Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 118: Climbing a Tree? Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Your lesson in the afternoon is very simple. It is to improve the control of your soul power. Especially Fatty, your martial soul mutates, causing you to lose control of your soul power, and you can only go to the hook to solve the problem, which has a great impact on your cultivation speed. "Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ma Hongjun and said.

"Soul power has been used for years and months. For every soul master, it has basically been maintained at a certain level. This is like a habit. How easy is it to change?" Yu Xiaogang asked with a stiff expression. He felt that what Ye Zhiqiu said was not unreasonable, but it was too difficult for soul power to control this kind of thing and to take the initiative to improve.

It's like an old smoker who has been smoking for ten years. Who can stand it if you suddenly ask him to quit smoking.

The control of soul power is the same.

Shrek has so many students who awakened their spirits at the age of 6, and now they are all teenagers. After six or seven years of spirit power operation, they have basically reached a point in their control of their spirit power.

It is not impossible to break through this point, but it requires an opportunity. To control the breakthrough by yourself is simple to say but difficult to do.

Yu Xiaogang felt that Ye Zhiqiu was wasting time, in Douluo Continent, he had never heard of anyone practicing fine control of his spirit power.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled without speaking, and walked straight to a big tree.

"It's not that there is no way to practice soul control, but you haven't found a way. Your course this afternoon is ~ tree climbing, but not ordinary tree climbing."

Ye Zhiqiu said as he stretched his legs and stepped on the tree.

If you look closely, you can see a faint purple spot wandering around his feet, like some elf.

As Ye Zhiqiu stepped onto the tree with one foot and raised the other foot, his body miraculously formed a ninety-degree right angle with the stem of the big tree.

He walked up like this step by step, as if the world's gravity had no effect on him.

Watching Yu Xiaogang and the others were dumbfounded. What kind of trick is this?Soul skills?I haven't seen you use martial arts!

Ye Zhiqiu walked steadily up to a height of more than ten meters before stopping and standing still on a branch with thick legs.

Then he lowered his head and smiled and looked at the people below: "Are you wondering how I did it?"

A group of people nodded.

For them, it is easy to get a tree, but like Ye Zhiqiu, it is difficult to walk on the ground step by step.

Ye Zhiqiu explained to everyone: "Actually, the principle is very simple. While the soles of the feet are attached to the spirit power and the body is balanced while walking, it is sufficient to control the suction force of the soles of the spirit power on the tree poles. But you need to pay attention to one item. With more spirit power, the tree pole can't stand your stepping on it. If you use less, it will...this way..."

When Ye Zhiqiu said the last sentence, suddenly his feet slipped, as if he could not stand firmly on a tree branch, and his body suddenly fell backwards. Tang San and the others were startled, and then they recovered their calmness. Ye Zhiqiu has a teleportation spirit ability. , Even if it didn’t, he wouldn’t be killed if he fell from this height...

As Tang San and the others expected, Ye Zhiqiu's backward body did not fall directly downwards, but hung upside down on the branch extending from the tree pole, with the branches attached to the soles of his feet. Steady, how can it continue to fall downward.

Ye Zhiqiu chuckled, "Understood, right? If you use less soul power, it will be like me just now, not only can't hold the tree pole, but it will fall down."

Tang San and the others nodded eagerly. Ye Zhiqiu not only showed them personally, but also explained the principles clearly. If they didn't understand anymore, they could really buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death.

Yu Xiaogang fixedly looked at Ye Zhiqiu with mixed emotions in his eyes. How did this kid come up with this training method?

Is he only twelve years old?Not to mention the strong like a monster, even the thinking is so terrifying.

This mode of training soul power control is almost like tailor-made for Tang San and others.

Yu Xiaogang really wanted to smash Ye Zhiqiu's head to see if there was something in it, whether there was something more than himself.

Is it true that someone is born destined to be omniscient and omnipotent?

Ye Zhiqiu kicked his legs, fell from the tree, and looked at the people: "Climbing a tree is only the first stage of training. When I return from the Hall of Martial Spirits, I will teach you the second stage of soul control training. Hopefully then You can climb the tree step by step steadily like I did just now. Now, find a tree and start practicing."

