Chapter 111: 111 – The Sacrament of Fortification

In the evening, Bishop Rama gathered all the priests who had come with him.

After arriving at this resistance camp, the priests of the church were quickly accepted by the resistance here.

In the eyes of the resisters, it was a miracle in itself that these church priests were able to reach the city of Cheessensu safely to save them without damaging anyone.

Even if they are already familiar with the rules of some surrounding circles, they send the most experienced people to form a team and leave here to search for supplies outside.

When you return, you will inevitably lose personnel.

Sometimes it is the norm to lose one or two people, and even total annihilation has occurred.

All the staff returned unharmed, and it can be said that they really received protection from God.

The most important thing is that these priests also solved the ‘it’ on the plane, and in the eyes of the resisters, they could only rely on following the rules and using the rules to carefully avoid its attention.

I never expected that in the eyes of myself and others, it was mysterious and terrifying, and could not directly face it, but it could be destroyed by the power of the church.

The news came out of Nina after coming to the camp, and Hansman, another red-clad flight attendant, also had someone to take care of her here.

After all, in the resistance camp, there are too many people whose sanity has been reduced to behave like a young child.

When the news spread through the camp, it immediately aroused everyone’s excitement, they wanted revenge, they wanted revenge.

They want justice for those who have died, too many of whom have died since the mysteries erupted in the city.

In everyone’s hearts, the current Pope’s name is ‘Stur Griffin’, chosen by the Holy Lord’s miraculous demeanor.

He is the second Son of the Holy Bishop to return to earth.

It is the same status as the first son of the founder, Yaga.

In the camp of the Resisters, everyone had an additional pillar of faith in their hearts, and this pillar was the news of the current Pope that they had never met and had only received from the priests.

They have a general image of the Pope in their hearts, and people in desperate situations sprinkle a little fluorescence, which is also radiant in their eyes.

“Penance can help us regain our senses, but it is of little use to ordinary people! “A nun bandaged Bishop Rama’s back.

First wipe off the blood, remove the broken skin tissue, and bandage it little by little.

“But I am a believer! Nina was unconvinced, with a big bag bulging on her head and bleeding.

There are nuns who are dealing with her.

Bishop Rama sighed helplessly at her and explained, “There is still a difference between priests and believers, and we priests are all through Jinduo.

Believers, on the other hand, can claim to join the church simply after being baptized. ”

Nina glared at him angrily and said loudly, “The Holy Lord is doing something biased. ”

This is a blasphemy against the gods, but these priests will not blame Nina for this, after all, her brain is a little abnormal at the moment.

Bishop Rama sighed and bowed his head in thought, he felt that penance and regaining his sanity could lead to a better logic from it.

After all, his body was also suffering from pain after penance, which greatly affected the next task.

If all the contaminated priests did this, they wouldn’t have to go on the mission, and they wouldn’t even be able to confront Liplet directly.

Perhaps believers can also restore their senses, but not by asceticism, but definitely related to God’s faith.

After all, when we practice penance, we repent to God and be faithful to God’s faith, so that believers can also deepen their faith in God and restore their senses. ”

There was a priest who voiced his opinion.

“But hasn’t this girl already tried? Elder Fran said, pointing at Nina.

The people around them were silent, and in their eyes, Nina’s actions were purely insane.

It was a discussion session that brought the priests together.

Nina is here because she has a good relationship with these people, has experienced the plane together, belongs to her comrades, shares a common faith, and is also a resistant.

But at this time, Nina felt that she was discriminated against by the priests around her, a kind of discrimination against her reason.

“Hmph! ”

She snorted coldly to express her dissatisfaction, and the surrounding priests felt that they wanted to laugh, and they were afraid of stimulating this girl again.

“Watch for the traces left by the gods around you. Elder Fran pondered these words.

These were the words of the Pope to Father José, and during the meeting, Father José took the lead in contacting the Pope through prayer and about Liplet.

And the Pope gave advice and guidance to everyone.

Elder Fran, as the oldest priest of all the people present, had a unique understanding of this passage.

