Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 214 Immortal products do not seem to be very effective [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Come on." The avatar in the middle came to Dugubo and smiled and stretched out his hand.

Dugubo's face twitched a few times, and he took out a big brown cloth bag from his arms, took out a small green snake from it and stuffed it into his arms, and then threw the cloth bag here. Dao clone.

It's not very distressing for Dugu Bo to give out this cloth bag. After all, for him, this Soul Guidance Device also keeps some medicine fresh, and stores his little pet by the way.

But the feeling in my heart is really uncomfortable. This kid himself lost the Storage Soul Guidance Device. Why should I have to pay for it? It's really a dog...

Ye Zhiqiu's avatar looked at this storage soul guide from left to right. The whole body is woven from unknown brown silk thread. The cloth is inlaid with several red and green gems for decoration. The overall look is not very colorful, but instead very common.

"Don't look at it. This storage soul guide is called Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag. Although it looks crude on the outside, it is different from other storage soul guides in that it can store living things and contains 20 cubic meters of storage. Space is not comparable to those storage soul guides that can only store dead objects. I got it accidentally at the beginning, and now it's cheaper for you." Dugubo looked at the disgusting look on the clone's face, and thought he didn't. Knowing the role of this storage soul guide, quickly explained.

The disgust on the avatar's face is naturally pretended, and of course the acting has to be a full set.At this moment, Dugu Bo said that the disgusting expression on his face disappeared in an instant, and his smile was bright and he put the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag into his arms.

With this speed of face change, Dugu Bo was stunned. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of it...

The clone smiled and said: "It can store living creatures, and it can barely compare with the soul guide I lost. For the sake of you giving me such a good thing, I will take you back."

"Huh~" Dugu Bo suppressed the strange thought in his mind, let out a long breath, and felt relieved, finally he could go back.


The sunset over the forest, where the ice and fire are in sight.

A circle of faint energy ripples centered on this place, and suddenly spread to the surroundings. The surrounding herbs were swayed by the sudden strong wind, and the colorful light spots on the various herbs followed. The wind rises and floats all around, as beautiful as fireflies at night.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting next to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, as if flames were beating inside, and as if ice and snow were falling.

"Absorption of all medicines, only reached level 49? This immortal product with hormones cannot be compared with the one that is naturally raised. Fortunately, the non-invasive properties of water and fire are still there, and the upper limit of the immortal body's vitality seems to be increased. One point, it's really an unexpected joy..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed with emotion, and then his gaze calmly swept into the depths of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, as if he could see through the milky white and vermilion lake water and see through the scene below.

"Wow~" A wave of spray floated on the water, and Tang San's head came out from the extremely hot Yangquan side. At the same time, Ye Zhiqiu's clone also came back with Dugu Bo at this time, and will not come back again, the poison in Dugu Bo's body It's about to start backlash.

Tang San originally wanted to say hello to Ye Zhiqiu. At this moment, he suddenly saw Dugu Bo popping up not far away, and his face sank. After all, Dugu Bo wanted to attack Xiao Wu before, but he was left in his heart. A thorn.

Holding the water surface with both hands, the extremely hot Yangquan seemed to be on the ground under Tang San's palm. With the support, Tang San pulled himself out of the somewhat sticky extremely hot Yangquan, and just stood on the surface of the water, his eyes were not How kind to stare at Dugu Bo.

How could Dugubo not notice Tang San's eyes, but he had no time for him at this moment, and he sat down directly on the spot, absorbing the two extreme toxins in the air, and suppressing the pyrophoric snake venom in his body. .Ranwen Novel www.ranwen52000.com

"My deity, this is the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag compensated by Dugu Bo, you know..." Ye Zhiqiu's avatar smiled at the corner of her lips, blinked secretly, and handed the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag over.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded casually, stretched out his hand to take it, and put it in his arms, and instructed: "You five, don't need to protect the law. Practice on the spot to restore your vitality to its peak."

These clones were summoned when Ye Zhiqiuxian's body qi was basically exhausted, so they didn't have much qi in their bodies at the beginning, and it took a long time for them to recover only a half.

After that, Ye Zhiqiu will inevitably spawn a large number of other fairy herbs, so he must prepare more clones to be prepared.

After Wudao Clone sat down, only Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San remained standing in the audience.

After an ups and downs, Tang San came to his side and whispered, "Brother Qiu, that guy Dugubo, now seems to be suppressing toxins in the body, we might as well..."

Tang San made a motion to wipe his neck.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't make trouble, if I really want to kill him, I will have one or two tricks. I didn't kill him. Naturally, I have a reason. What's more, we dug up his fairy grass. He also compensated me. The storage soul guide for living things, take the short hand, let him go. Don't worry about Xiao Wu's affairs, he doesn't have the guts..."

Tang San lowered his head and pondered for a moment. The amount of information was a bit large. What happened during his cultivation period?A storage soul guide that can hold living things?Does that mean that all these fairy products can be packed away?

"All right, listen to you." Tang San nodded.

"Don't talk nonsense, play fairy grass with me, and tell me the picking methods by the way..."

Tang San nodded, just about to go with Ye Zhiqiu to pick some other fairy grasses, the next moment he glanced at something out of the corner of his eye, making Tang San wonder if he was mistaken.

Rubbing his eyes, Tang San once again looked at the octagonal Black Ice Grass that had originally been plucked with flowers. This time, he was sure that he had not made a mistake. What was it?

"Fucking~" Rao was calm in Tang San, and his calm personality couldn't calm down at this time.

Looking at the rhizomes, Tang San knew that it was definitely the octagonal Black Ice Grass. Even without the flowers, he wouldn’t be able to admit it, but why did the octagonal Black Ice Grass grow so big and tall?Is this still grass?This is a tree...

"Qiu... Brother Qiu you did it...?" Tang San looked at Ye Zhiqiu dullly. After all, there were only a few people here, and he really couldn't think of anyone else who could do such a thing.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded calmly, "You should remember that I can control plants, but it's just to speed up plant growth, small means..."

"But that's a fairy...not an ordinary plant..." Tang San looked surprised, still feeling a little unbelievable.

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