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were already a little impatient. As soon as Ye Zhiqiu gave his instructions, the group of people dispersed separately. There were big trees more than ten meters high everywhere in this small forest, enough for a group of them to practice.Literature under the pen 88 www.glgw88.com

Ye Zhiqiu took the melon that Ning Rongrong had only eaten a few mouthfuls and then set aside to continue eating. After finding a big rock and sitting down, his spiritual thought spread.

Observe the progress of a group of people.

Among the eight people, the best performer was Tang San. Xuantian Gong was a superior inner strength mental method, with stable internal force operation, neutrality and peace, and he had good control in itself.

Tang San raised one leg and stepped on the tree first, and was not in a hurry to climb the tree. He closed his eyes and felt for a while before he took the second leg.

The posture was the same as Ye Zhiqiu's previous posture, except that his body collapsed not so straight, and his upper body hung slightly. If it weren't for his feet to stick to the tree pole, it might have fallen.

Tang San tried to walk up a few steps, it seemed feasible?There was a slight joy in his heart, but at the moment when his mind was a little relaxed, the spirit power under his feet suddenly used a little, and the tree pole made a faint "click" sound, which sank a little.

Tang San hurriedly retracted his spirit power when he found that something was wrong, and gently kicked the tree pole one backflip to the ground.

The first attempt failed, but he was already the best among a few.

Like Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, they both emmm...have already changed a tree.

The first tree was full of pitted footprints. Ye Zhiqiu wondered whether these two goods came to tear down the tree. Erha was reincarnated?

In addition to Tang San, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, the two auxiliary spirit masters, can be ranked second and third among the eight. The spirit power of the auxiliary spirit masters is more gentle than that of the war spirit masters. Easy to control.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiaowumeng, and the three of them were better than Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

Ye Zhiqiu watched the crowd and reminded him a few words from time to time that Tang San was the first to reach the top of the tree when it was approaching evening.

He was able to master the skills so quickly, the inner family technique of Xuan Tian Gong played a huge role, and it was indispensable.

The rest are wanderers at a height of three to eight meters, and they have made considerable progress.

It is estimated that even Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, the two with the most violent spirit powers, can complete the task of reaching the top of the tree within a week.

Tang San came to Ye Zhiqiu in a few steps and said with some excitement: "A Qiu, I found that your training method is indeed very effective. My control of the spirit power in the body has improved a bit. Although not great, the effect is remarkable. The second stage training is What? Tell me in advance?"

The others suddenly looked at Tang San with some envy, so this kid is going to start the second stage of training?It's so popular.

Ye Zhiqiu grinned and patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Little San, you are a team. Of course, you have to wait for everyone to complete the first stage to start the second stage of training. During this time, you can climb trees and practice, and wait for me. The Wuhun Hall is back to teach you."

"......"Tang San.

Seeing Tang San's somewhat depressed expression, Ye Zhiqiu was secretly happy.

**The bastard told you not to teach me Xuan Tian Gong before. This time I also hang your appetite. The ghost knows when Ye Zhiqiu returned from the Wuhun Hall.

Maybe a week or two if it's fast?It's hard to say if it is slow, it may take a month or two.

Of course, Ye Zhiqiu was not without arrangements during this time.

During his absence from Shrek Academy, there will be others who will come over to teach Tang San how to adapt them to actual combat.

He had just used his divine sense to contact his clone chief Bai Xiaosheng. Bai Xiaosheng, the clone, would never leave Ye Zhiqiu ten miles away, now!This distance spread to 100 miles.

He is like Ye Zhiqiu’s ear, collecting useful information from all over the world from the other clones, and reporting to Ye Zhiqiu at the beginning of each month. If Ye Zhiqiu has any instructions, he will directly ask him to give the order, and then he will notify him. The remaining clones.

Bai Xiaosheng's avatar is equivalent to the head of the house in Ye Zhiqiu's avatar, and it is also equivalent to a professional runner who transmits information.

At this point, he went on the way to deliver the message.

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