Chapter 106: 106 Scale-up

After Stuhl became pope, the outside world was watching the movements of the Holy See of the Holy See.

Stull himself was not a bishop, he was elected to the pope, and all the bishops cheered in unison to take the papal position.

And the other party is still very young, a teenager.

Never before in the history of a holy bishop has there been such a young pope, even when the holy bishop was first founded.

The youngest pope also has to be about thirty years old.

Even in feudal ancient dynasties, the throne of the deceased passed to the direct family, and there were few such young kings.

In the eyes of media people from all sides, the name Stull Griffin is the name of the modern pope.

It also represents the hottest topic of recent times.

After Stuhl became pope, the news media, dignitaries, celebrities, and even ordinary people and believers paid attention to him.

In particular, the previous Pope was an avid advocate of calamity, who single-handedly pulled the Holy Bishop off the altar of the world’s largest religion.

Although the current holy bishop is still the world’s largest religion, he is discriminated against and suppressed by all sides, just like the gods who descend from the mountain.

As for whether Stull can stop the downward trend and continue to let the church stand on the top of the mountain, most people are not optimistic that the other party can do it.

However, at the moment, the main concern is whether the Holy See will send new orders to the outside world.

On the first day that Sture became pope, he summoned the head of the Holy See Sacraments and demanded that the latest version of the Bible be published immediately.

As for what the latest version of the Bible will have, people from the outside can also guess a general direction, for example, it will definitely revise the content of the doctrine of calamity.

It is even possible that the part of the tribulation theory will be cut outright, even though it is recorded in the Bible as a prophecy made by God.

But for the sake of the continuation of the church, this group of priests will definitely make bold modifications.

But when the latest version of the Bible was actually published, it immediately surprised everyone.

After all, the latest version of the Bible was first intended for use by priests in the church.

But some people with status can still find a way to get a copy from it.

As a result, the content written above not only did not modify the theory of calamity, but also directly deleted.

Instead, it continues to exaggerate and occupies a separate section in the Bible.

Originally just a prophecy from God, the new version of the Bible describes the language spoken by God in more detail.

In addition, the ‘holy way’ is mentioned in the new version of the Bible!

According to the new version of the Bible, the holy path can carry the will, faith, spirit and soul of the priests.

Once on the holy path, the priests of the church move closer to the one holy Lord, and the farther they walk on the holy path, the closer they get to serving the gods.

And those who step into the holy path will be blessed by the Holy Lord, the Holy Spirit.

The divine spirit nature will be born in the body of the priest, who can become a transcendent of the holy bishop and master the holy bishop’s magic.

And the prerequisite for stepping into the holy path is ‘enlightenment’!

Only if the priest deepens his faith in the Holy Lord and is loyal to the Pope through the church texts and the new version of the Bible, then he will enter this state of enlightenment.

After enlightenment, you will step into the holy path in a short time, and the body will be blessed by the Holy Lord and the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual power will cleanse the body once.

At the same time, condense the ‘sacred scriptures’ and comprehend the magic from them.

When outsiders saw the contents of this new version of the Bible, their expressions were shocked.

Everyone is wondering what the new pope wants to do.

Even the priests who had received the new version of the Bible were puzzled when they saw it.

And they are even more terrified, they are afraid that someone more crazy than the previous pope will appear, lead the Holy See Church, become their leader.

Because the Pope is the face of the Holy Lord’s voice on earth, the priests must obey the Pope’s orders.

More questions immediately poured in, but they didn’t reach Stuhl’s ears at all.

Stuhl also knew that there would be doubts from the outside world, but he was in the very central depths of the Holy See.

No matter how loud the voice is, there are people outside to support it first, and there is no need for him to personally come forward, and the mystery that happened in Xiesensu City will soon explode to the point of being known to everyone.

When the time comes, the Holy Bishop’s people will naturally block everyone’s mouths to solve this incident.

