Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 130 Chess Pieces? Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu swayed casually on the swing, looked at Bibi Dong, and asked casually, "Teacher, why would you agree with the old man's proposal?"

"Just say it behind your back, don't call it in person." Bibi Dong reprimanded, but his tone didn't mean much to blame.She didn't think that Ye Zhiqiu didn't know how to respect the elders, but she was afraid that Ye Zhiqiu would be used to it, and she would be unobstructed in front of Qian Daoliu in the future, and would be taught by Qian Daoliu.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's obedient nod, Bibi Dong said softly, "There can only be one pope in the Wuhun Hall. Although Nana is irritable, her character is more suitable to be a pope than you. I have to find a way for you in the future. The Palace of the Elders was originally out of my consideration, but Qian Daoliu was able to make the position of the Great Elder, which made me change my mind."

"That's not right, teacher." Hu Liena frowned. "Even if Little Brother Qiu really becomes the elder in the future, will other elders listen to him?"

Although Hu Liena is frizzy at times, she is not stupid. On the contrary, her vision is very unique, and she immediately discovered the problem.

Bibi Dong sneered, "No doubt, those elders will definitely not listen. But as long as they hold the position of the Pope and the Grand Elder, it will be enough for them to feel uncomfortable. For other things, I will find opportunities to take my time."

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Fuck, Bibi Dong turned out to be so insidious sometimes.If the position of the Pope of the Spirit Hall and the position of the Great Elder of the Elder Hall are on their side, even if the other elders do not listen to the announcement, what about the people under the elder of the Spirit Hall?

The combination of those Contra soul sages is also an impressive force.

At that time, I was unhappy with Qian Daoliu, and casually said, I didn't expect Bibi Dong to think of going back like this, thinking for a long time, can only say that he deserves the title of the Pope.

It's a pity that Ye Zhiqiu felt that her thoughts were a bit redundant. He really waited for her to inherit the position of the Great Elder of the Wuhun Hall at level 91, so others would dare not be obedient?Ha ha...

All the fucking who were disobedient didn't know him.

Ye Zhiqiu himself estimated that if he was level 91, he would be invincible in Douluo Continent.

Even if it comes to a few hundred Title Douluo, he doesn't have the kind of counseling.

Perhaps, you don't have to wait until level 91?

While Ye Zhiqiu was thinking, Bibi Dong stood up and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and said, "If the task assigned by the old fellow Qian Daoliu is very dangerous tomorrow, just turn it off. Let him come to me if something happens."

After speaking, Bibi Dong picked up the Pope's scepter leaning on the table and walked outside the door.

"Wait, teacher, did you put this bracelet on for me? Where did it come from?" Seeing that Bibi Dong was about to go out, Ye Zhiqiu also hurriedly got up and asked the doubt in his heart. He held back this question. long time.

Bibi Dong didn't look back, but paused, "You don't need to know."

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Looking at Bibi Dong's back, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head speechlessly.

"Brother Qiu, then I'm leaving too." Hu Liena also got up and walked out of the house. When she reached the door, she suddenly looked back at Ye Zhiqiu and squinted and smiled, "I will remember to say this every day from now on. Don't talk like a stuffy oil bottle."

Ye Zhiqiu silently rolled his eyes at Hu Liena, Hu Liena covered her mouth with a chuckle and ran away.

"Tomorrow, I don't know what tasks the old fellow Qian Daoliu will assign to me..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself and walked to the bed.

The branches entangled on both sides spread out automatically, and it was not until Ye Zhiqiu entered that they came together again and turned into a ball.


On the next day, Ye Zhiqiu was awakened in the state of absorbing the green light ball.

There was a slight "bang" knock on the door outside the house, as if to disturb him, the sound was not very heavy.

"No lock, come in." Ooo eBook www.ootxt.com

Ye Zhiqiu was too lazy to get out of bed, but scattered the branches of the trees that surrounded him.

"Crack~" The door opened.

Hu Liena came in with a letter in her hand and handed it to Ye Zhiqiu.

The envelope has been opened, and it seems that Bibi Dong and Hu Liena have already seen the contents.

Ye Zhiqiu reached out and took it, and while pulling out the paper inside, he asked casually, "What did the teacher say?"

"The teacher said let you choose, she will not interfere." Hu Liena said truthfully.

"Yeah." Ye Zhiqiu nodded lightly, and checked the content of the letter.

After a long time, the corner of Ye Zhiqiu's mouth was slightly raised, and Hu Liena who was next to him was taken aback.

My younger brother with facial paralysis actually smiled?Isn’t it nice to smile?Why do you keep a straight face every day?

As if he had noticed the look in Hu Liena's eyes, Ye Zhiqiu squinted again, "Senior Sister, please help me with a message. I will take the task of the elder and set off in the afternoon." Ye Zhiqiu took a handful of his right hand and his letter paper was gray.

"Small things. It's yourself. This task is not easy. Be careful." Hu Liena said with a smile and left directly.

"Not easy? Heh~" Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flashed, this Qian Daoliu was quite interesting.

The general content of the letter is to let him hide in the dark and go to the Tiandou Empire to help the Prince Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire take the position of the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire without being discovered. .

This task is simple and simple, but difficult and difficult.

The letter said that although Xue Qinghe is expensive as the prince, he still has competitors, but his competitor is a bit useless. If it weren't for a titled Douluo standing behind him, it is estimated that the position of Emperor Tiandou would have been long ago. Already won.

Xue Qinghe's identity was not mentioned in the letter, and even Bibi Dong didn't tell Ye Zhiqiu specifically.

Regarding this matter, both the Elder Hall and the Pope Hall remained silent.

But Ye Zhiqiu knew that this Xueqinghe was Qianrenxue!

Qian Daoliu arranged himself next to her?Ye Zhiqiu guessed what he was doing.

It is nothing more than helping Qian Renxue clear the obstacles in the road ahead, and at the same time borrowing her hand to test her attitude, and if possible, she will try to win her over or something.

As for why Bibi Dong didn't tell the truth, he didn't know.

But Ye Zhiqiu always felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

He estimated that if he was going here, he might really not just help Qian Renxue ascend to the position of Emperor Tiandou.

And Bibi Dong obviously wouldn't watch it either. Both parties obviously started a game that was invisible to the public with Ye Zhiqiu as the center.

Ye Zhiqiu was quite unhappy with this situation of being calculated as a chess piece.

Therefore, he intends to play a big one with revenge.

Keep it from me?Ha ha.

Then I will pretend to be foolish and disgusting you.

See who is the final winner.

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