Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【102】Han Youchu And Liu Zijie Are Completely Confused (Please Customize)

You must know that stone gambling, but few ordinary people dare to touch it.

Because the prices of these rough stones are basically in units of ten thousand yuan.

Ye Chen just made a windfall recently.

He himself came from an ordinary family.

Before this, Ye Chen probably hadn't even been in contact with the stone betting business.

Perhaps people estimate that they only came into contact with gambling stones while reading novels.

If he really thought that he would bet on stones after reading a few online novels, then he would teach this Ye Chen how to be a good person today.

So he bet on stones with Ye Chen that he would definitely win.

If he wins against Ye Chen, he will also be in the limelight in front of Han Youchu, and he can still get five million, which is really cool.

This Ye Chen dares to play so big, he is really a fool with a lot of money.

"By the way, Ye Chen, I have one more condition?"

Liu Zijie said suddenly.

"you say."

Ye Chen said.

"It's our stone betting this time. The money to buy rough stones cannot exceed one million."

Liu Zijie also had his own helplessness in making such an additional condition.

Because the sum of all the money he has now is only a little over 1.03 million.

This is if such a condition is not set.

If Ye Chen spends six to seven million to buy rough jadeite in one go, then he is doomed.


Ye Chen nodded in agreement.

"Liu Zijie, since we want to play, let's go over there and make a formal gambling certificate."

The place Ye Chen is referring to is an institution that specializes in stone gambling.


Liu Zijie nodded and said.

In this way, a group of people came to the institution that specializes in stone gambling.

There are a dozen working windows inside.

Currently only one window is empty.

So Ye Chen and Liu Zijie came directly to that window.

After listening to the bet agreement between the two, the staff at the window quickly produced a bet receipt.

The two looked at the content of the gambling certificate, and after "523" confirmed that there was no objection, they signed their names on it.

In Xia Kingdom, ordinary gambling strips are not protected by law.

But the gambling evidence in the stone betting is an exception.

Therefore, the bet signed by the two is protected by law.

With this bet in hand, Ye Chen is not worried that Liu Zijie will renege on his debt afterwards.

In this way, after the two came out of the stone gambling institution, they separated to choose rough jadeite.

"Liu Zijie, are you really sure you can win?"

Han Youchu asked with some worry.

Just now Ye Chen's performance was too calm, which made her feel uneasy.

"You Chu, I'm not happy to ask you this. I have been gambling with stones since I was eighteen years old. I have been in this business for almost ten years. On the other hand, your ex-boyfriend Ye Chen, he has been in this business before. Have you ever gambled with stones?"

Liu Zijie asked back.

Han Youchu thought for a while and replied: "During the four years in college, I have never seen him touch gambling stones.

"Then it's all right. If I can't even win against such a rookie, then I'll just buy a piece of tofu and kill myself."

Liu Zijie smiled and said: "You Chu, when I win Ye Chen, I will pay you off the more than one million you owe the bank.

While speaking, Liu Zijie stopped in front of a shop.

In order to attract customers, the owner of this shop moved many rough jadeite stones to the ground outside the shop.

Among them, a window material with the size of a washbasin attracted many people's onlookers, including Liu Zijie.

The so-called window opening is to open a small window on the material of the betting stone, through which you can see the quality of the jadeite inside.

However, the stone betting with the window open is more reliable than the full bet.

But looking at the quality of emeralds from the window requires a lot of experience.

There is also a lot of risk here.

Many windows look at the emerald with a lot of green, but when you cut it open, you will find that there is not much green in it. This is a big hole in the gambling stone.

Many people have fallen into this pit.

The window material that everyone is watching at the moment has a lot of green seen from the window.

But no one can conclude that there is also a lot of green in it just by this little You.

And the price of this piece of material is not low, it costs 900,000 Ruanmei coins.

Many people originally wanted to order this piece of material, but after seeing the price of that material, they held back the impulse in their hearts.

Liu Zijie was also hesitating whether to make a move.

He had noticed this piece of material before.

He wants to make a deal.

But there are some uncertainties.

So I have been struggling.

"Liu Zijie, do you want to buy this material?"

Han Youchu asked from the side.

After being tangled in his heart for a while, Liu Zijie shook his head, "Forget it, the price of this material is too high, if there is a big hole in it, then I'm afraid I will really lose to Ye Chen, so just to be on the safe side, I It’s better to buy a few more pieces of material with one million yuan, so it’s safer.”


Han Youchu nodded in agreement.

The total amount of betting on stones this time is only one million, but the piece of material in front of me costs 900,000. The risk of betting it is indeed too great.

And if you buy more materials, the risk will be shared equally, which is obviously the safest way.

