Chapter 44 44 • Polluted

The man who was thrown to the ground has not yet reacted to his thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Stull’s holy light bloomed again and shrouded the other party.

He suddenly felt that there was a huge gravity pressing him, and he could not stand up, or even raise his head.

“I… Wait…” He wanted to ask for mercy, but felt that the air in his chest was pressed out.

Stull looked coldly at the people on the ground, he had previously injected some faith power into the Holy Light Art in the Mystic Book, increasing the effect of the Holy Light Technique.

At present, it seems that he is still quite satisfied, and the ability of the Holy Light Technique to increase has been greatly improved.

And what made Stull even more concerned was why this man could call out his identity as the Son.

Although everyone knows about Gannon Town, it is a large city with a population of millions.

And it’s a long way from Gannon Town, which takes seven hours just a one-way drive.

Inside St. Neil’s Church, Stull asked everyone not to reveal the identity of his holy son, even Bishop Rama, who was busy with political battles outside, did not know that a real big man had come to the church he was in charge of.

The man on the ground had difficulty breathing, unable to turn his head and looking at the oil strokes on the church dome.

“Ahhh… Mother God shelters me! ”

He shouted with all his might.

Stull frowned, and the clergy around him all looked at him with disgruntled expressions.

Followers of Azira? Core members of the Egg of Life?

He only said yesterday that he broke Cober’s identity, and as a result, the other party came to make trouble today?

Is it because Azira can give him a response, so he gets carried away with excitement?

“Are you from the Okyum Cult? The deputy priest didn’t think about it so much, he asked directly.

Stull removed the suppression brought by the Holy Light to the other party, allowing the people on the ground to relax, and at this time he gasped for breath, as if he had just escaped from being trapped in a narrow space.

Stuart gave the priest standing on the altar a look and asked the other to continue to preside over Mass.

The attendees of the church quieted down again and saw Stuhl suddenly perform a miracle and let some devout believers sit there in quiet prayer.

All the people who were making noise shut up, even if the person who was restricted by Stuart was their companion, these people did not dare to jump out and violate Stuhl’s majesty at this time.

Stuart found that the effect of his sudden power just now was much better than the effect of performing miracles to heal patients.

After the Mass, the church doors were reopened, and the faithful gradually returned, but as a place with public properties, even if someone wanted to stay here and sit for a while without rushing to leave, the priests would not drive them away.

“Your companions seem to be gone! Stull pointed in the direction of the gate, and the two monks pulled the man on the ground up directly, and sure enough, he saw the back of his companion walking out.

Didn’t even look back.

The man was trembling violently, his face was pale, the color of his lips began to fade, and he was in a huge panic.

Stull couldn’t figure out why he was so afraid.

“Take him to the back. Stull said.

The other party suddenly shouted loudly, “I can convert to the Holy Lord.”

I can convert to the Lord!

Just let me go this time. ”

“Why are you so afraid, I won’t kill Ling, let you go to the back and have no other meaning, I can’t keep you in the main hall all the time.”

It is a place where believers pray and worship. ”

He then asked, “It should be more painful for you to convert than to kill you!” ”

Stur was a little puzzled, and the deputy priest explained in a low voice next to him: “Stereotypes between religions, after all, our church also waged a holy war with the Okyum God Sect hundreds of years ago.

Since that period, this stereotype has existed in both religions.

In the past, when the two religions were hostile, catching infidels like each other often ended up with no good end.

If I suddenly ran to the temple of the Okyum Sect to cause trouble and destruction, and I was captured by them, it is estimated that I would be in a similar state to this person. ”

The deputy priest was still laughing at first, but then his face changed slightly, and he explained to Stuhl: “But my faithfulness to the Holy Lord will never change, even if my life is threatened, my faith will not waver.” ”

Stull ignored him and followed him directly to a more private room in the church.

Father José also came in with him, but when he touched the other party, he showed restraint in his spiritual emotions.

“What’s wrong with you? Stull asked him.

“Oh… I felt some whispering sounds around my ears again, and I… It seems that there is a phenomenon of getting lost again. Father José added: “But this time the situation is milder. ”

Sture knew what Father Jose’s performance meant, and how could the Okyum god in front of him come into contact with Azira’s breath.

Unless the other party is contaminated.

Stuart continued to ask the question he had just asked: “Who told you the identity of my Son, and… Who sent you? ”

The other party gritted his teeth, and then made up his mind and said: “It was Lord Priest who arranged for us to come, and it was Lord Priest who told you that it was very likely that the Holy Bishop would have reappeared on earth. ”

After speaking, the man lowered his head again.

Father José explained: “In the Okyum religion, the status of priests is equivalent to that of priests on our side of the church.

And the high priest is equivalent to the bishop on our side.

