Chapter 132: 132 Opportunity


In the thick blood mist, there was a long sigh, and the location where the voice came from was impossible to discern the direction.

It came from all directions, from any location, as if this sigh enveloped the surrounding area.

“I have read the history of your holy bishop, leaving aside the part of divinity.

The development of your church is rife with killing, bloodshed, deceit, and barbarism.

All those who obey your holy bishops are seen by them as nothing more than slaves to manipulate and deceive.

Those who disobey will cut down the grass and root it, put on the big hat of the pagans, and slaughter them to the ground, but in doing all this in the name of your holy Lord.

You are obviously lowly human beings, but in the name of God, all sinful things can be justified. ”

The blood mist blends with the darkness.

The color of the huge oval outline in the depths began to deepen, and Bishop Federson saw that there were actually some distinctive bumps on the silhouette.

He looked closely and felt that the bulging outline was a bit like a human ear and nose.

“You’re ‘Liplet’! Bishop Federson asked cautiously.

He was convinced that this huge shadow silhouette that appeared in the blood mist and darkness was the mysterious source they wanted to eliminate.

It is the culprit responsible for the pollution outbreak in the city of Chesenersu.

As long as this thing in front of them is killed by the town, then even if the final task of their execution regiment is completed, even if all the personnel are sacrificed here, it is worth it.

Because they saved a city, would even stop the continued spread of pollution, and most importantly … Fulfilled the mission assigned to them by the Pope.

“I’ve explained to one of you before that Liplet is a fellow of the past, and I’m alone now.

To be honest, I hate how much you guys use the name Liplet as the name of my group.

Our race should not be named after a past loser!


The sound suddenly stopped abruptly, and the blood mist and darkness stained the surrounding atmosphere with silence.

The huge oval black shadow in Bishop Federson’s eyes still existed, but he and the rest of the group suddenly saw the black shadow trembling.

It was very obvious that the tremor, as if he was suppressing some kind of emotion, which made Bishop Federson sure that the black shadow in front of him was actually its essence!

“Why do our races give you lowly little ants a name!

What are you guys! ”

The sudden loud shout caused great damage to everyone in the execution group, and their ears were as if a steel needle was suddenly inserted, and then the brain pulp was stirred in the reveal.

“Poof! ”

Some of the members of the executive team, their eyeballs suddenly burst open, as if the entire head was suddenly filled with huge pressure.

He burst his eyes, and the cerebral pulp mixed with plasma flowed out of the eye sockets, mouth and nose.

The shaking of the black shadow gradually stopped.

None of the members of the executive mission was standing.

“Evil… Evil… Evil…”

Bishop Federson spewed a large amount of blood from his mouth, and he lay on the ground and pointed weakly at the black shadow with his hand.

“Look how weak you are, you don’t know anything about me, just as the Liplet you recorded in the Bible appeared only as a wanderer.

But why don’t you want to understand that being able to debate with the saints you revere is definitely not an ordinary existence?

Perhaps the priest who wrote this part of the Bible during the debate did not dare to write in too much detail even if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Even…… He only records the names of those who debate with your saints in this chapter.


The black shadow paused, and then said a sentence that was very blasphemous in the eyes of all the survivors of the execution group.

“The God of the world is not the only one in which you believe in the Lord. ”

The holy light surged and the light curtain of the divine shelter re-enveloped the execution group.

Pacifying and healing is flowing through the people of the Executive Group, and they are trying to use all means to restore the surviving people of the Executive Group.

Someone shot at the black shadow, several streamers flashed, but the bullet passed through the black shadow, and for it, there was no actual damage.

“I haven’t been fully born yet, but when I do, the world will welcome a new god!

Becoming a new god is the destiny of our race, and you can see me as an egg of the gods.

All my defeated tribesmen… Including the Liplet recorded in your Holy Bishop’s Bible, he is a loser who has not yet been fully born!

Because they did not achieve the necessary conditions to become gods! ”

The officers of the execution regiment were agitated, and they continued to shout angrily at the black shadow, even if they sprayed blood droplets from their mouths and fragments of internal organs.

Bishop Federson asked calmly: “If you feel that you will inevitably be born, then it means that you already have the necessary conditions to become a god!” ”

“That’s right! ”

The black shadow had trembled for a moment, but it was a sign of excitement.

It is in a good mood at the moment, and is willing to explain more doubts in their hearts to Federson and the others.

Perhaps during the period of conception and birth, it felt too lonely.

“Order! It is a prerequisite for becoming a god, and as long as you are empowered by order, even a stone can become a god. ”

“Order? Power? Bishop Federson repeated these two words, which seemed to have some logical error but was rather vague.

He looked back at the black shadow, and at this moment the oval black shadow became larger again, which was not Bishop Federson’s illusion.

But the black shadow is indeed getting bigger little by little, as if the things that are being bred inside are growing rapidly, stretching the shell little by little.

When the shell of the egg is completely broken, then the things that are conceived inside are completely born.

“All religions believe in gods as beings who are empowered by order.

After becoming gods, they do not die, all gods do not really die, and their fall does not mean extinction.

Although this example is not very appropriate to describe the gods.

But after the fall of the gods, the process of returning is like dust in a grain of light, slowly sinking to the ground as it flies.

When a gust of wind blows, it flies again.

The revival of the gods only needs the right opportunity! ”

“What an opportunity! Catastrophe? ”

Bishop Federson’s eyes were bloody, and he remained along his cheek, still staring at the dark shadow.

I hope to get a definite answer from the other party.

(End of chapter)

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