In the past, priests often regarded some coincidental events around them as instructions given by God.

See it as a communion with the Lord.

But Pope Stuhl is truly a man of the mission of the Lord, a Son who can deliver miracles.

Surely not when he says this, let them grasp some of the things that happen around them and blindly believe that it is God’s instructions.

Bishop Rama was able to relate to the restoration of sanity through the biblical passage describing the confrontation between the saints Bartholomew and Liplet.

Then the traces left by the surrounding gods by the Pope may refer to the area where they are now.

Elder Fran opened his mouth and said to everyone: “There are so many circles in this city that are polluted by Liplete.

But this is the only place where a large number of resisters gather, if only an area that is not polluted by Lipplet.

But there are too many resisters gathered here, which seems very abnormal in itself. ”

Jose also said: “All the resistance members were marked by Liplet with the color of the enemy, or some other label!

When too many people gather together, it may attract Liplet’s attention and pollute the place.

But this place is like a sanctuary, sheltering everyone from the power of Liplet. ”

He continued: “Bishop Rama has asked the surrounding resistance that this is said to be the crucifixion of St. Godomin.

Could it be that the power of the Holy Spirit has been sheltering here? ”

Everyone then turned all their eyes to Bishop Rama, after all, the other party was a descendant of a saint, and perhaps he had more say in this regard.

It is said that the reason why all the bishops cheered in unison at the time of the papal election was the arrival of the Holy Spirit Neil as a witness.

And the person who called out the Holy Spirit Neil at that time was Bishop Rama, and it is believed that the blood has called the Holy Spirit.

“Ahem! Bishop Rama cleared his throat, and then he took out a wooden box from his luggage.

When this wooden box was taken out, everyone around was stunned.

Jose was even more surprised and asked, “Lord Bishop, you won’t be…”

The wooden box opened, revealing the head of the saint Neil with red silk inside.

This holy relic, the head of Neil, was actually brought by Bishop Rama, who smiled and said: “His Majesty the Pope asked me to do this.”

When I was summoned to the Holy See, His Majesty asked me to take this holy relic with me.

Originally, when Jose was in danger, I wanted to use the power of this relic against Liplet.

But at the critical time, His Majesty’s power descended on Father José, and I feel that His Majesty’s strength should surpass that of the Holy Spirit! ”

He went on to say, “Although I have the blood of a saint in my body, my knowledge of the Holy Spirit exists only in church texts such as the Bible and the Gospels.

Although it was recorded above, certain devout believers and priests had allowed the Holy Spirit to come!

But I don’t know how they do it. ”

Bishop Rama recalled for a moment and continued: “While cheering in unison, I could feel as if there was a divine power awakened in the bloodline.

I felt that my blood, bones, and meridians were filled with a divine aura.

Then the Holy Spirit Neil came through my body, but I felt as if I was carrying a mountain and crushing me to the ground. ”

He solemnly said, “The power of the Holy Spirit is very powerful!

I wasn’t there, but you wiped out the pollution caused by Azira’s evil god faith by using the power of your Holy Spirit!

Thus, the power of the Holy Spirit may really be able to resist Liplet and destroy the other party.

Just like in the old days Saint Bartholo Mai!

Although the Pope can also destroy Liplet, we cannot let His Majesty go to such a dangerous place, he is the leader who led us to keep the church and believers alive in the age of calamity. ”

The silence of the crowd certainly could not put the great pope in danger, but how they could awaken the power of the Holy Spirit Goddomin was also a difficult problem.

“Otherwise, I am praying to see if I can get His Majesty’s response, perhaps His Majesty knows how to awaken the power of the Holy Spirit.” Jose said.

They all believed at this moment that the reason why this place could become a safe zone for all those who resisted must be because it was once the crucifixion of San Godomin.

The saint becomes the Holy Spirit after death, and the power of the Holy Spirit shelters the place.

“Strengthen the sacrament! ”

Elder Fran said the name of this sacrament, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around.

