Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 221 Retreatseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu looked at his ten avatars and said, "Ten of you, go first to give birth to edible immortals, like bloody swan kisses that cannot be eaten, so let them go first."

"Yes!" The ten avatars responded at the same time, and each walked towards a fairy, and put their fingers on the rhizome, connecting the two.

Tang San put down the poison that was being deployed in his hand, and squatted down beside a clone, watching intently.He wanted to study how Brother Qiu made an immortal plant grow so big. When he saw the octagonal Black Ice Grass and Blazing Apricot grow so sparsely, Tang San was shocked.

Dugu Bo is not interested in these things. After all, he doesn't know the immortals, and they don't know what they are. Moreover, this place is in the hands of Ye Zhiqiu. It is good for him, the original master, not to be driven away...

When Ye Zhiqiu was cultivating before, he discussed a lot with Tang San. At this moment, seeing the two of them busy, it was because they were grazing on the mountain wall, soaring all the way up, and left directly.

Dugu Bo needed to buy some things Tang San needed to bring him back. This was one of the conditions that Tang San promised to help him treat his illness.

A total of more than a dozen fairy products, in addition to the poisonous blood-colored swan kiss that cannot be eaten, there is also the lovesick heartbroken red that has entered Xiao Wu’s belly and can no longer grow out, and then exclude the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot that have been eaten. , Ye Zhiqiu planned to eat all of the Yulu Metamorphic Lotus for Bibi Dong and the remaining fairy grass.

As for the question of why he didn't eat Yulu Huashenglian, the side effect is really too strong.Yes, rejuvenation is a side effect to Ye Zhiqiu.

The immortal products after spawning have weakened soul power enhancement effects, but their characteristics are still there. For example, the octagonal black ice grass and the scorching fire apricot are immune to Ye Zhiqiu's perfect inheritance.

Ye Zhiqiu was already relatively young now, only thirteen years old. What if he becomes a baby directly after eating Yulu Huashenglian?

A baby with the title Douluo's strength, sounds nice to say, a peerless genius.But this can't realize the fun of being a man. Who is willing to wait for more than ten years...

This is the reason why Ye Zhiqiu is reluctant to eat Yulu Huashenglian. Even if he may increase his spirit power by one level after eating it, he does not want to eat it. Whoever loves it will eat it. Anyway, he will not eat it.

As the energy of the ten avatars continuously poured into the fairy products, under Tang San's shocked and dull gaze, the ten fairy products quickly uprooted, and the rhizomes were thicker and thicker.

"I thought it would take a little effort for Brother Qiu to give birth to immortal products. I didn't expect it to be so easy..." Tang San muttered to himself with some doubts about life, are these really the immortal herbs recorded in the Xuantian Baolu?How to fertilize like a Chinese cabbage?Even if the Chinese cabbage is fertilized, it doesn't grow so fast, right...

"Little San, you're wrong about that..." Ye Zhiqiu came to the side, smiled and patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Actually, it's quite troublesome to give birth to these immortals. It took me about a day to return to my peak state." It can give birth to two plants, and then you have to meditate to recover. If it weren't for this plug-in clone technique, it would take about half a month to give birth to all these fairy grasses."

Tang San's eyes were a little dazed, even without the help of these clones, it took half a month to change so many fairy grasses, would this be a long time?

How many people are hungry for a fairy product, but what you said, why do I feel so awkward...

If you put you in our world, you will definitely be rushed to death by a large group of people...

After another short period of time, when the ten immortal plants were almost as tall as the octagonal black ice grass, Ye Zhiqiu asked the clone to stop, and gave them the order to practice on-site practice and protect the law by the way. .

Then Ye Zhiqiu's eyes swept a little eagerly over the surrounding ten fairy products. The fairy products that he had given birth to, seemed to understand Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts. The flowers at the top buckled one after another, slowly drifting over, with He was the center, rotating around the floating side of Ye Zhiqiu.Feilu Novels www.flxs8.com

These immortals retain their original appearance, but the flowers are much larger, and the petals are also full of green lines.

Ten different fairy products, each one is a precious treasure in the world, but at this time it is Gongwei beside Ye Zhiqiu, it seems that he is the true king of this flower.

Tang San's eyes were a little numb, and he couldn't speak. The immortal product was alive. Brother Qiu let them fight for hundreds of thousands of years. They are paying back their favor...

As long as the rhizomes are still there, the lack of flowers does not cause much damage to these plants, and it only takes a while to grow back.

If Ye Zhiqiu was happy and provided them with nutrients again to help them give birth, they could grow faster.

These immortals have made good calculations, almost all of them have been refined, with their own consciousness, but they have not reached the realm of Huaren.

Now these immortal products could already be said to be spirit beasts, Tang San dared to bet that if you pull out the roots and kill it completely, the spirit ring will definitely burst.

If the spirit ring of the immortal herb grows to a certain age, what kind of spirit ability should it look like?How terrible is the power?Tang San couldn't imagine it.

Ye Zhiqiu spent a little effort, swallowing all the flowers like jujubes, and burped comfortably. When his body fell, he fell directly into the eyes of the ice and fire.

There was only one sentence left in the air, "Little San, I'm going to retreat, don't disturb me if I have something to do, call me a clone if something happens."

Looking at the ice and fire spring eyes where the water ripples gradually calmed down, Tang San opened his mouth, and after all, he didn't have time to say what he said.

Brother Qiu, swallowing so many immortal grasses together, it is easy for the medicine to force each other and burst into death...

Within the eyes of Binghuo, the temperature of Yangquan is exactly like magma, and Bingquan can directly freeze all the vitality of a person.

If you haven't taken the two kinds of immortal grasses, Star Anise Xuanbing Grass and Blazing Apricot Jiaoshu, Title Douluo won't last long here.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's body was in a large font, his eyes closed tightly, and his back slowly sank.

Originally, he thought that there should be no problem in eating these immortal products directly.But now, Ye Zhiqiu realized that he still underestimated the medicinal properties of these fairy grasses.

Even though the medicinal power contained in each fairy grass is not much, the medicinal power of the ten fairy grasses added together is still very terrifying, and the effects of various characteristics make Ye Zhiqiu a little ecstatic.

The metabolism of body cells is obviously accelerated, and the speed of physical enhancement is a bit abnormal.

There are many benefits, but it is accompanied by severe pain and itching throughout the body.

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