Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 150-The Charm of Language [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The porcupine Douluo cleared his throat and said with a serious face: "The Holy Son Ye Zhiqiu of the Pope's Palace, without being notified, took the Holy Child Hu Liena of the Pope's Palace into the conference hall. This is the first sin."

"Wait." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly interrupted the porcupine Douluo, which could not help making the other Title Douluo look a little unhappy.

"Shengzi has anything to say." Golden Crocodile Douluo said lightly.

"I think the words of the porcupine Douluo are wrong." Ye Zhiqiu smiled confidently: "As the saint son of the Wuhun Hall, the future elder of the elder hall, Senior Sister Nana is also the future pope of the papal hall, why not Eligibility to enter the conference hall to listen? In terms of status, I feel that I am not inferior to him, the bottom elder of the 92nd-level elder hall. In terms of strength, it is not that I look down on him and let him have one hand. May I ask the porcupine Douluo Except for being older than me, what is better than me? He can sit in this conference hall, why can't I sit?"

Ye Zhiqiu's words made the rest of Title Douluo a little stunned. What was said earlier was quite reasonable, what was said later?You said you can give the porcupine Douluo one hand?

"Fuck Nima..." The porcupine Douluo cursed with a black face on the spot.

"Heh~" Ye Zhiqiu folded his hands on his chest and raised his eyelids, glanced at him disdainfully, and said lightly: "Go on, go out and fight after you are not satisfied, don't fight with the young master."


You are too crazy...

The porcupine Douluo flushed with anger, and he patted the armrest of the chair, "Okay, I will play with you from now on, and see how you can give me a hand."

Bibi Dongxiu furrowed her eyebrows, watching this scene without speaking.

Little stars are about to appear in Hu Liena's eyes, although she knows that her junior brother may be bragging, but she can't stand her handsome!Too domineering.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. I'll take a good look later. If you really can hang the porcupine porpoise with one hand, little guy, I will agree to your position as the elder of the Spirit Hall." Goldenjaw Douluo laughed.

"Second..." The porcupine Douluo had a dark face, and squeezed a few words from his teeth. He just wanted to let this voting decision end soon, and then go out and kill this kid, after all, discuss this kind of thing. , Sometimes it’s normal if you can’t keep your hands.

"Second, the Holy Son Ye Zhiqiu of the Pope's Hall has been insulting the four elders of the Elder Hall many times in the conference hall. What can you say about this crime?" The porcupine Douluo looked at Ye Zhiqiu angrily.

"Of course." Ye Zhiqiu smiled indifferently, looked around the crowd, spread his hands and asked honestly: "Excuse me, elders, is there anything wrong in telling the truth? If it is wrong to tell the truth in our Wuhun Hall, who will pay? Dare to tell the truth?"

"I said the four elders of the porcupine, snake, spear, ghost, leopard, and sacred dragon are shameless, do they seem to be right? The arrogant elder promised me to be the future elder of the elder hall, and you talk ill of the back every day and label me randomly. Is it shameless? The four of them ridiculed my teacher’s first female stream through me, are they shameless? Even if I don’t become a senior elder, it’s not your turn to sit in this position in terms of seniority. Golden Jaw Douluo and Qianjun Which of Demon Fighting Douluo is better than you?"

"You..." The big belly of the porcupine Douluo's anger rises and falls, and white smoke is emitting from the top of his head. His mind is a little unconscious at this time.

Ghost Leopard Douluo said viciously: "Then you said before about our appearance, you should have nothing to say."

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes: "I'm just telling the truth. You look at the golden crocodile Douluo, tall and mighty, domineering sideways between the dragons and tigers. The two Douluos of Qianjun and Demon are restrained, showing everyone's demeanor. Looking at the four of you, which one is not crooked melons and jujubes. Did I make a mistake about this look? If I look like this, I would be embarrassed to go out and meet people. I bought a piece of tofu and killed him."

"Puff..." Hu Liena couldn't help but laughed.

Bibi Dong also raised his mouth slightly, trying to maintain the Pope's demeanor.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was holding his belly and laughing cheerfully, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with some appreciation, he found that this kid was especially in line with his appetite, he was crazy enough to advance and retreat.Ooo eBook www.ootxt.com

When taunting the four of Dolphin Douluo, he was still trying to win over himself and Qianjun and the demons.

If, as he said, he can hang the porcupine with one hand, the 92-level titled Douluo, then Golden Crocodile Douluo has decided to fully support Ye Zhiqiu's ascend to the position of the great elder. He himself does not want to be a great elder. There are too many things. Headache easily, after all, he is the last level, he is the next Ultimate Douluo, for Golden Crocodile Douluo, cultivation is the most important.

Qianjun Jiangmo and the two Douluo had faint smiles on their faces, but there was no gloom. Both of them had calm personalities, and belonged to the honest type.

Qian Daoliu looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. This baby deserved to be the one he was looking for. He insisted on saying that the dead was alive. On the contrary, the porcupine Douluo had nothing to say. This mouth is really good. Awesome.

It's a pity, it would be nice if you were calm in your work, and your character still needs to be tempered.

Qian Daoliu sighed and shook his head.

After all, he didn't think that Ye Zhiqiu, a soul sect, could really hang the porcupine with one hand, the 92-level titled Douluo, bragging was worse than this.

The porcupine Douluo's lips trembled by Ye Zhiqiu's words, and he could not speak when pointing at him.

The other three Title Douluo also had pale expressions, wishing to slap Ye Zhiqiu to death in this conference hall.

"Vote." Bibi Dongdan said with a smile.

Still throwing a fart, the porcupine Douluo scolded inwardly.Looking at the expression on Golden Crocodile Douluo, he knew that he would definitely not agree to expel Ye Zhiqiu from the Spirit Hall now.

It's hard to say Qianjun's demon, but their eyes obviously didn't show any dissatisfaction with Ye Zhiqiu.

Not to mention Qian Daoliu, he could give up his position for Ye Zhiqiu's promise.

"Our brothers abstained." Qianjun Jiangmo said in unison.

"Hey." Golden Crocodile Douluo said with a smile: "I think this kid is good, he's good."

"Needless to talk about the two Douluo and Guiju?" Bibi Dong looked at the porcupine Douluo and said coldly.

The situation at this time, four votes to four, two abstentions, everyone looked at Qian Daoliu who hadn't spoken out, and his last vote would play a decisive role.

Qian Daoliu sighed silently, it was really hard for him.

To vote for Ye Zhiqiu, the porcupine and Douluo are probably angry.Throwing the four porcupines does not push Ye Zhiqiu out?He also didn't want to vote.

"Well, isn't Shengzi saying that you can hang a porcupine Douluo with one hand? You try one, and then I will make the final conclusion based on the situation. How?" Qian Daoliu looked at everyone and said lightly.

"I have no opinion." The porcupine Douluo sneered first.

Bibi Dong was silent, and said nothing.

"Wait, I think I can add some chips. Otherwise, it would be too boring to test." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly said with a light smile, with a bit of arrogance on his face.

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