Life began to cheer, as if they had won a major victory.

At this moment, a layer of holy light suddenly lit up on the holy platform, and the skull of the saint Neil on the ground also lit up with a layer of holy light.

It slowly floated up from the ground, and two rays of holy light connected each other.

The skull then floated directly towards Stull’s position.

At the same time, the Holy Light filled almost the entire church.

Then everyone’s ears sounded with a sound like thunder!

“Presumptuous! ”

Today is a chapter, and then a daily double change, a guaranteed chapter.

Take a break today, thank you for your support.

(End of chapter)

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