Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 128 [Ask for subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Why don't the elders stay in your Xibian Hall, come to our East Hall?" Bibi Dong said coldly.


The five Title Douluo of the Elder Palace glanced at each other, silently speechless.

Although they can secretly deny the Pope Bibi Dong face, but on the bright side, they definitely can't tear their skin.

In terms of authority and status alone, the Pope is the co-master of the Spirit Hall and handles all kinds of major events. Even Qian Daoliu, the great elder of the Spirit Hall, is inferior to her in the position of Level 99 Ultimate Douluo, let alone them. These low-ranked elders are now.

The five Title Douluo was a bit speechless for a while, and wanted to go to Ye Zhiqiu's room to see what the treasure was, but he was a little scrupulous.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Bibi Dong sneered and said, "If nothing happens, please leave the elders."

The Title Douluo of the five elders sighed in his heart, knowing that with the qualifications of himself and others, I am afraid it would not be the turn of Bibi Dong to give them face.

Just as the five were about to retreat, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in front of the five. He didn't have any powerful aura. At this time, he was like an ordinary old man. , It’s just that the old man looks energetic and can’t even see a wrinkle on his face.

If it wasn't for the white hair on the top and the long white beard on the lower jaw, someone would believe that he was a middle-aged man in his 30s or 40s.

This old man is the Great Elder of Wuhun Hall, Qian Daoliu.

"Under the Pope's crown." Qian Daoliu smiled and nodded and said hello, then looked down at Ye Zhiqiu's room and said, "It is a good thing that this kind of endless breath of life appears in the room of Saint Son. , Wuhundian should be great. However, although the treasures of heaven and earth are good, they also need to be used correctly. It is better to let the holy son come out under the crown of the pope. We old guys can help him to advise him, lest he will use this talent Di Treasure turned its way, was it a waste?"

After listening to Qian Daoliu's words, Rao Bibi Dong's mind was a little bit swearing.

This old guy is really shameless, what kind of treasure is there, do you want to say that the holy son is still young, and the treasure Wuhun Palace will take care of it?

Just when Bibi Dong wanted to mock a few words.

"Teacher~" A soft and soft shout suddenly sounded at this moment. At the main gate of the East Side Hall, Hu Liena hurriedly took small steps and ran in quickly.

Seeing Bibi Dong and several elders in the Elder Hall facing each other in the air, the clever Hu Liena immediately closed her mouth without making a sound, and lightly moved towards Ye Zhiqiu's room.

The few people present did not speak for a while, they all looked at Hu Liena.

They want to see what happens when Hu Liena enters the room.

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment, suppressing the idea of ​​calling Hu Liena in his heart.

Seeing many big guys looking at him, Hu Liena was nervous, and tiptoed to the door. Before she pushed open the door full of green branches, the branches on the door looked like little snakes. Normally swimming and retreating, Hu Liena stopped the movement in her hand in shock.

Then, the door opened by itself.

Behind the door, Ye Zhiqiu walked out calmly, and when he passed Hu Liena, he just nodded, without any intention of stopping, and walked straight.

The current Ye Zhiqiu has not absorbed the green light ball of the intermediate immortal human body. The green light ball has too much energy, and it cannot be absorbed in a short time. Even if Ye Zhiqiu does not eat or drink, it is estimated to be more than a dozen. Genius can absorb it.

Therefore, Ye Zhiqiu simply allowed him to naturally dissipate the energy in his body and let the body absorb it on its own. Although the speed was slower, it might take a month, but it would not affect Ye Zhiqiu's free movement.

Bibi Dong and Hu Liena, who were the most familiar with Ye Zhiqiu, felt that Ye Zhiqiu had some changes, but after a closer look, they seemed to be the same, and they couldn't see anything.Yunnan Biquge www.ynbike.net

When Ye Zhiqiu walked past Hu Liena and stepped on the bluestone slabs in the yard, something shocking happened.

Where he walked, in the landscape next to the bluestone slabs, the grass spires broke loose on the ground and sprouts.The various flowers around are even more fragrant. The flowers have straightened roots, standing proudly, competing for beauty.

The little birds who had been startled by many Title Douluo flew back again in groups, surrounded by him, flapping their wings happily.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu kind of understood what the introduction of the intermediate fairy human body meant.

All spirits of heaven and earth will naturally feel intimacy towards him, and they can't help but want to get closer. This is even more effective for those little animals that have not developed their wisdom.

And Ye Zhiqiu's emotions will also affect these little animals close to him.

He is happy, they are happy too.

He is sad, they are also sad.

The rich life aura emanating from his body will directly affect the surrounding plants, ranging from flowers and plants to trees, and thankful for the flowers and plants, which will naturally be controlled by him.

Now Ye Zhiqiu can feel that he can display Mu Dun at will. As for the power, he hasn't experimented, he doesn't know.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu could roughly infer how the ninjutsu of Mu Dun in Naruto was derived.

According to Ye Zhiqiu's own estimation, the purity of his current immortal body should be a lot higher than that of the Qianshou Zhujian. After all, the Qianshou Zhujian did not have the vision of flowers blooming all over the land and the vegetation recovering.

As for the six immortals, Ye Zhiqiu didn't know.

Maybe after the green light cluster in the body is completely absorbed, you can try to compare it with the previous one?Or after the system is upgraded, a higher stage fairy body appears.

Ye Zhiqiu believed that sooner or later, his immortal human body would be better than the Six Dao Immortals. It was only a matter of time.

"Teacher, elder." Ye Zhiqiu stood in the yard, nodding to the people on both sides of the temple, and faintly said hello.

Bibi Dong stepped lightly, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Zhiqiu from the top of the hall. When she looked at Ye Zhiqiu's face, she was in a daze, as if thinking of something.

"Teacher?" Ye Zhiqiu asked with a sullen face.He just wanted to take out his clone who was the saint son in Wuhun Hall and have a fight. This special character is really hard to learn. Ye Zhiqiu, who was so mean and likes smirking and swearing, had to He was sullen all day, tired to death.

Ye Zhiqiu's soft call awakened Bibi Dong. Very rarely, Bibi Dong actually laughed.

"Qiuqiu, tell me what's going on?" Bibi Dong pointed to the flying birds circling around.

Following Bibi Dong's question, Qian Daoliu and others not far away suddenly pricked their ears.

They could perceive that the endless life energy that made people feel like a spring breeze escaped from Ye Zhiqiu's body.

But at this time Bibi Dong was present, they couldn't directly ask questions. In front of the juniors, even if they had a fight, they had to come secretly.

Bibi Dong is Teacher Ye Zhiqiu, and he is naturally the person most qualified to speak and ask questions. If these elders rush to speak in front of Bibi Dong, it would be ultra vires and they would also disrespect Bibi Dong, who is the Pope.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced around because Bibi Dong was near, the flying bird that ran away, looking like a good baby, and replied obediently: "I don't know..."

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