While some are still shocked by the content of the new version of the Bible, this morning the Holy See issued a new order.

The Holy See will elect outstanding priests from all dioceses, a total of 10,000 people, to gather in the Genni Holy See this weekend to listen to the Pope’s Great Mass in St. Peter’s Square.

Such news was extremely shocking, whether it was the priests inside the church or people outside the church, they were wondering what the young pope was doing!

At this moment, Sture is enjoying his breakfast in the Holy See of the Holy See.

After Phil becomes the papal chamberlain, his breakfast will not be a liquid food for the elderly, as it was yesterday.

Stuhl does not blame the people who prepared breakfast for him yesterday, after all, the Holy See has been an old man who has become a pope for hundreds of years, and serving the elderly has made them used to it.

Suddenly, it was replaced by a young man, perhaps the way of thinking of the people in the Holy See has not changed.

They have no idea how young people should serve.

Stull had been in St. Neil’s Church for almost a month, and Phil knew exactly what Stuhl’s previous dining habits were.

It’s like this morning he ate slices of bread that were roasted until soft, touched with butter, and served with a bowl of vegetable soup.

At the same time there is a glass of milk.

A very simple breakfast, but Stuhl ate very satisfactorily, yesterday morning’s liquid food made it difficult for him to swallow.

“Your Majesty, the archival materials compiled by the ‘Ministry of Priesthood’ overnight last night are based on the work ability and faith of the priests in recent years.

In the early stage, a list of 2,000 people was screened from dioceses around the world.

Today the Ministry of Priesthood was able to expand the list to seven thousand, and try to put together the list of 10,000 by midnight today.

But these two thousand people are definitely the best among the priests. ”

The Pope’s chamberlain, Phil, came directly to Stuhl’s side, and held a file bag with a papal motif in his hand.

Stull pointed to the chair opposite, and asked Phil to sit down and talk to him next.


I am the Pope’s chamberlain, and I cannot sit at the same table as you the Father.

This is a loss of respect to you! ”

Stull took a sip of milk, then looked at Phil and said, “My choice of you to be my papal chamberlain is a very correct decision.

It’s not that you’re particularly well-behaved, it’s that you know me well!

He took good care of me. ”

Since he said he couldn’t sit across from him, Stull wouldn’t insist that the other party had to do it.

In fact, when the original Son Jega founded the Holy Bishop, he proposed that all believers are equal, and under the light of the Holy Lord, believers are brothers and sisters who are not related by blood, but are spiritually connected.

Until now, this rule remains the most important canon of the Holy Bishop.

But like a glorious slogan, it did not bring a corresponding effect.

After hundreds of thousands of years of church development, its status, identity, and rules have long formed a pyramid-like hierarchy.

And the Pope is the spire of the pyramid.

And Stull does not intend to change this phenomenon, he is very comfortable in this position at the moment, and it is also convenient for him to manage the Holy See.

“It is my honor Holy Father! ”

Stull took the list and looked at it, and in addition to the name, there were details written on it.

For example, age, when to join the church, diocese, office, etc.!

This file bag is very thick, after all, it records the list information of two thousand people.

When Stuhl finished reading the first few pages, he said, “All that is recorded here are priests and deacons.”

There are no nuns and no monks. ”

In the church, male priests are divided into monks, deacons, priests, bishops, and so on.

Elders like Elder Fran, who are still priests, but he is older in St. Neil’s Church, has been in the church for a long time, and has a high reputation, so he will become a church elder.

The specific levels are these.

Cardinals and cardinals are still bishops, but with different identities, positions and status.

Nuns, on the other hand, have only this rank, which is nothing more than the difference between old nuns and young nuns.

They believe in the Holy Lord and work tirelessly in the service of the Church, but there is not a single nun whose name is on this list.

Stuhl was talking about the selection of 10,000 good priests, without distinction of gender.

Stull expressed his opinion to Phil: “Now there is a wind in the Holy See that only male priests are regarded as priests!”

