Fir’s words made Bishop Rossel sweat coldly, he had been trying to deepen his faith during this time, but he had never entered the kind of enlightenment that other transcendent beings said.

At present, His Majesty the Pope is about to carry out personnel reforms, so that all the high-level of the Holy See, to be precise, all the high-ranking people who are not firm in their faith, are at risk.

And want to keep his position and rank of priest in this personnel reform.

The only way is to step into the holy path and become a transcendent being.

Regardless of age, the purpose of this personnel reform is to replace those who are incompetent by capable clergy.

Bishop Rossel wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, this situation is equivalent to holding a position of priesthood in the church when a scale is absolutely accurate.

This is literally forcing them bureaucrats to death.

Phil looked at the stunned Cardinal Rossel, and the other party stayed in place in a daze.

A cardinal, a prime minister, president of other countries, is a figure who must be treated with courtesy.

He finally instructed: “When the priests who went to the city of Sesenlsu to dispose of the corpses of the demigods return, the personnel reform of the church will begin.

But the time for the disposal of the demigod corpse is still more than half a month to finish.

Try during this time, after all, miracles have happened before your eyes, and you have witnessed them with your own eyes, and it is easier to understand than others.”

After Phil left, Bishop Rossel let out a long sigh that he could achieve the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Holy See.

Not by devout faith, but by all kinds of bureaucratic means, he believed that he was not qualified to step into the holy path, even if he saw miracles with his own eyes.

It proves that the Holy Lord is real, but all this brings him panic.

Ignoring Rossell’s situation, Phil returned to the Holy See and explained the idea that Roselle had proposed to Stuhl.

“I am in favor of the idea of having the media conduct an exclusive interview with me.

And after I became pope, I always felt that it remained too mysterious to the outside world, as if I had only appeared once in St. Peter’s Church on the day of my inauguration.”

Stull really felt that Phil had just said something better about him.

“After I took office, there was an incident like the city of Seisensu, and the eyes of the world were focused on it.

It would be nice to take advantage of the fact that our Holy See has resolved the incident there, and then I come forward to appease the people of the panicked world.”

Even if Stull said this, he thought more that he could let the whole world know his mysterious pope thoroughly through this interview appearance.

It is more convenient to reap the power of faith after that.

And later when he uses the law of cause and effect to create scripted events, he will consume a lot of faith power.

“Your Majesty agrees, then I will arrange it.”


Stull stopped Phil again, and when he was considering the interview, something suddenly came to mind.

“Burris, I remember that Burris seems to have been involved in the incident in the city of Seisensu, and Father José specifically told me about it when he prayed to me.

I told him at the time that I could take care of him more while ensuring my own safety.

How is Mr. Burris now?

Still alive? ”

Phil’s expression changed, to say Burris, the reporter, is definitely the one who was most wronged by this incident.

At that time, the birth of a demigod and the energy released by the stage of becoming a god were extremely strong, and the members of the executive group were all transcendents, but less than one-tenth survived.

The bodies of these people do not currently look like normal people, and the holy pool under St. Peter’s Church has been opened.

When the survivors arrive in the Holy See, they will soak in the holy pool, and the priests of the Holy See will preside over the sacraments to heal their injuries, but the only ordinary person among the survivors is Burris, perhaps the Holy Lord is protecting him.

“But Mr. Burris’s state is also at the moment… Miserable.

His injuries are not necessarily much lighter than the rest of the execution regiment.”

Stull sighed and said, “That’s really a shame, if Mr. Burris wasn’t involved, he would be the most suitable person to interview me.

After all, he and I are already acquainted.”

Phil smiled, it turned out that it was because of this incident that His Majesty specifically mentioned Burris.

He explained: “Your Majesty, the church has its own media channels and even each diocese has its own newspaper company.

Used to publish reports about parishes of churches.

And our church also has large international newspaper groups, like the Gospel.

The Gospel has a high influence all over the world.

In addition, the Holy Sound newspaper is our internal newspaper.

Only the priests within the church can see it, and the contents of the newspapers are different for different positions of priests, and some newspapers can only be seen by high-ranking priests, such as bishops and bishops’ secondary priests, and higher priests.”

Phil went on to say: “Usually newspapers like this carry the opinions of some bishops on the development of the church.

When I was in St. Neil’s Church, I read Bishop Rama’s newspaper.

The debate between reformists and traditionalists is sharp, but there is also a faction that adheres to the apocalyptic theory, and makes a big fuss with the support of the previous pope.”

In Fell’s eyes, the group of priests around the previous pope who advocated the theory of calamity were a group of little people who sneaked around.

“Oooh, so what newspaper do I read every day?”

“It’s the Holy Voice.”

“I said why there is not even an advertisement for things related to the city of Seisensu that is reported every day.”

Phil said: “So Your Majesty’s exclusive interview, it is most appropriate to have the reporters of the Gospel newspaper come to interview.

And the interview questions can also be handled by our side.

At that time, the content of the interview will be published in the Evangel and the Holy Audio.”

Phil smiled and poured a cup of black tea for Stuhl: “Your Majesty, if it is before, the publication of the Gospel newspaper everywhere in the world will inevitably be blocked.

But after the incident in the city of Seisensu was resolved, the attitude of the countries of the world towards our church changed dramatically.

The publication of the Gospel will be unimpeded.

Even the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bishop Rossel, has a backlog of calls from various countries.”

Stull took a sip of black tea: “Let’s dry them first, the first thing is to dispose of the demigod’s remains.

In addition, bring back a small part of the remains of the demigod and seal it up, maybe it will be useful in the future.

The flesh and blood on this demigod are rare good materials.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Phil didn’t know what the use of demigod flesh and blood was.

Ordinary people will suffer heavy damage when they touch the flesh and bones of a demigod.

But whenever Stull told him, he would do so.

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