Chapter 92: 92 Food

“Blue! ”

Father José repeated in a low voice, and he asked Burris again if he had been mistaken, making sure it was a blue dress and not some other light color.

“I’m sure I’m not mistaken, that’s blue, what color do you see? ”

“Light gray. Father Jose took the picture of the rabbit out of his pocket, handed it to Burris, and asked, “What do you see on this picture?” ”

After taking the photo, Burris said directly almost without thinking: “Rabbit, but this photo is not taken at a good angle, and it does not capture the cute side of the rabbit.”

This rabbit looks a little grotesque! ”

Father José took the photo back and looked at it again, which still showed a side shot of the man in a plaid shirt crouching on the grass.

He slipped the photo back into his pocket, then solemnly clapped his hand on Burris’s shoulder and said, “You’re contaminated.” ”

A simple sentence, but Burris was scared to the point that he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

His lips pursed, and he said to Father José with a look of panic: “Then hurry up and purify me, Father!”

I don’t have that disgusting sarcoma on me. ”

Burris knew the horrors of so-called pollution, and in both the towns of Gannon and Montt, he had seen the unfortunate death of contaminated people, even if they did not die, their bodies could be deformed.

“This is not the same as the pollution of the evil god belief, but now we have not figured out what the source of the pollution is, and your body should not change after you are polluted now, and from the existing reports, it mainly has a great impact on the spirit.” ”

Father José said, and without taking his hand away from Burris’s shoulder, he chanted softly: “Holy Lord, I pray to you in the name of His Majesty the Son, the Father, and Stur Griffin.”

Let those in front of you really begin to glimpse your holy presence in your life!

Help him to bathe completely in the light of our Lord, no matter what chaos is around him.

Lord, remove all His things that are incorrect and do not do your will!

Keep him away from the chaos created by the demons, from the sinful things.

Help him resist evil!

Let all evil lose its power in him!

Make his thoughts white and immaculate, his soul, his heart, his mind, his heart, his mind pure and pure.

Get rid of what is not in his flesh and soul that is not in your heart! ”

According to the new version of the Bible written by Pope Stour, the prayer of purification is recited.

Let Father José purify Burris.

Ordinary priests, monks and nuns can purify the contaminated with holy oil by using the sacrament of the patient’s fu anoin.

But as a transcendent being who stepped into the holy path, Father José could directly mobilize spiritual power to purify Burris.

The holy light condensed in Father José’s palm, hesitantly pressing on Burris’s shoulder, so that no one around noticed what was happening here.

Through Father José’s hand, the light covered Burris and cleansed the body and soul of the other party.

After purifying him, Father José immediately asked, “How do you feel now?” ”

“Well, nothing has changed compared to before! ”

“Then you look at this picture again. ”

“It’s over, it’s still a rabbit! ”

Burris did not understand how the priest used a photograph to judge whether he was contaminated or not, but he would never question the priest’s judgment at this moment.

When it comes to fighting mystical forces, the priests of the Holy Bishop are the professionals.

To Father José’s surprise, the purification had no effect on him at all, which also showed that the pollution suffered by Burris was different from that of the evil gods in Monte.

Perhaps this time it was not pollution at all, but some mysterious special power for the rest.

Father José began to think that the contaminated could see the rabbit in the photo, and he could see that the flight attendants were wearing the blue color that represented danger.

This shows that Burris was noticed by ‘it’, thus leaving a trail of pollution on Burris, but how Burris came into contact with ‘it’.

Could it be before boarding, after all, when Burris boarded, the two of them sat next to each other.

By the time Father José tried to find the logical relationship, the plane had been flying for twenty minutes in the night.

Ten minutes before midnight.

At this moment, the flight attendant pushed the dining car and began to ask the surrounding passengers if they needed to add food.

Burris swallowed, in his eyes the overalls on the flight attendant were a dangerous blue, and according to the rules on the note.

Never eat food from the food truck.

“Hello sir, do you need extra meals?” “Young and beautiful flight attendant, the other party speaks gently and gently.

But Burris simply shook his head and refused, he would follow every rule on the note until he arrived safely in the city of Seisensu.

If any accident occurs on the plane, the fatality rate is 100 percent.

“Sir, do you need to add food?” ”

When the other party began to ask Father José, the priest looked up at the other person and said, “What to eat today?” ”

Burris looked sideways at him dumbfounded, as if asking if you wouldn’t really want food from the food truck.

“Sandwiches, burgers, chicken rolls, milk, coffee! Add an extra fruit salad! ”

The flight attendant patiently introduced Father José to Father José.

“Please give me sandwiches and milk, fruit salad not needed, thank you! ”

“Okay! ”

The other party immediately took a foil-wrapped lunch box out of the dining cart and placed it on the small table in front of Father José.

“Please use slowly. ”

“Thank you! ”

When the flight attendant walked forward to continue questioning the other passengers, Burris immediately leaned over and asked in a low voice: “Father, what you told me is to follow the rules on the note.”

You wouldn’t be crazy! ”

“I wasn’t going to eat any of them, I just asked what the flight attendant had and asked for one.

As long as I don’t eat this food, it doesn’t count me as not following the rules. ”

In addition to Father José, many ordinary passengers asked for extra meals.

All the officers on the plane obeyed the rules on the note and did not ask for extra meals.

But everyone was keeping an eye on their surroundings, as well as their companions sitting in other positions, when they saw Father José asking for an extra meal.

The other priests were nervous, and they didn’t understand why Father José had volunteered to do something that would get his attention.

Ten minutes later, it was midnight, and the environment on the plane was extremely silent, and some people even began to sleep.

And Father José never ate the food in front of him.

Until a very dense whisper suddenly sounded in his ears, like a group of people around him screaming and shouting, noisy and shouting in some unintelligible language.

(End of chapter)

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