Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 224 The secret under the lake of life [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly, "You are still the same, you can't lie, remember to close your eyes next time you lie."

Daming was silent for a while. After a while, it said solemnly: "Although I don't know where you got the news, they are not something you can afford. If you offend them, you will bring them to yourself. Disasters will bring disasters to us as well as to humans. I advise you not to be too troublesome. Sister Xiao Wu’s face is for the sake of everything."

As soon as he finished speaking, Daming plunged into the water, his breath quickly disappeared, and it seemed to be diving at high speed.

Ye Zhiqiu had a thoughtful expression. From Daming's mouth, he learned a lot of information.


That said, there are indeed more than one fierce beast, otherwise they will not be used to summarize.

Second, when Daming warned him, he dived directly. Does it show that the beasts are indeed hiding at the bottom of the lake?

This is still unknown, and Ye Zhiqiu is not sure, after all, why are so many beasts hiding at the bottom of the lake?Do you play mahjong to join two tables?

There is no need to play at the bottom of the lake if you make two tables, and they are not all fish...

Third, there seems to be awe, or fear, of them in Daming's words.

If these fierce beasts are really hiding at the bottom of the lake, what is Daming on the lake?The gatekeeper?

If everything is as he guessed, Ye Zhiqiu suspects that there are definitely good things at the bottom of the lake that are attracting those fierce beasts, and this good thing can't be taken away, otherwise the fierce beasts will not all hide in the bottom of the lake.

What is attractive to spirit beasts of the fierce beast level is nothing more than some genius treasures that can enhance their strength.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flashed, and a smile flicked across his mouth. He felt that he had discovered the truth.

There are so many immortal products around the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, then is there any immortal products under this lake of life filled with abundant spiritual energy?If there is, then the immortal product will definitely be able to fit with itself.

The essence of the qi of one's own fairy body is the rich breath of life, and the name of the lake of life is naturally not groundless.

It seemed that it was justified and reasonable, and it was time for me to investigate the situation. I didn't know if I could get to the bottom of the lake with my current strength of spiritual consciousness.

Ye Zhiqiu condensed his divine consciousness into a single thread while thinking, and plunged into the bottom of the lake suddenly.

Last time, he also needed to use the fourth spirit ability, Kagura Minyan, to increase the intensity of his spiritual consciousness, in order to explore the bottom of one of the deep underwater caves.

But this time, Ye Zhiqiu's divine consciousness spread all the way down without stopping, with unprecedented ease.

At the intersection of the deep hole under the water, Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual thoughts saw Daming's figure.

This guy used his huge body to almost completely block the road leading to the two passages from the bottom of the water, and a pair of large lantern bull's eyes stared at the upper side with caution. This is to guard against who is naturally.

Upon seeing this scene, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help firming up his conjecture.

Daming's posture seemed to be a bit of a guardian.It is probably the Star Dou Great Forest Emperor that the beasts put on the bright surface, the purpose is to guard this lake of life, lest they themselves be disturbed.

Divine Sense didn't stay much longer, and directly skipped Da Ming and continued to spread downward.

Soon, the forked deep hole appeared in front of him, Ye Zhiqiu didn't hesitate at all, turned his mind, and dived into the deep hole that he hadn't been to on the other side.

When the divine consciousness reached a depth of twenty-five miles underwater, Ye Zhiqiu's divine consciousness had a meal, and he felt a little effort. There was still a deep darkness underneath, and this cave was far from the meaning of the end.Girls' Novel Network www.nsxs.org

Sitting next to the lake of life, Ye Zhiqiu, who was closing his eyes slightly, the purple, black, and red spirit rings above his head began to fall, and the fourth spirit ring was shining with red light at this moment.

With the fourth spirit ability, Kagura opened his eyes.

At this moment, the stunned consciousness seemed to have a transmitter on the butt, and it immediately leaped down seven or eight miles, and the speed gradually stabilized.

About five or six minutes later, Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual consciousness had already spread nearly 40 miles deep under the Lake of Life, and the surroundings began to slowly change.

This cave, what is it...

The bottom is flat and flat, there is nothing, only on the side wall, there is a large irregular hole three to four meters in size, and inside is an oblique upward passage.

Drilling holes again?

Ye Zhiqiu was speechless for a while, and his divine consciousness spread towards this cave, only spreading upwards for a distance of no more than a hundred meters. The divine consciousness broke through the water surface, and what appeared in front of him was a cave under the ground.

There is no water here, except that the air is somewhat humid, it is completely invisible that this is a cave under the water.

The cave is very large, at least a few hundred meters long and wide, and the surrounding walls emit milky white fluorescence, so it does not appear dark.

The ceiling of the cave is a large piece of stalactite pillars hanging upside down, with different sizes and thicknesses. The special scenery looks good.

But apart from these, what attracted Ye Zhiqiu's attention most was undoubtedly the seven figures sitting in a circle at the center of the cave.

There are seven people, five men and two women. Except for one man who looks a little ugly and his skin looks like dry bark, the other four men are handsome or rough, and the two women are mature and feminine, with arrogant stature. People are still in line with human aesthetics.

The only thing the seven of them have in common is breath.

Although some are evil, some are good, and some are domineering, they seem to be different.

But none of them was weaker than the Qianjun Demon Douluo that Ye Zhiqiu had seen. Among the seven, everyone was a strong one.

Naturally, Ye Zhiqiu would not be foolish to think that these people would be humans. The Seagod Spiritual Mind once told him that the fierce beasts had the ability to transform humans.

Unlike Xiao Wu’s way of transforming humans, Xiao Wu transforms humans from the root. Everything is re-practised from scratch, and she will never be transformed into an animal body. She can be said to be a real human, but because of the restrictions of heaven and earth, she retains Death explosion spirit ring and spirit bone ability.

And their bodies are still beasts, and transforming people into humans is just a means. This is a special ability acquired when they survived the first catastrophe.

Good guy, it's a fierce beast.

The weakest ones are higher than the 96-level Super Douluo, and Ye Zhiqiu even discovered that one of them has no weaker aura than Qian Daoliu.

It was a middle-aged man with long black hair and shawl with a hint of fortitude in his handsome face.

In his body, Ye Zhiqiu noticed a trace of danger.

Di Tian!

For some reason, these two words suddenly appeared in Ye Zhiqiu's mind.

If he is Di Tian, ​​who is the silver-haired woman in the underwater passage on the other side?Her breath is sometimes weak like a century-old soul beast, but more often, her breath is stronger than this black-haired man.

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