Nina looked at everyone around her who was not talking, and suddenly felt bored, her head had been bandaged.

At the moment, she was looking up at the sky a little bored, and she did not know some terms within the church.

For example, what does the church elder mean when he says the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Bishop Rama touched his chin, this action touched the injury on his back, and the pain made his expression change, but he still said: “Maybe you can give it a try.” ”

Jianzhen, also known as ‘Firm Belief Ceremony’ or ‘Firm Faith Ceremony’!

It is one of the seven sacraments of the Holy Bishop, of which also include the ‘sacrament of the sick anointing’.

Initiation, as well as priests, after a certain stage of baptism.

Then receiving the hand-laying and oiling rituals performed by the bishop means that the “Holy Spirit” can descend into his body to strengthen the faith and uplift the soul, hence the name.

According to the ancient books of the Holy Bishop, the book of Acts records that the apostles Peter, John, and Paul all laid on hands for baptized believers so that they received the “Holy Spirit.”

Therefore, now believers are convinced that to strengthen the sacrament is to call out the power of the Holy Spirit and come upon them, so as to receive the sheltered attention of the Holy Spirit, which can make them firm in their faith.

But all those who have performed the sacrament of revitalization believe that this may have served as a psychological comfort.

Even most of the priests thought so.

As for those outside who do not believe in the Holy Lord, they see it as a trick to fool the ghosts.

“Can the use of the sacrament of revitalization really awaken the Holy Spirit? A nun asked.

Elder Fran explained: “Think about it, the place where we are now is the place where the saints suffered.

At the same time, we infer that there is the shelter of the Holy Spirit, and that the use of the Sacrament of Confirmations elsewhere has not been successful, perhaps because of the requirement for the place where the sacrament is performed.

But you see that we have all the conditions in place now, and maybe we can really succeed. ”

Elder Française pointed to Bishop Rama and said, “Our Lord Bishop is here, ready at any time to perform the laying on of hands necessary for the sacraments!” ”

The emotions of the crowd were immediately aroused, and they all looked at Bishop Rama.

Bishop Rama took out the new version of the Bible that the Pope had given him before leaving, and said, “I’m fine here, we can start right away.” ”

He then asked, “Who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation!”

Elder Fran and I are both old men and certainly not suitable.

This situation requires the intervention of young priests. ”

Everyone was eager to try, and Jose was the first to stand up and say, “I’ll try it.” ”

Bishop Rama: “Good! ”

When they set out from the Holy See, everyone carried holy water and holy oil.

These are the necessary materials for the sacrament of revitalization.

The crowd quickly cleared up a venue for the sacrament in the vicinity.

And their movements quickly attracted others in the camp.

It was quickly made several floors, and they watched the priests busy, but they didn’t know what they were doing.

Bishop Rama wore his cardinal robes, and Father José wore a black robes.

José knelt in front of Bishop Rama, whose left hand held the new version of the Bible.

At the same time, the vessel filled with holy water was opened, and some holy water was in his hand, and he splashed it on Jose in front of him.

Then he lightly tapped the holy oil on José’s forehead.

Bishop Rama said, “Please take this mark to receive the gift of the Lord!” ”

Finally, Rama’s hand pressed to the top of José’s head and said in a deep voice: “The Holy Spirit has come upon you!”

You must receive the eternal power of the Holy Spirit.

And strengthen faith in your common Lord and the Holy Spirit praying and witnessing in you.

The Holy Spirit has come to cleanse your heart.

He will always be with you.

Holiness bears many good fruits until it is able to preach and save people.

May the sword and axe of the Holy Spirit pierce the depths of your heart.

May the Holy Spirit teach and pray deeply for you.

May the Holy Spirit be present as the sun shines.

Pray to our Lord!

In the name of the Son, Pope, Stur Griffin.

Call on the Holy Spirit Goddomin to bless this young servant of God. ”

At first José didn’t feel anything, but when Bishop Rama finished his last word, he seemed to hear the sound of fighting in his ears.

(End of chapter)

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