There are no nuns’ names on it, and as far as I know, the Holy See has canonized nuns as saints. ”

He just raised the point, and then continued: “And there is no bishop’s name on it.”

Is the Ministry of Priesthood worried about offending people?

Offend the bishops of those dioceseses! Is it a great sin in their eyes to come here to listen to the Great Mass I preside? ”

Stall said forcefully: “Expand the scope of the screening, the nuns should be added, and at the same time include the monks in the monastery in the screening range.”

In the monastery, there is the assessment information of each monk, just call it out and check it.

Bishops should also be counted!

Tell the Ministry of Priesthood that the bishops of all dioceses, whether ordinary bishops or cardinals or cardinals, must attend this time.

Moreover, in the future, the bishops of the holy bishops cannot be ordinary people who have not stepped into the holy road all the time.

You have to be a transcendent and you have to be the best of the transcendent! ”

Stuhl’s expression became serious and said, “If you don’t have the ability, get out of that position for me!” ”

“Yes, Holy Father! ”

“And when you went to contact the Ministry of the Priesthood, in my name the Minister of the Ministry of the Priesthood… What’s his name? ”

In fact, Stull had met the nine ministers of the nine ministries of the Holy See yesterday, and also met the ministers of the priesthood, and he had the impression that the other party was quite short, but he couldn’t remember what his name was.

“Your Honor Cardinal Karlov. ”

“Yes! In my name, scold Karlov hard! ”

Phil smiled and left the room, in his eyes His Majesty the Pope was somewhat childish.

But Phil would still carry out Stuhl’s orders and scold the cardinal, who was asserting language in his head.

At the same time, insulting the cardinal was something Phil would never have dared to imagine in the past.

Stuel’s consciousness entered the spiritual space, and seeing this huge amount of faith power, Stull’s mood had become calmer.

His hand touched the mystery book and wrote in it:

“When I preside over the Great Mass over the weekend, even greater miracles will erupt, starting in St. Peter’s Square in the Holy See and spreading throughout the city of Enfa.

Devout, upright, and faithful priests will be enlightened through this mass.

Some ordinary people will also be blessed with miracles. ”

Stuhl did not specify what the specific blessing was, and the miracles he had performed during mass in Gannon had only made ordinary people in better spirits.

He tried to limit the consumption of the power of faith to an acceptable range.

And the so-called miracle is nothing more than a bigger special effect in his eyes.

Stull then lets go of the ‘Holy Path’ setting in the mystery book.

The original holy path was entered only by the priests in St. Neil’s Church.

And now he has expanded the scope of the Holy Road to the whole world, and the previous pilot in the Church of Shennier has achieved good results.

Anyway, only godly, upright, and loyal priests will be able to step into the holy path, and Stull will be more at ease.

But the time it takes for the path to expand to the world will not take effect until he holds the Great Mass this weekend.

However, the power of faith has begun to be infused into the mystery book.

Almost instantly, the mystery book was like a whale swallowing, frantically absorbing the power of faith.

Stull gradually turned from light clouds and breezy at the beginning, gradually to distressed.

In the end, he even shouted at the mystery book: “You at least leave me some, these faith powers are a big gift package after I become my pope, don’t use them all for me.” ”

After a while, the absorption of the power of faith by the mystery book ended.

Stull saw that the remaining power of faith was only about one-eighth of the original one.

The two settings just now were swallowed so much by the mystery book, which simply made Stull feel a pang of pain.

And Stuhl was convinced that it must have been he who had loosened the limits of stepping into the holy path, which was why he had consumed so much of his faith power.

For a long time, he took a deep breath, then exhaled, and left the spiritual space directly.

“Alas… Although Goldfinger is good, this faith power also needs to be slowly accumulated, and I always feel that I have become poor again. ”

Just as he was complaining, he suddenly felt a stirring in his heart, and he received a prayer from Father José.

However, the other party is not in danger.

(End of chapter)

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