Not a while after Liu Zijie left, Ye Chen walked over, staring at the washbasin-sized window material that was being watched by the crowd, Ye Chen began to observe seriously.

"Brother Ye, you don't want to buy this window material, do you?"

Chen Dehua said: "This piece of material costs 900,000 yuan. If you sell it, you will only have 100,000 yuan left, and you will not be able to buy a few pieces of material later. The risk here is too great, Brother Ye, If you can trust me, I will help you choose some materials."

"Brother Chen, betting on stones and betting on stones, the fun in this lies in the word "gambling."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen looked at the store owner and said, "Boss, I want this piece of window material, and I will trouble you to send it to the Baili recycling point later.


The store owner replied.

The people watching nearby all looked at Ye Chen at this time.

This young man came over and took a few glances and bought this piece of window material with a price tag of 900,000.

This is the real rich man.

Most of them are the rich second generation.

"Mr. Ye, I admire your courage.

Wu laughed in surprise.

After using 900,000 yuan, the 1 million stone betting quota is now only 100,000 yuan.

One hundred thousand yuan can't buy any window materials.

Simply Ye Chen came to the full betting area.

The so-called full gamble means that there is no window for the material.

This kind of material is wrapped by a layer of weathered stone skin, and the jade meat inside is completely invisible.

From the appearance point of view, this whole material is just like ordinary stone.

This kind of full gambling material is relatively cheap.

But the risk is the highest, and the unknown is also the highest.

Because you may spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy the material, it is just a stone, and there is no jade meat in it when you cut it open.

Ye Chen wandered around the entire gambling area for half an hour without making a single move.

It was not until less than ten minutes before the end of the stone betting that Ye Chen finally made a move.

Ye Chen spent 80,000 yuan to buy a rough jadeite about one meter long.

Finally, everyone came to the Baili recycling point.

After a while, Liu Zijie and Han Youchu also came back.

"Ye Chen, all the materials I bought are here, a total of thirteen yuan, exactly one million yuan, these are the invoices, you can count them."

Liu Zijie said as he handed the stack of red invoices to Ye Chen.

"no need."

Putting away the invoice, Liu Zijie asked, "Where's your material?"

Ye Chen reached out and pointed to a corner.

Looking in the direction of Ye Chen's finger, Liu Zijie was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help showing a victorious smile on his face, "A piece of window material worth 900,000 yuan, and a piece of head covering material for gambling. What a gambler."

This wave, he must win.

Next, a master stone maker hired by Baili Company appeared.

He first opened stones on the materials purchased by Liu Zijie.

When the last piece of material was cut, Liu Zijie looked happy.

He played super long today.

Two jade appraisers from Baili Company appraised the jadeite in Liu Zijie's thirteen pieces on the spot.

The final estimate was 3.23 million.

As long as Liu Zijie is willing, Baili Company will spend 3.23 million on the spot to recycle Liu Zijie's jadeite materials.

This wave earned 2.23 million, isn't this a win-win situation?

Many spectators nearby cast envious glances at Liu Zijie.

The net profit of thirteen yuan is 2.23 million, which is already quite awesome.

"Ye Chen, it looks like I'm lucky today."

Liu Zijie said with some pride.

"Don't be too happy, the two pieces of material my husband bought haven't been cut yet."

Han Youwei said.

She really hates the other party's arrogant face.

"Then cut it quickly, I'm waiting."

Liu Zijie laughed.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the master stone-cutter took a special cutting machine for stone-cutting and walked in front of the washbasin-sized window material that Ye Chen bought.

This attracted the attention of everyone present.

Many people even came here to see the cut stone just for this window material.

Because the window material with the size of this washbasin has touched many people's hearts just now.

At this moment, these people want to know the inner world of this window material.

After determining the cutting position, the master craftsman took the cutting machine and cut it quickly and accurately.

At the moment when the knife cuts down.

Liu Zijie couldn't help becoming nervous.

After all, this piece of material is still a potential stock from the perspective of the window opening. Of course, it may be a bigger hole.

Even Ye Chen was slightly nervous.

Although he has mastered the "Antique and Odd Object Appraisal Skill Book", he has become a master in the identification of antique and strange objects.

But this does not mean that his identification is 100% accurate.

Especially in the identification of jadeite rough.

Without clairvoyance, no matter how powerful an expert is, he can't guarantee that he won't see things wrong every time.

If those experts were really so powerful, wouldn't they all have made a lot of money early?

Suddenly a piece of green light emitted.

"My God, so much green!"

"Look at the jade meat, it's still ice green."

"Hold the grass, the handsome guy has made a lot of money.

"Nimma, if I had known earlier, I should have just gritted my teeth and sold it off."

"You tiger bitch, just now I said I wanted to buy it, but you refused to let it go, such a chance to make a fortune was rejected by you bitch bitch......

