Chapter 49: 49 Violent Death

“Can’t you just drive slower? ”

Anssie shouted there almost at the top of her throat.

The humble black car that Mel drove raced through the streets of Monte.

The signal lights on the road became a decorative toy in her eyes.

“Even if you catch the suspect in the disappearance case, you don’t have to be so excited, right?

People are not caught by us, and the credit is basically not with us! Anxi added.

At the same time, she keenly observed that the expression of her partner next to her was not quite right, as a senior agent, Anxi could see from Mel, gritting her teeth and hands gripping the steering wheel, and slamming on the accelerator, that she was in a angry and anxious mood.

“Shut up! He has nothing to do with this disappearance! ”

In the shortest possible time, Mel drove the car to the headquarters of the Federal Police in Monte.

She walked so fast that she had to let Angel trot all the way behind to barely keep up.

With a cold expression, the people around him just glanced at it from a distance, and then quickly looked away.

Even oncoming colleagues will immediately avoid.

Instead of returning to the headquarters area, she went straight into the guard room, where several lonely custody rooms housed an international fraudster, a suspect in an interstate homicide.

There are also smugglers, as well as petty criminals who forge federal documents.

But Stull was not seen.

“I’ve made you wait! An Qian followed and said, “Is Ling impulsive and confused?

This is where criminals who cross state lines and violate federal law are held, and this disappearance case belongs to our federal police department and the Monte City Police Department.

Originally, it should have been handled directly by the Monte City Police Department, but because the Witero case had just been investigated, the people were panicked about this vicious case of so many people suddenly disappearing.

We had to work with the police department to solve it. ”

An Qian affirmed: “Even if we arrest someone here, it is locked up in the guard room of the Monte City Police Station, and you have come to the wrong place!” ”

“Just in the car, the communicator told us to ask the others to return to the police department! ”

“Returning to the police department can integrate the clues of their respective investigations, but in a disappearance case like the local one, the main force is still in the local city police station, and even if we catch the suspect, we should be locked up in the city police station.” ”

Angel patted Mel on the shoulder and said, “I have more experience than you in this area, you were injured and lay at home for a year before, but you have only been an agent for more than half a year.”

But then again, you’re so badly injured that you’re almost crippled, it’s really a miracle that you can heal. ”

Mel ignored Anxi’s muttering, she walked directly out, and beckoned Anxi to hurry up, Anxi stomped her foot and ran behind, emphasizing that although the two were partners, she was actually the most experienced.

This time, Mel drove less recklessly, and the distance between the federal police and the city police department was not too far.

Mel revealed her credentials as a police detective, allowing her to enter and exit insensitive areas of the city police station.

Finally, she saw a laid-back Stur outside the police guard, and next to him sat an old woman who was not smiling.

She was a very serious elderly nun.

Stull was not locked up, beyond Mel’s expectations.

But Stuhl’s presence here shows that her guess is right.

Police colleagues do regard St. Neil’s Church as a serious suspect in a disappearance case.

Mel didn’t bother to think of the reason, it must have involved the hostility and prejudice between the two churches.


Oh yes, if I had been taken away, you would have known.”

Stull saw Mel hurriedly coming and looked up and said.

Grandma looked at her and glanced, the other party knew His Highness, so Grandma also smiled and nodded at Mel.

Mel responded with a smile, and she began to carefully observe Stuhl’s state, fortunately nothing happened.

But today is really inexplicable, he has just presided over Mass, and both the priest and the Franish elder have also had a precursor to holy baptism, and today it is possible to baptize both of them.

But he was interrupted by the police who came directly.

It cannot be regarded as a visit, these police officers directly came to arrest people in the name of investigating the case, and they also produced documents restricting Stur’s personal freedom.

It bears the seal of the Montt Municipal Court, with the signature of the judge.

Stull didn’t argue with the policemen, he almost thought directly in his heart that it was the priests of the Okyum Sect and the Cavendi gang.

And when the police said that there was a priest of Okyum, he came to St. Neil’s Church a few days ago and was directly detained by the order of the Holy Son here.

The companions outside have not seen him come out until now, and finally chose to call the police, and the police suspect that Stull is related to the recent intensive disappearances.

Stur was amused by the fact that a priest of the Okyum Cult came to the church of the Holy Bishop, and this behavior itself was very wrong.

And listening to the meaning of the other party, there are still people from the Okyum God Sect outside, watching.

Mel’s partner followed, and when she saw Stuhl, she was surprised and said, “I didn’t even know you had a brother who went to become a church priest.” ”

“This is His Highness the Son, and you should respect it, and don’t forget that you are also a believer in a holy bishop. ”

Mel told her, and Anssie shook her head, her partner was too fanatical in her faith.

And how did a holy son suddenly appear, which made Anxi feel inexplicable, but Mel was still so serious.

