“So, let’s get to the point. How did a core like you end up in this place? I’m not sure if ya know, but this place ain’t exactly a good place to be in. If you want to go to a neutral zone, there are plenty of other much safer zones than this one,” E asked the drone.

She was currently in the cargo bay of the blue shark, sitting on a large metal container and looking downwards towards the drones and one Nekomi. The Nekomi was lying on the ground, her hands clutched on her stomach and were accompanied by another drone who was standing by next to her. The drone looks similar to Abyssal’s drone but E could tell that its mannerism was different from hers. Being this close, E could also feel a spine chilling sensation upon looking at the drone— it was another core.

‘Two cores in one ship. In the middle of nowhere as well,’ E thought to herself.

“Well, it’s a long story…” one of the drones, Abyssal spoke out.

“Oh? How long can it be? I got the time. Ain't’ much to do when you are this deep in space, anyway,” E said as her eyes peaked towards her upper left for a short moment. 

“About fifty-two chapters of a light novel, I guess?” Abyssal replied.

“Wha? A novel?” 

“Yeah, fifty-two chapters of it. Wait, I guess it would be fifty-three if we include this event, huh?”

E let out a small suppressed chuckle before giving a smile. “You’re a riot, ya know that. First time I’ve met someone describing time in terms of chapters in a book. And man, have I met many people before. From weird ones to full-on psychos.”

“Uuuu…” the Nekomi let out a suffering moan during all of this— an event that was ignored by everyone in the area. Everyone just stared at her for a few seconds before going back to business.

“Well, long story short—”

“Wait, master. I’m not sure if it’s the right idea to…” the other drone spoke up for the first time and interrupted Abyssal. She cut her words short before going near to the other drone and whispered something to her. E couldn’t hear anything.

“Oh right... “ Abyssal said as she turned to look at E before turning to look at the Nekomi.

‘Master? Why does the other drone call her Master? That’s super weird...’ E thought to herself.

“Right, Ms E. Our story. It’s uh…”

‘Hmm… Something is up, huh?’ E thought to herself.

“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine, I guess,” E said before Abyssal could continue her ‘story’.


“I mean, we all have our secrets, right? Information is not something you should be willingly telling others so easily. You guys can tell me when the time is right. Also, don’t call me Ms E. Just E will do. Do I look like that old of a person?”

“No, well, but…” Abyssal found it hard to reply to the questions asked. She turned around to look away before muttering: “You don’t act like someone young.”

E ignored her remark and looked at the other drone. “And who are you, anyway? You two drones look to be the same model, but I can tell that the cores are entirely different.”

“I believe with that way of speaking, I assume you have already figured out our true identities?” 

“Well, it's obvious ain’t it. We are all one of a kind, after all. Is there a problem?”

“And when are you going to tell us? Are you going to keep this secret until you take our cores and refurbish us?”

“I didn’t think it’s something that needs to be announced considering that we all know what we are, don’t ya think? Also, refurbish? Aren’t you assuming too much?” E replied, her smiling face turned into an unpleasant frown.

“Oi, Kuon!” Abyssal yelled out.

“You must be the cold, unfriendly type, huh? I’m not sure I like your attitude lady,” E brought her hands to her hips, showing the silhouette of a modern-looking gun behind her skirt. “You are a lady, right?”

“... I’m not sure if I like your attitude as well. What are you, trying to get all crummy with us?” Kuon let out a glare towards E.

“Oi, Kuon! That’s enough!” Abyssal yelled out again.

Kuon turned around and gave a slight bow to Abyssal. “My apologies, but cannot you see, master? She’s just trying to get information out of us before she inevitably gets rid of us.”

“Then what’s the point of you telling it out to me like this? Didn’t it occur in your mind that I would just get rid of you guys faster if I can’t get any information out of you guys?” E retorted before Abyssal could even say a word.

“Then why bother with the pleasantries?”

E let out a sigh at Kuon’s rude response. “Look here, Ms High and Mighty. I’m going to be straight here and tell you that space is a cruel, cruel place. Doubly so for the likes of us as I’m sure you two would know.”



Both Abyssal and Kuon kept quiet.

“Listen up, you two. You are, right now, in the toughest part of space in this entire galaxy, and I’m offering to be your friend. And man, trust me, in a place like this, you are going to need friends.” 

E paused for a moment before folding her legs.