Further down there are priests and priests, corresponding to monks and deacons respectively. ”

Stull nodded, and he asked, “What is your priesthood?” ”

“Sacrifice servant. ”

Stur and Father José looked at each other, each other’s priesthood equivalent to a monk in the church.

But then Father José asked: “Your Highness, you have said that if I come into contact with something mysterious and transcendent, I will still fall into a state of loss.

But I’m closer to him right now. ”

Father Jose pointed at the other party with a surprised expression.

“You can ask more carefully, who has this person been in contact with?

Who was he contaminated? ”

Saint Father Jose and the two surrounding monks immediately took a big step back.

After Leyden and Rust brought the Son back from Gannon Town, with Stuhl’s permission, they began to describe what they had seen in Gannon to the clergy in the church.

Especially the part about alien demons, which also includes the horror of pollution.

This pollution is not only physical pain, soul, spirit, will be tormented, even the slightest pollution, will gradually intensify and spread.

And people who suffer from mysterious pollution end up with only two outcomes.

Either they will be assimilated by the source of pollution, become the same kind, but most of them will lose their minds and become alien demons.

Or find a hidden place that others cannot find to commit suicide to prevent the pollution from spreading after death.

In addition, the only way to survive is to find a being like the Son to pray for purification.

Therefore, when they heard that the priest of the Okyum God Sect in front of them was polluted, they all subconsciously kept their distance from each other.

Stull stared into the other party’s eyes and said seriously: “If you think about it, have there been any special people among you in the recent period.”

Have had contact with you or with people close to you. ”

The priest of the Okyum Sect looked down and thought for a while, and then said: “Last night, there was one who came to visit the temple priest, and it happened that I and a few others were on duty at the temple. ”

He went on to say, “The man was a friend of our priest’s, and although it was rare to come to him so late, I invited him in.

Then it was the priest who was alone with him, and it was very late before the man left. ”

Stuhl had already taken an affirmative answer in his heart, but he still asked, “Who is that person?” ”

“I can’t remember his name, but the man has always been very kind and has a very temperamental smile, as if he were an artist. ”

Stull took a deep breath, and he threw the other party a purification spell to expel the pollution that the other party had indirectly caused by Cavendi.

Then ask the monk to send the man out.

And at this time, outside, on the corner of a street far from Church Square, there was a very inconspicuous black car parked.

A priest of the Okyum God Sect sat in the back seat, and he coldly watched the three people who had returned in vain and lost their souls returned here.

“Priest Wawain, we are back. ”

“Get in the car first, why is there one less person? The priest of the Okyum Cult named Wavin, his tone was full of dissatisfaction, but he did not embarrass these people.

After getting into the car, the other three told each other in detail what had just happened inside the church.

Vawin took a deep breath, the other party actually carried a miracle, it was the legendary Holy Bishop Holy Son.

And what is more troublesome is that he was also caught by the other party and stayed there.

Wawin pondered, ‘What the president said to him last night was true! ’

Last night, the guild leader suddenly found him, and among the core members of the Egg of Life, he was one of the few Kavendi guild leaders who knew that Cobb was the Egg of Life.

Moreover, the Egg of Life can develop into a large organization with a large number of people in a short period of time, which also has a lot to do with him, the priest of the Okyum God Sect.

Because many of the core members of the Egg of Life are followers of the Okyum God Sect, and they are all people with a certain influence and status in Monte City.

The Egg of Life is a very good tool in the eyes of these people.

But some of the things Cavendi said to him last night made him a little confused.

He wouldn’t listen to Cavendi alone, and he wanted to see for himself, so he brought four priests to make trouble.

“You guys go first, I’ll stay here and wait for a while, if there are too many people, the target is too big.” ”

Wawain took the initiative to get out of the car, and they were all dressed in civilian clothes.

“It’s my lord! ”

Then the very inconspicuous black car drove away, and Vawin was thinking about what to do with the rest of the man, he couldn’t go directly to St. Neil’s Church to ask for someone.

“Ahem, it’s really… It’s a bit bad today! Vawin coughed lightly, and then he looked at his arm, which appeared a fine outline of a vein, and watched as his arm began to turn blue.

Then the priest of the Okyum God Sect who was released by Stull walked over with a lost soul.

The thought that he had shouted out the words that he could convert to the Holy Lord in order to beg for mercy made his heart torment at this time.

But as a religious clergyman, even seeing miracles from other religions can have a huge impact on his mentality.

“Priest Wawain! The other party was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect that Priest Wawin was still here.

However, the other companions seemed to have driven away.

“Yes, I’m waiting for you here, but the Holy Bishop’s group of pagans didn’t do anything to you. ”

“Priest I’m ashamed, I…”

“Needless to say, I can feel a little shake in your faith, but it’s okay, I’ll take you to a place where you can meet the miracles that belong to us!” ”

Priest Wawin smiled, but his eyes showed a vague fierceness.

One more chapter at ten o’clock tonight.

Will be late.

(End of chapter)

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