“Your Highness, I thought you were locked up. ”

Stull smiled: “Have you forgotten that I am still a minor, and the police department will not think that such a huge disappearance case will be related to a minor.” ”

He continued: “It was not me who was locked up, it was Vice Priest Phil and Elder Fran, and some monks and deacons who obstructed the police, and some of them were detained anyway. ”

He said to Mel: “I have to trouble you to go in and help me see the state of the deputy priest and the Fran elder and the others, and tell them that even if the holy baptism is interrupted, it will be fine.”

Having grasped this level of enlightenment, they will be able to enter the state of holy baptism when they have time in the future, and they will not even need my guidance to pass the holy baptism themselves. ”

Mel didn’t understand what Stull was saying, but she would still bring it to the people inside.

“Please help me take care of Your Highness. Mel said to partner Annesie.

“Alas… Wait for you…”

An Qian did not call Mel, the other party used the agent ID to enter the detention room directly, even if there is no official document can not interrogate the suspect, but a simple communication with the people inside can still be done.

In the guard’s room inside the city police station, there are many people locked up, homeless people, thieves, robbers, alcoholics, hands-on gamblers, and even people who do not seem to be in good spirits.

In comparison, in the innermost position, the priests who hold the eleven holy bishops, they are the most incongruous side here.

Mel came to the place where the priests were kept, and the whole guard room was noisy, except it was quiet.

Mel still had a little impression of the deputy priest of St. Neil’s Church, after all, when she visited Stull yesterday evening, she had seen each other.

But that Franzier …

Mel looked at an old man sitting in it with blank eyes, looking very depressed, and still muttering something.

“That… His Highness asked me to bring a message to the deputy priest and the Fran elder. ”

Mel stood in front of them, and when he said the words just now, the priests inside suddenly came together.

“How is Your Highness? ”

“Is His Highness still at the police station? ”

“Did they embarrass His Highness? ”

Not a person in this circle, it is difficult to understand how important Stull is in the hearts of this group of priests, but Mel can fully empathize.

“There must be some misunderstanding in this, and I will definitely help you clear your wrongs, but I have something to say to the deputy priest and the elders first.” ”

Elder Fran and the deputy priest immediately stepped forward, and today was really sad for the two of them.

Especially the Fran elder, when his holy baptism was interrupted by the police officers who suddenly visited, he almost passed out in anger.

Later, when it was heard that His Highness the Son was going to be taken away and his personal freedom was to be restricted, the Fran elders and the deputy priests took the lead in resisting the most fiercely.

So right now, all eleven of them are locked up here.

Father José is at a critical moment in his journey into the holy path after the baptism, so today he is not in the main hall of the church and does not know what is happening here.

Otherwise, one more person would be locked up here today.

If it were not for the fact that the police department could not directly detain all the clergy in St. Neil’s Church, it is estimated that the clergy in St. Neil’s Church would have been arrested by the police today.

And these eleven of them were the most violent.

Mel relayed what Stuart had just said to Vice Priest Phil and Elder Fran.

Elder Fran sighed heavily, he remembered the feeling of enlightened faith, and His Highness also said that he would still be able to perform holy baptism in the next few days.

But what made him regret was that he could not accept the guidance of His Highness like Father José.

What an honor it would be to receive guidance from His Highness at the time of baptism.

It can be seen that the deputy priest next to him is also very regretful.

“It’s ridiculous that they should say that the recent disappearance of Okyum believers was carried out by our people. ”

The deputy priest said angrily, as the deputy priest of St. Neil’s Church, his status in it was second only to the bishop, but he was locked up so facelessly.

The priest intends to use the church’s connections to file a lawsuit against the police.

Although the current church is weak, it is by no means a soft persimmon that can be pinched at will.


I really can’t do it!

I’m dying!

Is anyone saving me! ”

With a miserable howl that alarmed Mel’s side, she looked back in surprise.

But I saw a person lying in front of the fence door of the guardhouse, and the other party’s face had many festering and thick sores.

At this time, the other party suddenly grew his mouth and poured out.

A pool of plasma-like blood soon appeared on the ground, and it also contained dirt mixed with clotted lumps.

It seems that there are also tiny maggots wriggling.

The sudden scene also alarmed the two police officers on duty in the detention room.

They immediately rushed over to rescue the man, but helplessly, the other party opened his mouth and his eyes widened, and his chest slowly deflated like a deflated leather ball.

People who were normal just now suddenly died violently.

“It’s really… Trouble! ”

A sudden scene made the guard’s room, which was still noisy, quiet.

The police officer on duty broke out in a fine cold sweat, and he wanted to go out to find someone, but was stopped by Mel, who was holding the police detective ID.

“Who is this man? Because of what was arrested here? ”

The officer on duty glanced at Mel’s documents, and then at the person who died in the detention room, and the officer on duty said: “Because of sabotage of official duties and blocking traffic, but a group of people doing this, this guy may be sick.”

The slowest runner was caught by a colleague.

It seems to be a member of an animal protection organization. ”

(End of chapter)

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