There was a heartbroken voice at the scene.

At this moment, Liu Zijie's face quickly turned pale.

He knows he has lost....

Very angry.

Before that, he had been struggling in his heart for a long time, whether he wanted to buy the window material or not.

In the end, for the sake of stability, he did not buy the window material.

As a result, Ye Chen bought it and directly produced a large piece of green, and it was ice green.

This value starts at least five million.

He's about to vomit blood...

Han Youchu on the side also turned pale.

Although she doesn't understand the price of jadeite.

But how much can still be distinguished.

The green jadeite meat cut from Ye Chen's window material is more than the jade meat from Liu Zijie's thirteen pieces combined.

Moreover, the jadeite flesh of Ye Chen's material has better color and transparency.

Think it should be worth more.

Looking at Liu Zijie's expression and the behavior of the people around him, Han You knew the result of this stone bet.

Although Ye Chen still has a piece of material that has not been cut.

But this time betting on stones, Ye Chen has already won.

"How could this be the result..."

"If I had stopped Liu Zijie from gambling with Ye Chen, the 2.23 million that Liu Zijie earned from betting on stones this time would be able to give the loan of more than 1.3 million she owes to the bank now. cleared..."

"However, now that Liu Zijie has lost the betting on stones, according to the betting evidence, he has to give Ye Chen five million. The money Liu Zijie made from betting on stones is not enough to pay Ye Chen...

Thinking of this result, Han Youchu's face became even paler.

"How could Ye Chen be so lucky..."

"Brother Ye is amazing, it's a good thing you didn't listen to me before."

Chen Dehua said with a smile.

"Using a piece of material directly locked the victory, Mr. Ye is amazing, congratulations.

Wu Jing congratulated.

At this time, Han Youwei looked at Ye Chen with adoring little stars in her eyes.

Luck or not.

Anyway, it was his husband who won the stone bet this time.

"Master, I still have a piece of material that I haven't cut yet."

Ye Chen smiled and reminded the old master who was in charge of cutting stones.

"oh oh.

After being reminded by Ye Chen, the old master finally reacted.

As soon as the knife went down, the clear green light almost blinded his old eyes.

The remaining piece of head covering was very large, one meter long and thick.

It looks like the kind of thick and long big wax gourd lying on the ground.

The master craftsman in charge of cutting the stone looked at it and decided to use the horizontal cutting method.

If it is cut horizontally, it cannot be cut with a single knife.

But just after the knife was cut, the nearby crowd exploded again.

"Hold the grass, it's so green."

"Nimma, it's all green inside, except for the outer layer of stone shell, the inside is all jade flesh.

Many people's eyes are red.

When the master cut the whole piece of material and divided it into two halves, many people at the scene became red-eyed rabbits.

It's all green.

Although the flesh is a bit rough, it is bean green.

Bean green is not as valuable as the ice green just now.

But I can't stand the jade meat.

The total value of these 5.8 so many bean greens has exceeded the value of the ice green that was cut out of the window material just now.

"Brother Ye, you... old me is completely convinced."

Chen Dehua looked at Ye Chen differently now.

If it is said that Ye Chen just bought the window material as a gamble, it can be said that Ye Chen was lucky.

But what about this head covering?

Can you say that Ye Chen is lucky.

Just now, Ye Chen spent more than half an hour shopping in the entire gaming area before buying this head covering.

There were so many head coverings, Ye Chen was the only one to buy this one, it was not luck.

This Ye Chen's accomplishments in betting on stones is probably frighteningly high.

At this moment, Liu Zijie and Han Youchu were completely dumbfounded looking at the green patch.

A piece of head covering bought for 80,000 yuan unexpectedly cut out such green...

I originally thought that the window material that Ye Chen bought was already a big profit, but who would have thought that the piece of head covering bought by others would earn more......

Liu Zijie is numb.

Is this Ye Chen so lucky?

Finally, under the calculation of two jade appraisers in Baili, the value of Ye Chen's two pieces of material also came out.

The value of the ice green jadeite contained in the window material is 7.46 million soft sister coins.

The value of the bean-seeded green jadeite contained in the head covering at the back is 11.08 million Ruanmei coins.

The total value of the two together reached 18.54 million yuan.

98 million to 18.54 million, nearly nineteen times the rate of return.

"Liu Zijie, these materials of yours belong to me now, and I will sell them to Baili Company for 3.23 million yuan, and the remaining 1.77 million yuan, please pass it on to me.

Ye Chen said.

According to the rules of the bet, if the total value of the emerald material of the losing party is lower than the bet amount, then the jadeite material of the losing party shall belong to the winning party.

The shortfall will be settled by the losing party within a week.

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