Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 132 Xue Qinghe's mentality collapsed [seeking subscription]

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Xue Qinghe sighed in his heart. If it weren't for Grandpa's command to draw him in, he would not be affected by this guy's bird air.

Xue Qinghe looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a dry smile and said, "We will let go of the affairs of Emperor Xueye first. It is not yet time. I have two other things that I would like to ask Shengzi to help."

Hehe, it really came...

Knowing that it's not that simple, Ye Zhiqiu thought for a while and decided to see what was going on first.

"Declare in advance that the great elder only allows me to help you ascend the throne of God, things that have nothing to do with this...it depends on my mood." Ye Zhiqiu said lightly.

"This is natural..." Xue Qinghe laughed with him, "I heard that although the saint child is only a soul sect, he has extraordinary combat power. He went into the sunset forest alone to hunt a 100,000-year soul beast. I wonder if it is true?"

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said, "This has something to do with what you asked me to help?"

Xue Qinghe said: "Naturally, I must at least know how strong the Saint Child is."

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flashed, and the deep black pupils turned into a rotating hexagonal windmill in a blink of an eye, and the four spirit rings of purple, black and red slowly fell from the top of his head.

He didn't speak, but the spirit ring could prove everything.

Xue Qinghe looked a little dull, and the news he heard was never as shocking as he saw with his own eyes.

But he didn't believe that Ye Zhiqiu hunted down the 100,000-year soul beast himself.

Xue Qinghe was more willing to believe that this was the spirit ring that Bibi Dong secretly helped Ye Zhiqiu hunt down, and then made false news to help him, the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall, build momentum.

In fact, not only Xue Qinghe thinks so, but many people think so, even those elders who don't know about it.

They simply didn't believe that a twelve-year-old boy could hunt a 100,000-year-old soul beast by himself. That would be too far-fetched.

They all just listened to this incident as a joke, and at most they would shock Ye Zhiqiu that a child could withstand the pressure of the spirit ring for the next 100,000 years.

And Bibi Dong himself didn't mean to explain this matter.

In fact, she is also dumbfounded.

Seeing Xue Qinghe's somewhat sluggish expression, Ye Zhiqiu was secretly happy, but his face was calm, "I don't know if the combat power is extraordinary, but if I fight you a little rookie soul king, I will probably give you one. The punch is almost there."

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Who do you look down on?My Qian Renxue was born with full spirit power at level 20, and a top martial soul Seraphim. At the age of 18, my spirit power broke through level 60. Although I have not obtained the sixth spirit ring, it is not your little soul sect with more than 40 levels that can repeat. Provocative, right?

"Holy Son has a big tone." The smile on Xue Qinghe finally disappeared, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with an unhappy expression.

"If you are not convinced, let's practice? If this sage can't defeat you with one move, it's the sage that loses." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xue Qinghe with disdain and said lightly.

Xue Qinghe immediately laughed angrily, "Okay, or we are adding a bet, the loser has to unconditionally agree to the winner's three conditions."

"It's up to you." Ye Zhiqiu squinted at Xue Qinghe, but didn't put him in his eyes at all.

Xue Qinghe was obviously irritating him, but Ye Zhiqiu still agreed, because he had confidence in himself, and he would only use the second one.

With more than fifty levels of Caibi Soul King, Ye Zhiqiu has hundreds of ways to deal with him.

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe looked at him with some doubts.

"Is your brain sick? You don't want to fight here, do you?" Ye Zhiqiu shrugged and said casually.Tomb Raider Novel Network www.daomuxsw.com

Xue Qinghe frowned suddenly, it was the first time I saw you, so arrogant as you, and I won't be able to beat you to death.

Seeing that Xue Qinghe hadn't moved yet, Ye Zhiqiu urged, "Give me your hand and take you to another place to fight."

Can teleport take people?Xue Qinghe was a little dazed. He knew that Ye Zhiqiu had teleporting spirit ability. This Wuhun Hall has records, and it seems that it is teleporting for a long distance, but you can still lead people?

While thinking, Xue Qinghe stretched out his hand slowly, moving slowly.

Upon seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and squeezed his hand with his right hand sticking out.

Afterwards, the third spirit ability Fei Lei Shen was activated, and the red light flashed in the room, and the two of them were gone.

In the woods far away from the Heaven Dou Imperial City, two figures suddenly appeared silently.

As soon as she stood firm, Xue Qinghe hurriedly withdrew her hand, watching the surroundings with some vigilance.

There are tall trees everywhere, the weeds are as high as half a person, and the surrounding area is pitch black, and the moonlight can't penetrate the dense foliage. If it weren't for the soul master's eyesight far beyond ordinary people, I was afraid that they would not be able to see clearly.

Around, from time to time, there are beasts roaring far away, adding a sense of horror to the environment.

"Where did you bring me here?" Xueqinghe's complexion was not calm. Why is this place so like a sunset forest?

"Of course it's a good place to fight." Ye Zhiqiu's mouth curled up, and then said in a joking tone: "It's probably tens of thousands of miles away from Heaven Dou Imperial City. His Royal Highness in Star Dou Great Forest should have heard of it. ?"

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Seeing the negative sentiment value that would arise from time to time in the system, Ye Zhiqiu smiled wickedly.

"Hey, I said your Royal Highness, if I go straight away, how long will it take you to run back to Heaven Dou Imperial City? I guess it will take half a month even if you drive at full speed..." Ye Zhiqiu touched his chin , It is true.

Xue Qinghe: ...

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

"Shengzi wouldn't be able to do such a demeaned thing..." Xue Qinghe gave a dry smile, he felt his mentality collapsed, the kind of crashing...

This person is too shameless.

"Hey, guess what." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly smiled meanly.

With a sullen face for so many days, he felt that he was a little stupid. At this time, he finally exposed his nature, and instantly felt that everything around him was so beautiful.

This kind of Ye Zhiqiu made Xue Qinghe even more afraid...

I guess?Guess your sister!

"By the way, I almost forgot about business. His Royal Highness still fights?" Ye Zhiqiu leaned back against the tree and joked with his arms folded.

"This..." Xue Qinghe was in trouble.

If he wins, this guy can't lose a teleport and runs away, what should he do?

And even if you lose, you have to promise him three things?

Xue Qinghe felt that he was too difficult, and his expression was struggling.

Ye Zhiqiu didn’t know what he was thinking, and couldn’t help but smile inwardly, “Hey, if your Royal Highness can hold a move under my hand, wouldn’t you be able to make three demands with me? My spirit hall saint’s face It’s still necessary, the gentleman said, it’s hard to chase the horse. Of course, the premise is that you can hold a trick."

Xue Qinghe almost screamed when he heard what Ye Zhiqiu said. You are a butt.

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