The capital of the eastern state of the state “Pova”.

New World Network Technology is headquartered in the city.

Since Stull had mentioned in front of Phil that he had a bad premonition about this company, Phil arranged for some priests to secretly keep an eye on the company’s headquarters in the capital of Pova.

And secretly began to familiarize himself with the police and government of the capital of Rapova.

Although the previous governments and Pova were interested in currying favor with the Holy See, I hope that these priests will not be too prosecuted about some of their previous practices of suppressing the church.

These countries are even willing to make amends.

But when the priests of the Holy See came to them on their own initiative to ask for cooperation, the matter soon alarmed the Prime Minister’s Office in Pova.

Even if the priests of the Holy See did not explain why they were secretly watching this company, they were able to let the Holy See send people as secret whistles.

It is enough to prove that it is related to the mystery.

The top of the country, they are very afraid that this city will not suffer the same fate as the city of Seisensu.

Therefore, they can only make their hearts calm if they fully cooperate with the priests of the Holy See, and even then the prime minister of Pova began to inspect everywhere in the country, but did not stay in the capital.

This made the people of Pova wonder why their country’s prime minister suddenly became diligent.

Upon receiving a clear order from the papal chamberlain, the priests immediately informed the capital police in Pova, informing them that they could begin the arrest operation.

Soon a large number of police began to gather here, and when the whole country began to do something with a clear purpose, the so-called democratic laws protecting personal freedom had to be sidelined.

They rushed into the headquarters building of New World Network Technology Company, and soon subdued everyone inside, all entrances and exits were monitored, and no one ran out of it.

And in order not to cause riots and panic among the inhabitants of the city, Pova’s military also received orders to stand by.

“Lord Under Archmar, I did not discover the president of New World Network Technology” Battyrmiyan.”

“Didn’t find out?

No way, we secretly saw Battier enter the company, and today he didn’t come out of any of the exits, how could we not find him.”

Leading the priests on this mission was an ordinary papal bishop “Andmarus”.

But also a transcendent who stepped into the holy path.

It was the person who created his own bishop’s conference after Jose, mainly the Pope’s chamberlain, Phil, who came forward to send more than a dozen extraordinary priests from the Holy See to form within the other bishop’s conference.

So the bishop was eager to get this mission done.

Under Armour’s eyes burned at the chief of the Capital Police Department in front of him, and under the other party’s line of sight, this chief also understood that the other party must be wondering if they would not check too carefully.

“It’s very likely that Batier is hiding in some hidden corner, or some dark room that has been prepared for a long time.”

Under Armour asked

The bureau chief smiled bitterly and shook his head: “No, Lord Bishop, this is just an office building of a commercial nature, and we have long obtained the structural drawings of this building.

We searched all the dead spots, and there was no dark room in this building.

Unless it had been designed in advance when this building was built.”

The other party continued: “We also asked the employees inside, and Battier has not come out since he entered his office, and no one else has entered his office this morning.

So it can be narrowed down, Battier is missing in his own office.”


Bishop Under Armour just wanted to say that this is impossible, but soon he felt that it was something related to mystery, and that what he thought was impossible was possible.

Perhaps Battier just disappeared in his own office.

“I’m going to see for myself.”

Under Armour casts the Divine Eye on himself and opens the Divine Eye.

After entering the building, he could clearly see that there were very clear traces of pollution inside the building.

It’s just that the traces at the bottom are still very shallow, and all the pollution seems to spread layer by layer from top to bottom.

Under Armour goes straight to the source of the pollution spread, which happens to be the independent office of the president of New World Network Technology.

“Hiss… This is Batil’s office? ”

Under Armour took a deep breath, he suddenly felt that his body began to become cold, and the sight in front of him made his scalp feel numb.

Pollution spreads outward like rich oily substances flowing outward.

The holy power in Under Armour’s body was doing its best to resist the invasion of pollution, which made him feel that his feet were stepping on the sticky oil with every step he took.

The air became thick and difficult to breathe, and when he walked into Battier’s president’s office, he immediately felt that his whole body was immersed in an oil drum.

The holy light on Under Arma’s body flowed, and he used the holy light technique to open a small light curtain, which made him breathe a sigh of relief in the thick polluted environment.

Soon he saw the source of the pollution in this office, a new PN gaming device with a monitor linked to it.

Under Armour took a closer look at the gaming device, but did not see the game cartridge on the gaming device.

But there is a separate thicker wire connected to this gaming device.

“There’s one thing missing here, where’s the game cartridge?”

Looking at the police chief who followed closely behind, Under Armour immediately asked, although he had never been exposed to such a new thing as video games before, but because of the focus on New World Network Technology.

So also researched their products.

The police chief called a senior police officer who led the search control to ask the other party about the situation, and the other party explained: “This is the case from the beginning, just now we checked the surveillance outside.

He was coming in this office and really wasn’t coming out, it was like… Disappeared out of thin air as the same.

Everything here hasn’t been touched, and no one else has come in except the police, so there’s no way anything just disappears.”

Under Armour thought for a moment and said, “Then find a company executive who knows something and ask about it.”

Soon the product director of New World Network Technology was called over, and the other party seemed very calm and indifferent to everything around him

It is true that they did not do anything illegal and criminal, and the reason why so many police officers came over may be related to the company’s finances or the boss himself.

When the police first rushed in, the finance department was already busy destroying some information.

It’s just that why there are church priests following me makes the colleagues in the company feel very puzzled.

“Where is the game cartridge on this gaming device?” Did you know? ”

The other party explained simply: “This game device is a test model under development, does not require game cartridges, and interacts with the server through the network.”

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