Chapter 38: 38 Painting

Stull did not forget his agreement with Mr. Bekas, when he learned that Bekas had finished the painting and asked him to come and pick him up.

Stull agreed without hesitation.

“Where is that person now?” ”

“It should be in the reception room at the church gate. Vice Priest Phil explained.

He immediately said, “But Your Highness, do you want to go to the appointment alone?” ”

Even if Phil didn’t say it explicitly, Stull could hear what he meant, after all, such an important holy son, can’t just let outsiders take it away, this is not a wild child.

Even those who had a good relationship with the Son invited him.

Nor can you let a person out.

Stull thought for a moment and said to the deputy priest: “Only one person is allowed to follow me, if there are too many people, then it is not appropriate.” ”

The vicepriest’s lips pursed, and finally he nodded in agreement with the Son’s request: “Then let Father José go with you.” ”

“Good. ”

Outside, Stull met the man named Cobb who had come to pick him up.

The other person’s smile is very sunny, the first impression is good, he is a person who can easily feel good, and he is very willing to move closer to him.

This temperament that gives a unique impression is often directly related to personality.

“Hello Your Highness, I came to pick you up, but my car was parked at the outermost because parking is not allowed in the area around the church square. ”

He smiled and said, “After all, this is God’s territory. ”

“Are you a holy bishop? Stull asked him, making a good impression and being willing to talk to the other person more.

“I don’t have any religious beliefs, but I believe that the Holy Lord exists, but his presence is too dazzling, which will make me look at anything bright when I write and paint. ”

Stull raised an eyebrow, this kid can really talk.

“When you come back later, you can go to the back of the church. ”

Stull glanced at the deputy next to him, who smiled and nodded that he would do it immediately, writing down Cobb’s license plate number and letting him go later.

After a long walk out, Stull and Father Jose got into Cobb’s car.

It is not the kind of particularly luxurious car driven by Asinsha, but it is also more expensive, and it is a high-end car with a relatively high price.

The interior of the car was neat, and Stull asked him, “Is Ling also a painter?” ”

“Learning from the teacher, working in the art museum on weekdays, in my eyes, the teacher is a great painter and artist.

At most, I copied it, I haven’t fully created my own style, and now I’m at best a small painter. ”

Stull felt that this man was really modest.

“Mr. Bekas is your teacher. ”

“Yes, the teacher’s work influenced me when I was a child, and the teacher is still the ambassador of Montt. ”

Stull looked at Father Jose next to him, and Father Jose explained in a low voice: “When I was not lost, Mr. Bekas was the ambassador of the city.

His artistic achievements were so high that even the previous bishop of St. Neil’s Church personally came forward and asked Mr. Bekas to help add an oil painting to the church…”

Father Jose didn’t finish, his smile a little embarrassed.

Stull understood what the other party meant, and Mr. Bekas must have directly refused.

After all, there is such a high-achieving great artist, who doesn’t have a bit of character and temper.

“So is one of Mr. Bekas’ works valuable?” ”

After Stuhl asked, he felt that it was a little inappropriate, after all, artists see their works as children, and it is not offensive to measure the price by the price.

“Teacher, the highest auction price of his works is 70 million! ”

Stull was stunned for a moment, the current seventy million is equivalent to the seventy million dollars in the seventies and eighties of the previous life, which is a very terrible price.

At the same time, he felt that he still underestimated the energy of Mr. Barry, a big capitalist, and even such a big artist was related to the Barry family, and Stull felt that Mr. Barry should be described as a capital predator.

The Crofodo Art Museum is relatively close to the city center.

Listening to Cobb, when this art museum was established, it was designed by Mr. Bekas himself.

But to Stour’s eyes, the museum looks like a giant white turtle shell.

It was obviously the weekend, but there were no guests in the art museum, so Cobb drove the car directly to the door of the art museum.

“Isn’t today Sunday? Do you usually have no guests at the museum? Stull asked his doubts.

Cobb explained: “Yes, many people come to visit every day, but today the teacher wants to personally take His Highness to visit the art museum and some of the works he created.

So the museum is closed for one day today and will not receive any visitors from outside. ”

He smiled and said, “Today, the only guest of the art museum is Your Highness. ”

Stull felt a little embarrassed, but didn’t say much.

In Bekas’s eyes, Stull is the Holy Son, and there is nothing unreasonable about closing the library alone for the Holy Son.

And the works he created, of course, are most appropriate for Mr. Bekas to personally explain to the Son.

After Cobb parked the car, he walked in with Stull and Father José, where Mr. Bekas had been waiting in the grand gate.

When he saw Stull in a divine robe approaching, he immediately greeted him warmly.

“Your Highness, the first thing I did when I came back was to ask Cobb to invite you, I came back in a hurry, so I didn’t have time to go to St. Neil’s Church in person. ”

Bekas seems to be in good spirits, and as he said before, any artist will not be as inspired in his old age as he was when he was young.

