Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 204 Fulfilling the next promise [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Xue Qinghe rolled his eyes, and said with an aura: "You are still as unscrupulous as before."

"Don't make trouble, I'm serious. I slaughtered both Xue Xing and Xue Beng not long ago. Has the news reached you?" Ye Zhiqiu asked with a calm face after taking a bite of vegetables into his mouth.

Xue Qinghe put his arms on the table with his palm propped on his chin, and said helplessly: "Not long after I received it, you are really great, and it has caused me a lot of trouble. They are not low in status, I I didn't plan to move for the time being, I didn't expect you to do it first."

"They are looking for death by themselves, and I will fulfill them...Aren't you hungry? Just watch me eat?"

Xue Qinghe stared at the chopsticks and small bowl in Ye Zhiqiu's hand, rolled his eyes, and gave him a big roll of eyes, "I want to eat, but someone took away my tableware. Could it be that I grabbed it with my hands?"

"It's simple..." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly smirked, looking at Xue Qinghe's expression with some inexplicable meaning.Xue Qinghe suddenly had a bad foreboding at this moment, and the next moment he noticed that his waist was tight, and Ye Zhiqiu was taken from the deputy to the main position in an exclamation.

The two soul saints who were in charge of guarding outside the door were shocked, thinking that something was wrong, and hurriedly opened the door and broke in. When they saw the scene before them, they were all at a loss.

It looks like a big man is holding another big man, although both of them are very handsome, the picture is full of disharmony.However, since the two soul saints can be sent to protect Xueqinghe, they are naturally trusted by Qian Daoliu. The truth of many things is also known to them, such as Xueqinghe's true identity and Ye Zhiqiu's true strength. .

Now the saint of the Pope Temple is molesting our saint of the Elder Temple, what should we do?Regardless?It seems that I can't beat it. This is the cruel man who can fight four titles alone and kill two of them...

"Who let you in." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the two people who were stunned at the door with a cold expression.

"Um..." The two of them looked at each other, feeling a little flustered, or we should have not seen it...

"His Royal Highness, the subordinates are reckless, let's go..." The two wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and hurried out.

"Bang~" The door was closed again.

Xue Qinghe stretched out his hand in a daze. Which one are you from?

Ye Zhiqiuhuan's hand was tight on Xue Qinghe's waist, his chin was lightly resting on his shoulder, and he chuckled, "No one seems to dare to bother us now. Should you fulfill the promise you made last time?"

"What promise..." Xue Qinghe looked a little flustered and struggled in Ye Zhiqiu's arms. After seeing that Ye Zhiqiu's arm had not been moved, he had to sit on his lap angrily, twisting his head and not moving, and then facing his head. he.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flashed with a narrowing color, and his lips moved to his ears and chuckled, "I forgot so soon? When I left last time, I seemed to have said that the next time I met you will change you back to what you were. Look like."

The heat and crisp feeling from her ears made Xue Qinghe's complexion a little red, and her heartbeat was much faster.

"I just don't change, I'm so mad at you, you scumbag..." Xue Qinghe muttered a little proudly.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

"OK, sure, and sure! What can you do with me?" Xue Qinghe said hard.

"Haha..." Ye Zhiqiu chuckled, I still can't cure you, am I?Ooo eBook www.ootxt.com

The hand originally wrapped around Xue Qinghe's waist began to slowly move upwards at this time, and soon passed the lower abdomen. Even with the two layers of clothing, the soft touch still made Ye Zhiqiu feel swayed.

Xue Qinghe's body was trembling, and the part that Ye Zhiqiu had touched lightly had a strange feeling like an electric shock, making him a little panicked, and both hands shook Ye Zhiqiu's arm vigorously.But with his strength, how could it be compared with Ye Zhiqiu, naturally it would have no effect at all.

"Wait...wait...I change, I can't change..." Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, it seemed that he was almost crying.

When Ye Zhiqiu was about to board a certain mountain peak, he paused, and said with a light smile: "Isn't it enough to obey early? Why bother?"

Xue Qinghe seemed to be angry, and squeezed Ye Zhiqiu's arm fiercely, and the 360-degree twisted Ye Zhiqiu was also grinning.

Then, he noticed that the spirit power in Xue Qinghe's body fluctuated in his arms, it seemed that something like a shackle had been untied.

A faint milky white light began to overflow from him, and a holy and peaceful breath gradually filled the surroundings.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was in close contact with him, was also wrapped in this milky white light. At this moment, he felt as if he had forgotten many of his worries. He felt that the world was so beautiful that he wanted to sleep well. The wonderful feeling is a bit intoxicating.

At this moment Xue Qinghe in Ye Zhiqiu's arms, no, should be called Qian Renxue.

The original beige hair with short ears, which was not too long, has become crystal-clear and soft, golden long hair, and the light fragrance on the body seems to have become more concentrated.

Since she had been facing Ye Zhiqiu with her head back, and was unwilling to turn around, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but anxiously. She grabbed her shoulders with both hands and forced her sitting posture to rotate ninety degrees, turning her back from her back to herself. Turned his side to himself.

At this time, Qian Renxue seemed to be a little shy, her head was so low that she was almost buried in her chest, her cheeks were covered by the hanging hair on both sides, her face was still not very real.

"Isn't it pretty capable before? Change your identity and your face is so thin?" Ye Zhiqiu laughed and teased, and slowly raised her long golden hair that was facing her.

The first thing that catches the eye is her supple lychee-like skin, and her white cheeks make people unable to find any blemishes, especially the lustrous and shiny feeling, which is really as moving as sheep fat and white jade.

The second thing that made Ye Zhiqiu pay special attention to was the small golden seraph brand in the center of her eyebrows, which contained a special wave.

After all, she couldn't really see her face to her side. Ye Zhiqiu showed a hint of molesting, gently dragging her finger on her chin, turning her head around.

At this moment, Qian Renxue's golden eyes trembled slightly, her red lips slightly opened, and the shy and timid appearance really shocked Ye Zhiqiu's heart.

Although Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are equally beautiful, they are still only 13 years old after all, and they look a little green.

Qian Renxue is now in the best time of a woman's life, and it is naturally more attractive to men than the two of them.

The most important thing is that she is now wearing an imperial robe, which can particularly inspire a man's desire to conquer.

"We all say that Qian Renxue is Douluo's number one beauty. When we saw it today, we found that what she said was true."

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