“So… either you guys play along with me, or, you can make an enemy out of me. If you didn’t know before, then let me just tell you that I am a pretty big shot around these parts. I have friends all over the nation who will come to aid me with a single call. Now, do you really want to make an enemy out of me? Instant death will be the last thing I’ll give you guys. There are much, much worse fate for Living Cores like us.”

E pulled out her gun before toying around with it. All of this while she smirked Kuon and Abyssal. She looked down upon the two cores as if she was in a higher position— which wasn’t exactly wrong to say in this situation.

The room went tense after E said her line. Abyssal and Kuon looked at E and kept silent, seemingly lost in thought. The two may not be able to trust E so quickly, but as E said, there was no reason to make an enemy out of her. If she really wanted to lay the hurt on Abyssal, she would have done so much earlier.

“Why help us? We don’t even know each other,” Abyssal was the first to open up.

“Can’t a person just go out and help people? You guys sound like you have some serious trust issues,” E replied, still smirking.

“Just answer the question,” Kuon said with a strong tone.

E let out a small sigh before resting her chin on her hands. “I can’t just leave poor people like you alone. My sisters would have lectured me to no end if they knew. They were always too kind for their own good,” E said with a pensive expression. It was as if she was trying to relive a memory once gone. 

She then let out a small laugh towards the two.

“Well, I don’t think that’s really enough of a reason though. But… We cores gotta stick together, right? Let’s just say I get too sentimental sometimes. I’ve lost a few… sisters and friends throughout my life. Lots of cores that can no longer come back. I just want to see new faces, I guess. You guys are new faces, right? If you guys were old veterans like me then I’ll be mighty shocked, gahaha!”

“E…” Abyssal muttered out before looking at Kuon. “I don’t think she’s that bad of a person…”

Kuon glared at Abyssal before letting out a sigh of her own. “I don’t agree with that assessment, but I guess we’ll take up on that offer.”

“I see. That’s good to know. I mean, if you really can’t trust me, then I’m fine with just letting you go. I’ll even give you a ride to somewhere safe. How ‘bout that?”

“Wait? Really! You’ll do that?” Abyssal perked up.

“I mean, sure, why not? Ain’t got anything better to do anyway. Ah! But you guys are going to need some repair first, huh.”

“Wow! You’ll do that! Yes! I’m finally having a lucky event for once!”

“Huh? Lucky event?” E asked in confusion.

“Do not mind her. We have been having quite a streak of bad luck recently,” Kuon answered.

E turned to look at the blue swallow. She could see the amount of damage inflicted on the thing, burn marks everywhere and even a large hole in one of the thrusters. “Yeah, I can see that.”

Abyssal let out a sheepish laugh as a response.

“Well, then. Now that that’s settled, we can start by intr—” E said before getting cut off by a moan from the Nekomi.

“Uuuuuu….” She groaned before rolling to her sides. “You guys are too noisy, nyaa.”

E gave the Nekomi another look. It was about time for her to address the human-sized cat’s existence, anyway. She didn’t say a word since the other two cores were keeping quiet about it, but she could only ignore so much. 

“Is she fine? She’s been like that for a while now.”

“Hmm? Oh, she’s a little bit spacesick right now, I guess,” Abyssal replied. Kuon who was next to her moved her drone up and down, mimicking a nod.

E let out a small gasp before covering her mouth. “Is it because of the jump? Crap, I completely forgot about it. Damn, I did jump a few times, huh. You guys don’t have any warp shields down here, either. Welp. Come on, carry her up and follow me. We need to get her to the infirmary. That nausea feeling will persist for quite a while. A little shot from the doctor would get her up and running.”

E jumped off the container and landed on the floor with a dud. She then put the gun back to the holster on her thighs before dusting off her back and moving to the exit. Her expression was so calm and casual, it was like the tense atmosphere and the entire convo between her, Abyssal and Kuon never existed.

“Come on. You guys coming?” She turned around and waved towards the two cores.
Kuon came right next to Abyssal and spoke. “Should we?”

“I don’t see any other choice. We might as well play her game for now. Come on, pick her up,” Abyssal answered before she moved towards the exit.

“Understood,” Kuon replied. She went over to Meica before picking her up like before. The two Cores and the human-sized cat then exited the ship.

And so, begin a relationship between Abyssal and E. 

Friend or foe? It’s hard to say.


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