Chapter 64: 64 Gate

Father José can no longer sustain the price paid for the use of the relics.

The figure of Holy Spirit Neil began to disappear, but the holy relic was still suspended in mid-air, not falling to the ground.

All the clergy of the Okyum God Sect were wiped out by the holy fire and thunder just now.

After the blood eggs on the top of the head fell to the ground, those human millipedes that were still connected to flesh and blood were bound together.

At this moment, they were tearing each other, trying to escape the shackles of flesh and blood connection, they howled miserably, followed by the flesh and blood being torn abruptly, revealing the deformed flesh and blood inside.

They scurried around the ceiling, their nails digging deep into it, like a swarm of frightened flesh insects, and began to flee.

After the flesh and blood were torn apart, some ‘people’ had only one hand left in their limbs and were still howling and climbing.

They seem to have no sense of independence, and the rest act on instinct.

They just wanted to escape, but in the end they lost their lives one by one.

Surviving by pollution, not even alien demons, no self-awareness, free from the shackles of blood eggs, acting completely by instinct at this moment.

Burris swallowed, his hand trembling violently every time he pressed the camera’s shutter, and in the end he couldn’t hold the camera in his hand, and he kept gritting his teeth and insisting.

Mel picked up Father José, who was lying on the ground gasping for breath, his hair was mostly white, and even his face was wrinkled.

Helping him up to rest for a while, the falling blood egg on the ground suddenly began to move.

“This thing is still hatching? ”

An Qian looked at the blood egg and shouted in horror, at this moment the blood egg was like a reactive heart, even ordinary people could feel that there was a strong and active life force trying to break free.

“But… Didn’t the priest say that the egg would hatch until night! Mel led Father Jose back.

At the same time, he looked up at the holy relic with expectant eyes, hoping that the other party could once again show his might on such a critical occasion.

Father José recovered his strength a little, looked at the blood egg and said, “It’s not much time in total, it’s just a few hours in advance.”

Even we humans have premature births. ”

Father José took a deep breath and continued: “The thing in this is supposed to be an escape, and when great danger comes, it will not be completely conceived.

I just want to escape as soon as possible at this time. ”

The blood egg, which was still active like a heart, suddenly came to a standstill.

Then there was a sound of shattering from the blood egg, which obviously looked like a layer of film wrapped, but at this moment, it was like a shattered crystal product began to shatter from the inside out.

A screeching sound piercing the eardrum erupted from inside.

The sound swept in, but the head of the holy relic Neil bloomed with a holy light at this moment, helping Father Jose and the others to block out the impact of the scream.

Resentment, anger, unwillingness!

A variety of negative emotions could be heard from the scream, and a black shadow burst out of the blood egg, and then quickly swam on the ground.

“Ahem. Cavendi coughed a few times and struggled to get up from the ruins, and when he saw the scene around him, he suddenly felt a pang of panic.

It was supposed to be their home turf.

Unexpectedly, these people, who were brought in by the Vavin priest from outside, actually killed all of Kavendi’s companions in an instant.

Although Cavendi is a demon at the moment, he still retains his human emotions, such as fear!

He felt a tremendous pressure from the skull that was suspended with holy light and gilded with gems, and even the energy released from it made him feel despair and fear.

It was a terrifying force that could easily wipe him out.

The sacredness of the Holy Light is something that only the followers of the Holy Bishop can experience, and for the alien demons, the power of the Light brings them threats, fears.

“Ah! ”

Cavendi suddenly let out a wail.

A terrifyingly massive millipede climbed from the ground onto Kavendi’s back.

The pain of the blood and flesh being torn in his back made Kavendi lean forward and fall to the ground, his body trembling violently, but did not stop the invasion of the giant worm.

The giant insect used countless sharp knives-like feet to tear Kavendi’s back abruptly, and the mouthparts covered with fine fangs directly pierced Kavendi’s neck bone.

Countless feet removed his spine, and the entire worm body was filled into the original Cavendi spine.

Cavendi’s consciousness had blurred when his back was torn, and he saw a maple forest in a trance.

I saw myself who was depressed a few years ago.

At that time, he was already a student of the internationally renowned art master Bekas, and he originally thought that becoming a master student would be the most glorious moment in his life.

But I didn’t expect that the moment I became a Bekas student, every day brought Cavendi a huge pressure of ‘Cober’.

This pressure has put him in the way of his artistic climb, and when each of his works is brought out, the viewer’s comment is always ‘far inferior to Master Bekas’!

‘Students are still a lot worse than teachers. ’

Cobb never expected him to see Bekas as an idol to worship.

But when he becomes an idol student, he will be labeled with Bekas.

People’s expectations of him were so high that they formed a shackle that suffocated him.

When he came to a lesser-known town to see the local maple forest in order to relieve this pressure, he got lost in the end because he walked too deep.

But fortunately he met someone, and unfortunately he also met this person.

Wittelo, the administrator of the local Maple Forest.

Cobb asked him about his way out of this maple forest, but he was greeted by the axe that the other party had chopped over.

That sense of compactness of alternating life and death made Cobb hold with a flash of light.

But his instinct for survival overwhelmed his search for artistic inspiration.

When Witro shouted praise to Mother Azira, Cobb immediately reacted, the other party must have believed in some religion that he had never heard of.

Unable to dodge the blade of the other party’s axe, he also began to praise Mother Azira in a loud voice.

Originally, I just shouted it out to survive.

Unexpectedly, the axe blade that was about to slash at him really stayed in midair.

“Are you… Believers in the Mother God? ”

Lying on the ground, Cobb gasped, but he knew in his heart that he was still not completely out of the crisis at this time.

He pretended to be calm and got up from the ground, and then began to pose as a believer in Azira.

At that time, he didn’t know what Azira was, and it wasn’t until he talked to Witero later that Cobb understood that Azira might just be something Wittero had concocted.

So Cobb emboldened himself to pose as Azira’s messenger.

Let Withro mistakenly think that he is a divine messenger sent by Azira.

Wittero took Cobb back to the house where he lived and led Cobb into the basement of the house.

He showed Cobb the freshly made statue of Azira.

The terrifying and seeping image pried Cobb’s nerves, and his emotions at that time were fear, but… It was as if he saw a door called art open to him.

I was originally scheduled to release it this Wednesday, but the editor has already opened the listing for me.

I just released this chapter, I didn’t look closely, and now it’s a chapter on the shelves.

Apologies to you in advance, the recent update is very weak, there are too many trivial things in life, and I am trying my best to adjust the state and time.

There will be a few more chapters updated in the evening, originally planned to be released on the eve of the climax of the plot, then I can only write hard, write more to be worthy of the readers who support me.

In fact, I really thank you guys, this novel is kind of a regret that I made up for writing ‘The Great Pope Behind the Scenes’ before.

But I didn’t expect that there were so many old readers who supported, grateful to zero, and a thousand words in one bow.

Thanks thank you.

(End of chapter)

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