Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 206 I will be responsible [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Okay, okay... It's a big deal. People don't say it. What you meant in the previous words is that my destiny will change because of your appearance, right?"

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Zhiqiu with great interest, with a trace of inquiry and curiosity in her eyes, as well as a trace of expectation of listening to the story.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "To be precise, it's not that I appear, but whether I choose to intervene in it, will your destiny change accordingly."

Qian Renxue curled her lips and said with a narrow smile, "You seem to be a very important person. I have never seen someone as cheeky and bragging as you, but you tell the story in a serious manner. It’s interesting."

Ye Zhiqiu squinted at her, and said with a playful look: "Your destiny has changed, do you want to know what it will become in the future?"

"Talk about it?" Qian Renxue was a little expectant, showing a look of respectful listening to the emperor.

Ye Zhiqiu's figure flashed, and he walked behind her, stretched his hands around her neck, and murmured softly with his lips close to her ears: "In the future, you will still be the first person to become a god in the mainland and become the eyes of many people. The villain in here. However, I am the one who defeated you this time."

Qian Renxue's body trembled, she secretly cursed the rogue and played the rogue with her hands, but she did not have the strength to resist.I couldn't help but turned his head to look at Ye Zhiqiu with a look of despair, "So, you will be my enemy in the future? Then I may be busy, your enemy is not ordinary troublesome."

"Your ability to understand is not good." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and chuckled, "Sometimes the big villain doesn't need to be defeated, in fact, it can be overthrown."

"Put down?" Qian Renxue muttered these two words, and then as if thinking of something, her snow-white skin suddenly became a lot rosy, and she took a sip, "Bah, rascal, shameless... ."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled, "Seriously, it's meaningless to be the Emperor of Heaven Dou. You should disperse the power in your hands and take the time to go back and inherit the inheritance of the Angel God."

"No." Qian Renxue shook his head and said: "I just passed level 61. Grandpa said that I must be at least level 65 or above before going back. And what I say is also the emperor of Tiandou, just pat the ass and leave. Matter? That would be too irresponsible. If Heaven Dou does not have an emperor, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world?

Ye Zhiqiu calmly said, "I will arrange this to give you the ability to solve these problems. At that time, I can naturally get you a Xueqinghe out to stabilize Tiandou. Since the Angel God inheritance needs to be level 65 or above, then you now Cultivate hard and worry less about national affairs. For our soul masters, becoming a god is the most important thing."

Qian Renxue turned her head and looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze."Why do I feel like a god like a very simple thing in your mouth?"

It would be difficult for an ordinary spirit master to become a titled Douluo, not to mention a god. It hasn't appeared in the mainland for many years...

But the stinky rogue in front of him, opening his mouth and shutting his mouth, is either a god or a god. It seems that he is bound to become a god. Where does this confidence come from...

Qian Renxue seemed to have forgotten the ambiguous posture between the two of them, and her mind was a little confused, and the amount of information she learned today was a bit large.It takes time to digest and think.

Qian Renxue was stunned, but Ye Zhiqiu didn't.

Seeing the stunning face in front of him that was so perfect that there was no flaw in it, Ye Zhiqiu's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but leaned toward Qian Renxue's ruddy lips.Daxia Chinese Website www.daxiabook.com

This sudden scene made people defenseless.

Qian Renxue's thoughts flying around suddenly recovered at this moment. She noticed the strange touch between her lips, her eyes widened suddenly, and her noble golden pupils trembled violently.

She instinctively wanted to stretch out her hand to resist, but Ye Zhiqiu shrank her head first, moved her feet, and withdrew for several steps.The tongue licked between his lips, as if he was reminiscing about the taste just now. This gesture is full of teasing.

"You..." Qian Renxue abruptly got up from the chair and stared at Ye Zhiqiu shyly and angry.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it back." Ye Zhiqiu gave a dry smile, "rest assured, I will be responsible."

Qian Renxue's face turned black, and her chest was up and down. She didn't know whether she was angry or ashamed. She said with no good air: "You are really a stinky rascal, you will be relieved of responsibility. If I really become the number one in the mainland as you say A god will inevitably hit you all over the floor looking for teeth, full of blossoms, and hemiplegia..."

"Oh? Can I understand that you are threatening me?" Ye Zhiqiu raised his sword eyebrows, and said with a faint smile: "Then should I take advantage of you to not be able to beat me now and take advantage of it to avoid losing money? ?"

While talking, Ye Zhiqiu gradually approached Qian Renxue with a malicious smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Qian Renxue's face changed, and she cried out badly in her heart, these words...

She seems to have put it a bit early...

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu getting closer and closer, it seemed that it was going to come true, Qian Renxue was a little panicked...

When he moved his feet, he wanted to retreat, but he hit the dinner table behind him with a "bang", and a lot of soup was spilled on the plate.

"Hey... hello... I was joking just now, it's really meaningless... Don't mess around..." Qian Renxue's mentality collapsed a bit, so she had to take the initiative when she was molested. Admit it...

Ye Zhiqiu kept walking and came to her. He was a little taller than Qian Renxue. His eyes were very aggressive at this time, making Qian Renxue a little panic. His lower body was stuck on the table and couldn't move, and his upper body Instinctively fall back, otherwise the faces of the two people will be very close again. Qian Renxue is really afraid that this rascal would do something, and then one more sentence, I'm sorry and couldn't hold back...

Then she guessed that she might be pissed to death.

"Are you so scared?" Ye Zhiqiu's eyes playfully stretched out his left hand and fiercely grabbed Qian Renxue's waist, pulling her into his arms, wrapping her right hand around her neck, and half bending back to force her white jaw .

The tough posture kept the two of them looking at each other.

Qian Renxue pulled her hands extravagantly, her legs were a little soft, and the weight of her whole body fell on Ye Zhiqiu's body.It's not that she didn't want to move, she really didn't dare to resist, no matter what it was, she seemed to be eaten to death by Ye Zhiqiu.

"You... don't mess around... I'm the saint of the elder hall, be careful, I'll go to my grandfather and your teacher to sue..." Qian Renxue's rosy lips trembled slightly. It is hard to imagine that she, a level 61 soul emperor, can only think of telling her parents at this time. How helpless is this...

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