Ambrose looked at Cardinal Curt and held his glasses upwards, calmly saying, “Reform is about making the right changes at the right time.

It is impossible to deny that the previous Pope almost pushed the Church into the abyss.”


Kurt was visibly a little resentful.

He stretched out his hand to Ambrose and wanted to say something more discerning, but was pulled by Jose.

Jose belongs neither to the conservatives nor to the reformers.

He is only loyal to Stuhl.

If he insists on dividing, then he is a staunch royalist.

Even now Stull doesn’t need anyone to protect it at all.

“Don’t forget what we’re here for.”

Jose lowered his voice and said next to Kurt.

Thinking of the task they were going to perform next, Kurt could only snort coldly at Ambrose and express his dissatisfaction.

“Dean Ambrose, the bishops are very short of time, it is better for you to take them to visit this place as soon as possible.”

Government officials on the side reminded in a timely manner.

His mood at the moment was more urgent than anyone else’s, as a high-ranking official who knew a little inside information, he did not expect that the mysterious crisis in Xiesensu City was about to break out here.

At this moment, he only hoped that these two bishops and their bishops’ conference could resolve this matter smoothly, so this was definitely not the time for them to fight between them.

“But this time you came to visit too quickly.

Didn’t even give me advance notice.

At this point in time, most of my colleagues and professors in some important laboratories have already left work.

Originally, there would have been students and teachers on duty here.

But because the school had to do cable maintenance, most of them went back.”

The government official immediately said, “So there’s only a limit to what you can see?”

“There are many projects that can be visited here, but important projects that have changed the times cannot be visited at this time.

After all, this is a computer research institute, and if there is no electricity, all the equipment here is a meaningless iron box.”

“Hehe, I remember that there is also a strategic mainframe computer here, and this computer must be reported to the government every time your academy uses it.

In several recent reports, your institute has written that it is working with a game company, and also mentioned that the project, if successful, will change the times.

And being able to create a large number of new jobs for young people in the Federation will bring great economic value.”

The government official looked at Dean Ambrose as if he knew it very well, and continued: “And the cables and network cables used for that strategic mainframe computer are all under the exclusive control of the military.

The school checks that the cable does not affect that computer.

There will be no power outage in that room for 24 hours.”

“Take the bishops directly to see this time-changing project.”

In the face of the direct decision of this government official, the dean could not refute it, this official knew this institute too well.

This made the dean wonder if the other party was serving in a government agency above the institute.

This made Ambrose even more afraid to offend the other party, after all, there are still many projects and research funds in the institute that need to be approved and issued by the government.

Since the other party is coming to visit with purpose, then Ambrose can lead the other party directly to see it.

“The front is the machine room.”

Ambrose took them on an elevator ride deep into the underground floors of the institute.

Then walk through the maze-like corridors to get close to the server room.

The further you go, the louder the roar of the machine.

Even in the end, Ambrose had to put earplugs on himself, and when he was about to distribute earplugs to others, Jose and others used holy light to form a light mass directly in their ears.

This sound insulation effect is definitely much better than the earplugs in Ambrose’s hand.

The government official who followed took a set and stuffed it in his ear.

Then Ambrose opened the heavy iron door of the machine room through the electronic code lock on the door.

In the eyes of Jose and others, even the bank’s safety pants are this level of security.

The government officials on the side seemed to see the surprise of Jose and others, and he explained out loud: “A strategic mainframe computer costs hundreds of millions of dollars alone, plus the items carried in the computer and the data stored.

Its value will be increased by a few percent, so such security measures are not exaggerated.”

His voice was so loud that he had to cover the roar in the machine room so that Jose and the others could hear it.

Dean Ambrose in front made an inviting gesture to let Jose and the others in.

A cold breath blew out from inside, and Dean Ambrose explained: “The internal temperature of the mainframe computer is too high when running, and multiple air conditioners need to continuously cool it.”

After they went in, they suddenly had the feeling of entering the sea of oil.

At this moment, the holy power in their bodies began to react to the pollution of the outside world, and they instinctively began to dislike this place.


The rich pollution spilled out so that Jose couldn’t even breathe.

Then, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, a white lion appeared in front of him.

With a fierce roar, the surrounding pollution was forced out of a small clean place.

A curtain of light was held up with holy light all around.

Dean Ambrose was so shocked that he sat on the ground.

Jose is somewhere between a white lion and a normal image in the eyes of others.

But for so long Jose also

For a long time, Jose also discovered a very ethereal rule, that is, as long as his emotions tend to stabilize, then he will last longer as a normal image in the eyes of outsiders.

But when his mood swings violently, cognitive confusion arises like a fierce lion.

So that others can see what he looks like as a white lion.

In fact, during this time, José was also treated by a psychologist, and the results are good so far, at least since leaving St. Neil’s Church today outside for a whole day, he has maintained a normal image in the eyes of others.

But just now, when he entered the computer room, which was so polluted that he broke down emotionally, he completely fell into a short-term cognitive confusion.

He mainly remembered the memories of fighting with the demigod in the city of Xiesenersu before, when the pollution from the demigod around him was even more violent than now.

The sky is falling apart.

Whenever he recalls this memory, Jose confuses himself to think that he is still the white lion who fought with the demigods.

It was the rich pollution here that was too high and too high that it irritated him.

“The lion… Lion! ”

Dean Ambrose trembled.

Although the government officials on the side were surprised, they would be more calm in comparison.

After the roar of the lion, the white lion gasped heavily, and then said apologetically to Ambrose: “I’m sorry to let you see me in this state, but it seems that we are in the right place at the moment.”

Jose and Curt looked at each other and nodded gently to each other cautiously.

In their eyes, this large metal black iron box that fills the house is covered with strange patterns that ordinary people can’t see.

It is only visible to the transcendent who has opened the Holy Vision.

The pattern is a weird twist of purple that covers the entire mainframe computer.

It was like a mysterious formation in action.

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