Chapter 97 97 Support

“Wait, is he your companion? Nina asked, seeing an anxious Jose.

“He… Someone who accidentally strayed into our plan this time is a friend I know.

But today he was more unlucky and got on this plane. Jose explained.

Nina warned him: “If you go out now, you will immediately receive ‘it’ attention, and then your sanity will quickly decrease.”

You will see a lot of strange horrors, even incomprehensible existences, and you are likely to fall into madness at once! ”

Jose knows that what the other party is saying is not alarmist, in fact, as long as he enters the circle affected by ‘it’, he must find a way not to attract ‘it’ attention too much.

Just like one of the rules that passengers are expected to follow, one is: ‘Do not unfasten the seat belt. ’

This is equivalent to warning you not to leave your seat.

Even the reason why the Fatan government opened up the ticket purchase channels for this plane and let more ordinary people board this plane is to have more attention to ‘it’.

Thus reducing the loss of Father José, their more than twenty holy bishops.

Father José gritted his teeth and struggled psychologically, and he had been lost before, which also caused his mental defense to become weaker than usual.

Even after he stepped into the Holy Road, the situation improved slightly, but it was difficult to guarantee that he would be able to hold out for too long when he was directly watched by the mystery.

José finally made up his mind and said, “I can’t watch him die, he is a believer in the Holy Lord, and ignoring it is not in line with my faith.”

In the future, even if this mission is completed, I am ashamed to see His Majesty Stuhl! ”

He continued: “I think this is an opportunity, there are more than twenty priests in the cabin, plus you.

Now there are only five blue flight attendants, and we can take them down in one fell swoop, and every priest carries a weapon. ”

Hansmann was the first to stand up and say: “It’s useless, even if all the blue-clad flight attendants are eliminated, ‘it’ still exists.”

As you said, eliminating the blue-clad flight attendant is just removing ‘its’ minions, but the minions can still grow again. ”

Nina said: “We don’t know exactly what ‘it’ is, even if you kill all the blue flight attendants, it does not mean safety.”

On the contrary, it has paid attention to these people, so it will constantly torture us.

Until we lose our minds, fall into madness and death, or even put on that blue overalls. ”

“Then let ‘it’ come! Jose said coldly.

“I was lost before, and in the eyes of others I was a madman, a psychopath.

But when my spirit was in pieces, I never forgot my faith in the Holy Lord!

So when ‘it’ tortures me into a madman, I will never wear that blue overalls, and I will still hold on to my faith in the Holy Lord.

And loyalty to His Majesty Stur! ”

“Hahaha! ”

“Hahahahaha! ”

“Huh! ”

Jose watched the three of them laugh maniacally again.

Jock pointed at him and said, “Father, I like you, really!”

You’re a nice man! ”

Hansman said: “If the plane can safely reach the city of Seisensu this time, you can try to go to the ‘safe zone’, although you don’t know the specifics there.

But in my vague memory, it was the only place in the city of Seisensu that was not touched by ‘it’ and gathered a large number of resisters. ”

He shook his red overalls: “You can understand that everyone there is a flight attendant in red!” ”

Jose’s expression was a little moved, if such a place existed in the city of Xiesenersu, then these people would have a foothold after they arrived.

Just on this plane, José has already felt how difficult it is to deal with ‘it’!

“You can let the red warning light up again, when ‘it’ will no longer be watching the situation in the cabin, and the blue flight attendant will immediately give up any movement and leave the cabin.

Then you can go and rescue your companions! Nina came over to Jose and said.

She went on to add: “The Red Alert has never been activated twice in a row in such a short period of time, and it has only been used once on one flight before.

In such a short period of time, it was up to our side to take the initiative to operate the second time it lit up, and I don’t know if we could deceive the sight of ‘it’.

If it reacts quickly that this is false, then you will be dangerous and ‘it’ will be angry at you.

Be sure to return to the lounge before losing your mind completely. ”

Jose nodded and said he would keep the rules in mind.

At the same time, he said: “When the red alert is on, if the blue flight attendant will immediately give up any action and exit the cabin, then one of the rules that the blue flight attendant must follow must be when the red in the cabin lights up.”

It is necessary to immediately exit the cabin and abandon all actions. ”

“It should be so, and if your sanity decreases rapidly and you can’t even remember who you are, you must remember the last rule that there are no mirrors on this plane, no mirrors!” ”

Nina advises: “The more you can’t remember who you are at the end, the more you want to be curious about yourself, especially if you want to find a mirror to see what you look like inside.”

But everything on the plane that you think of yourself as a mirror is not a real mirror.

When you find a mirror and look at yourself reflected inside, you suffer other identities that ‘it’ imposes on you.

At that time, you will think that the person reflected in the mirror is your real self, and even if you immediately put on blue overalls, you will feel taken for granted. ”

Nina pointed to the wall of the bathroom, where there was an area that was square and different in color from the perimeter.

“The earliest red-clad flight attendants removed all the mirrors on the plane in order to increase psychological hints.

Remember that there are no mirrors on airplanes.

So when a mirror suddenly appears on the plane and you forget who you are, you want to look in the mirror to confirm.

It’s important to remember that there are no mirrors on airplanes, and everything that appears in front of you that you think is a mirror is not a real mirror.

Look in the mirror and suffer the identity that ‘it’ imposes on you! ”

Jose nodded, expressing that he had firmly remembered this.

“Hahahaha! I really hope that if I can send you to the city of Xiesensu this time, I really hope that you can completely eliminate ‘it’, no matter what the damn thing it is.” ”

Hansman stretched out his hand to press the red button on the lounge wall, and shouted to the broadcast microphone next to him: “Passengers are about to encounter bad thundercloud weather, and the electronic equipment in the cabin is interfering, please fasten your seat belts and do not walk around in the cabin!” ”

(End of chapter)

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