Today, Bekas rarely encounters the drive and inspiration that allows him to write.

And the recently completed work has allowed him to regain the feeling of painting when he was younger.

Cobb asked Bekas for instructions, then said hello to Stull and left directly, and when Stull was about to go back, Cobb would drive him to see him off.

At this time, Cobb still had some museum work to deal with.

“He is a student who makes me more satisfied, in fact, teaching students is the same as painting, only with heart, can you get good works.” ”

Stull looked at Bekas, who praised the student.

“What is Mr. Cobb responsible for in the museum? ”

“I’m the curator, and he’s the deputy director, but I don’t handle the work of the museum personally now, otherwise I would be very busy.

Cobb can handle some of the tedious work very well, and now I don’t meddle much in the work here.

Only occasionally do new pieces be added here, like the one I just brought from Gannon Town. ”

Saying that, Bekas sighed: “If Your Highness, when you go to mass again, you must tell me, I will definitely be there to participate.” ”

Stull smiled and nodded in agreement, while Father Jose on the side laughed in his heart that Bekas had missed an opportunity.

Today, the people in St. Neil’s Church also witnessed a miracle.

If Bekas can see it, it will inevitably bring him new inspiration.

Bekas then took Stull to visit the place.

The owner of the art museum personally brings the guests to visit, and when explaining the works, it can more intuitively depict the mentality and perception of the creation of the works.

But although all of Bekas’s works are displayed here, only part of them are displayed, and most of the rest is also Bekas’s own collection.

There are more than 40,000 works on display here, while Bekas’s works are only a few hundred.

In addition to introducing his own works, Bekas will also take Stull to see some particularly valuable collections.

Both seem to have forgotten that their initial agreement should be to see the new work that has just been completed.

At this time, Stull was somewhat immersed in the artistic atmosphere, and he had never experienced such an occasion.

He didn’t know much about art, but he especially enjoyed the feeling of being exposed to the impact of something new.

Bekas focuses on his own creations.

“Fisherman of the Black Sea, this work originated from a dream I had.

The scenes in the dream were very realistic, so the first thing I did when I woke up was draw them.

Whenever I see this painting, I feel like I have returned to the original dream. ”

Stull looked at the painting in front of him, black seawater, gray sky, fisherman with harpoon in his hand, sitting on a fishing boat with both hands supporting the tail handle of the harpoon.

The expression on his face was very flat, just like this gray sky.

However, Stull also observed that there were some places on the back wall of the painting that were different from the original color.

He asked this doubt, and Bekas sighed a little helplessly: “The work of the people who were originally splashed with vegetable soup by the Egg of Life is this painting.”

The picture frame and mirror glass are easy to clean.

But on the wall behind, the place where the vegetable soup was spilled could not be made, so it could only be shoveled and repainted. ”

Stull nodded, in fact, he wanted to tell Bekas that the members of the Egg of Life today also went to St. Neil’s Church to make trouble, but he put it down.

The further back you go, there is a long corridor with more important works by Bekas hanging on both sides.

The further back you go, the more important these works are in Mr. Bekas’s mind.

It wasn’t until the end that Stull finally saw the new work Bekas had just completed.

Bekas said with satisfaction: “When the museum opens tomorrow, the guests outside will notice that I have a new work hanging here.” ”

Stull looked at it and thought it was good, it was a lonely chapel on a hillside.

Outside was a crowd of people sitting on the floor attending mass.

It is clear that only the back of these people’s heads can be seen in the painting, but the people who look at this painting feel that the facial expressions of the people in the painting should be very religious.

It is clear that it is not drawn, but it brings this feeling to the visitors.

On the canopy of the church, there is light formed by the ‘Tyndall effect’.

It’s just that in this painting, the light is vertical, like a shining holy light.

It’s a work that feels very holy, and Bekas’s artistic attainment is really high.

Father Jose next to him kept watching, imagining the scene of the God-given gospel when Sture was massed in the church that day.

“Let him watch here for a while. Stull did not disturb Father José, who was admiring the painting.

And Bekas was also satisfied with the performance of the fascinated Father Jose.

For a cleric like Father Jose, Bekas’s work is too infectious.

“Did the painting come up with a name? ”

“Gospel! What does His Highness think of this name? ”

“Very good. ”

The two chatted and walked out of the promenade, where Stull would wait outside for Father Jose.

But at this time he was looking at other works outside the promenade.

Until he saw a work that surprised him.

“Mr. Bekas, is this also your work? ”

Stull asked, pointing to a painting hanging outside the promenade.

“This one is not, this is the work of my students… It’s Cobb.

He has a talent for this, and I think this work is good, so I allowed him to hang it here for exhibition. Bekas explained.

Stull looked at the work in front of him, and his expression began to become serious.

Because the content inside this painting is very much like something.

‘Snake! ’

(End of chapter)

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