Chapter 103: 103 The Yellow Duck and the Duck Boat

“Saint Godomin? ”

Bishop Rama looked up at Nina, a legendary historical figure of Saint Goddomin.

And he is also a few war heroes among all the saints canonized by the Holy See who participated in the war and obtained great military merits.

Basically, the priest of the holy bishop is no stranger to the deceased saint becoming a Holy Spirit.

Saint Godomin has a high reputation in the Fatan, and there are even believers who believe in Saint Godomin, which is allowed in the canons of the Holy Bishop.

Believers can believe in the Lord, but also in past canonized saints, or in people or priests who have made important contributions to the development of the Church.

It’s just that such people are basically canonized as saints.

But some deceased celebrity believers who were not canonized as saints, but had a high profile, can also gain some followers.

This is also allowed in the canons of the Church.

Even among the holy bishops, there are many different ecclesiastical organizations where the priests gather.

The Yaga Society, for example, refers to a group of priests gathered together in faith in the Son Yaga.

The Church of the Virgins believes in Joan of Arc.

In addition, there are the Blessing Society, the Holy Light Society, the Hermitage, and so on.

Even some church leaders are bishops among holy bishops or even cardinals, cardinals.

The Church does not refer solely to the Holy Bishop, but also to these branches that exist as a dependency on the Holy Bishop.

“The city has a deep connection to St. Goddomin, the home of St. Godomin. ”

Nina explained from the sidelines.

Bishop Rama’s expression changed subtly, and he let out a breath and said: “This is St. Goddomin’s hometown, but it is also the place of his crucifixion. ”

He explained: “Godomin was assassinated by his subordinates, the rebels, in his homeland.

And the body was burned by fire, and it was the three saints of the church who suffered at the stake. ”

Jose’s eyes widened, burning at the stake was a means used by the Church to punish and kill heretics and witches, and if he was a condemned prisoner with serious crimes, he would not be burned at the stake as long as he believed in the Holy Lord.

At most, he was sent to the hanging, and in an instant his neck was pulled off and his breath was burned, and the pain of every inch of his skin being torn and burned by the flames was a huge torture.

But the point is that burning at the stake was used in the past for pagans and witches.

It seems strange that such a punishment should be applied to Godomin, who was canonized as a saint.

Bishop Rama continued: “Fortunately, Godomin was burned at the stake, he had already been assassinated at that time, otherwise it would have been a great torture for his soul. ”

As a descendant of a saint, Bishop Rama always has a little more emotion in his heart in the face of the tragic Saint Godomin.

“Where is this San Godomín Park? How can we get there in the fastest time. ”

Nina held her head and thought hard there, and then remembered the vague memory, she could only say a rough idea: “If this is a lake, then our current location should be close to San Godomin Park!” ”

“Well, so let’s go out, and I always feel a little bad about staying in this plane.”

This plane did not bring me a sense of security, even if His Majesty the Pope personally intervened and removed this thing, I always felt a burst of heart. ”

At this time, some passengers have tried to open the exit door of the plane, and the plane rushed directly to the shore of the lake by impulse, which allows them to slide down one after another only by opening the emergency rescue ladder.

They were the last passengers to come out of the plane.

Nina and a delirious and somewhat insane Hansman also came out together, the plane had crashed here, and the flight attendant overalls on them had lost its meaning.

And even the ‘it’ on the plane was personally disposed of by the distant pope.

Only by following these priests did Nina see hope of being saved.

“Look at how many duck boats there are on the lake! A nun said, pointing to the lake.

At this moment, everyone around looked in the direction of the nun’s finger.

The moonlight is very bright tonight, and there is a ring of street lights on the shore of the lake.

Illuminated by moonlight and street lamps, they did see the silhouette of some duck boats.

“Is that a duck boat? How I feel that is a bit like a real duck! ”

“No kidding, how could there be such a big duck. ”

There were two deacons around who were discussing in low voices.

Jose touched the ‘rabbit’ photo in his pocket again, and looked at it again, huh!

Or a rabbit!

This indicates that he is still in a contaminated state, but the so-called duck boat in the lake is not a boat, but some duck dolls.

It’s like those yellow duck toys, but they’re magnified a hundred times and look about the same size as an adult.

This made Father José begin to be serious in an instant, the polluted and the unpolluted, looking at the contents of the picture are two different situations, the rabbit and the man crouched on the ground in a plaid shirt.

Contaminated people on the plane can see flight attendants of different colors, and uncontaminated people see light gray overalls flight attendants.

Basically, when the same thing appears in the eyes of contaminated and unpolluted people, it represents a great danger.

Like a duck boat in a lake, Father José sees some enlarged little yellow duck dolls floating towards their location.

“Let’s go! There are rules in this lake and the surrounding area, and there is also an ‘it’ here! ”

Father José immediately shouted loudly, and in such a short period of time, the large little yellow ducks in the lake began to gather towards this side, which in itself can explain everything.

“Run! Get your weapons! Run outside first, never stay in this place! ”

At the command of Bishop Rama, everyone immediately left the lake and ran outside.

As for some passengers around, they thought that the duck boat floating in the lake was the person who wanted to come to help them after seeing the crashed plane, but they still stayed in place, and even waved to the lake.

“What about those ordinary people? Nina asked as she ran.

Bishop Rama said in a rough tone: “Run out with you… You can also manage one tube.

Those who stayed there… There is nothing you can do to save them!

After all, we don’t know about it yet… Rules! ”

Jose then added: “Just like the rules of the red flight attendant in the previous diary, the prerequisite for saving passengers is to ensure their own safety.

On airplanes we still know some rules, and here there are mysteries everywhere. ”

At the moment, some of them looked back.

In Jose’s eyes, the large little yellow duck had drifted to the shore, and suddenly these yellow duck toys stood up one by one.

Two human legs stood underneath them.

Jose then understood that this was not a big yellow duck toy at all, but a person wearing a yellow duck doll suit!

(End of chapter)

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