Chapter 55: 55 Insects

Mel looked at each other carefully.

Dressed in a brown robe.

The figure is thin and tall, although the other party is smiling, but it makes Mel detect the hidden strong desire in the other party’s eyes.

It’s like a tiger disguised as a sheep, just wearing this bloody camouflage skin on the outside.

And if the sacrifice in front of you is covered with a layer of human skin, what kind of monster should be inside the camouflage of the human skin.

All this comes from Mel’s feelings as an agent, and at the same time arouses her alarm.

“You have come so early, and there are few believers as devout as you. Priest Wawin said with a smile to Mel and Ansie.

After all, the temple gate usually opens at seven o’clock in the morning, but few believers will show up at the temple door at such an early time, waiting to open the door and enter.

The Okyoum Cult does not have the morning and evening Mass rules of the Holy Bishop, and they only have a semi-monthly ‘small offering’, which is an open event.

In addition to this, the temple at best provided a public place for the faithful.

You can rest here, visit the shrine here, and have social activities here.

The Okyoum Church attaches great importance to social circles among believers, and even their doctrine is to actively help believers build one community after another that is close to each other and at the same time has mutual assistance.

In their teachings, human beings are the spirits of all living beings, the most perfect race to inherit the flesh and blood of the mother god Pimir.

Believers are required to have blood bonds, so temples often lead to the creation of various organizations by believers.

There have been theological critics who have criticized the Okyoum Cult for doing this in order to achieve mutual interest between believers and the temple.

Just like the Egg of Life organization in Monte City, there are priests in the temple of Tasm behind it to fully cooperate and facilitate.

The Egg of Life is not an organization built solely to promote the protection of animals, and many times it becomes the most suitable tool in the hands of people with ulterior motives.

“Yes, we are all very devout believers! Anxi said to the priest in front of him from the side.

“Wait outside the door early, and come in as soon as the temple opens, as if you were preparing for other purposes to come to the temple on purpose.

You may be here to do something, but of course I will not doubt your piety, and I will help you. ”

The other party performed an Orkem god ritual towards Mel and Anssie.

Mel and Anxi looked at each other and followed suitably to reciprocate, but Mel kept going to the Lord in his heart to confess his sins.

“My name is Wavin, I am a priest here, which god do you believe in? ”

“Of course the Mother Goddess Pimir! Anxi said.

“Yes, we are all children of the Mother God, but I believe in the third child of the Mother God of Pimir, ‘Grace’, judgment, insight, and the sacrificial Libra! ”

The Priest of Wawin went on to say, “Legend has it that the god Grace would reciprocate according to the sacrifices of his believers!

Because He is the fairest, His followers in God’s religion are a group of people who love life and love to help others.

Helping others will also receive friendly, kind gifts in the future. ”

The holy bishop believes in only one God, the Holy Lord!

But in Okeum, the mother goddess Pimir and his children and descendants are all gods to worship.

Therefore, as a believer in the Okyoum religion, it is normal to believe in one or more other gods, as long as they are all in the family lineage of Pimir.

“If there’s anything I can do to help you, please speak! ”

Priest Wawin approached and moved closer to the two of them.

“In fact, we have a friend who didn’t contact us yesterday, and he’s also a devout Okyoum believer.

So we want to come here and see and pray to Mother Pimir that he will keep our friends safe.

By the way, he also came to the temple yesterday, he was tall and wearing a red and white plaid shirt, had the Wolin priests seen him? ”

Mel said that when she was monitoring the temple yesterday, she would also carefully observe the appearance and dress characteristics of everyone who came in and out.

She would focus on remembering the characteristics of several of the missing who had not left the temple, and at this time she would choose one from her memory to ask the priest in front of her.

At the same time, she was carefully observing the change in the other party’s expression.

The relic in the handbag began to heat up, which meant that the priest in front of him must be a guy in question.

There were problems with the entire temple, but at this time Mel had not yet discovered the source of the problem.

Priest Wawin replied calmly: “I know this believer, who yesterday spat in front of the statue of the Mother Goddess about his recently depressed life, and his emotions were a little broken.

He rested in the temple last night, and I thought he was a withdrawn believer, but I didn’t expect you two to be so good friends who cared about him.

I think he’ll be happy to see you!

Please follow me! ”

Anxi instantly looked at Mel on the side, and through what the priest said, she could detect that the other party was deliberately letting them follow.

Once you follow the past, it doesn’t necessarily happen!

Maybe like those who disappeared, they have no news of the outside world and disappeared.


Trouble you lead the way, Priest Varwin. ”

Angel looked at Mel’s eyes very surprised, as if to tell that this is obviously a trap that deliberately lured you into jumping into, but you still took the initiative to let down your guard and follow the past.

Mel ignored Anxi’s gaze and followed behind Priest Wavin.

Anxi gritted her teeth, paused in place for a moment, and followed.

The Wawen priest led them through the hall of the temple, and then through the side door to the left of the relief, into a long corridor.

And as Mel followed the Priest Wawin deeper and deeper into the heart of the temple, the holy relics in her handbag not only felt hot.

It even made Mel feel a slight electric current shuttling through his body.

This led her to believe that she was following the Wolin priests, gradually approaching the heart of the hidden problems inside the temple.

“Right here! ”

“Here? ”

“Yes, this is a place where believers in need of solace in their hearts can find comfort here.

They can hear the echoes from above the sacred mountain of Okyoum! ”

Priest Wawin stood on the side of a gate and reached out to signal Mel to take the initiative to open it.

Mel took a deep breath and gripped her hands on the handle of the gate while pulling her handbag forward, as if this would give her a greater sense of security.

Angel bit her lip nervously in the back, but then a sound of insects sounded.

Mel heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him.

She looked back to see Angel unconscious on the ground, while the Priest of Wawin on the side untied the collar of his robe.

His neck covered with thin nail-like wings was revealed, and all of them were vibrating at this time, emitting a rapid insect sound.

Mel felt his scalp tingle with just one glance, like countless flies gathering around the neck of the Priest of Wavin.

She suddenly felt that in the sound of insects, her consciousness began to blur rapidly, and just when she was about to pass out on the ground like Anxi, she was pulled again.

She looked back at a loss, only to see a phantom wearing the holy bishop’s robes reach out and grab her and pull her up from the imminent fall.

Mel felt that the other party was somewhat familiar, as if it was outside the gate of St. Neil’s Church, the appearance of a sculpture of Saint Neil.

(End of chapter)

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