Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 228 Gu Yuenaseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After thinking for a while, Ye Zhiqiu sighed lightly, not to mention whether the body of the god-level powerhouse could be destroyed by himself, because the danger alone made him afraid to rush.

If by any chance, that cold personality perceives the crisis and forces him to wake up and protect himself, he will have to cool down if not.

The difference between the two sides is too great, whether it is the total amount of soul power or the quality, it is a huge difference. Ye Zhiqiu does not have much resistance at all, and he can't afford to bet.

No, no, it seems that this kind of thought is still not possible. Let's take a look at what kind of personality her personality is. If you get along well, you will find a way to help her suppress the other personality, commonly known as-cure!

With spirit power covering the whole body, draining the sea water, Ye Zhiqiu's figure quickly dived, and in the blink of an eye he came to the silver-haired woman who was dazed in the sea.

At this moment, her appearance hasn't changed much, but her temperament is completely different, just like she has changed herself, without the slightest coldness, and a bit more cute and cute.

He possesses great power, but it seems that he doesn't know how to use it.

Ye Zhiqiu waited on the sea for a long time, but she hadn't swam up yet. When Ye Zhiqiu came to the side, she was still fluttering with her limbs in a panic...

When she saw Ye Zhiqiu, her eyes also showed a hint of curiosity, as if they were meeting for the first time at this time.

The dignified god-level powerhouse was actually stumped by the sea.Ye Zhiqiu also felt a bit funny about this scene. This girl seemed to him to be a complete comparison.

You were very happy to mention my collar before, right?Feng Shui takes turns, it's time to change me this time.

A smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Ye Zhiqiu reached out and touched the collar of the silver-haired woman's back, as if he was carrying a little chicken.

In her bewildered eyes, Ye Zhiqiu used God of Thunder to return to the small island before.

As soon as she loosened her hand, the silver-haired woman suddenly "clicked" and landed on her back on the beach.

She had just come out of the water and her whole body was wet. Now she was like rolling in a mud puddle. The front was dirty and there was no clean place, whether it was on the clothes or The beautiful face is covered with sand.

Ye Zhiqiu deliberately acted like this. You scared me before. Now he has a chance to retaliate. He naturally wants to come back with his character.

With a quick pinch, a wooden recliner next to it naturally grew out. Ye Zhiqiu lay down leisurely, watching the silver-haired woman who had just gotten up and asked, "What's your name?"

"Gu Yuena, my name is Gu Yuena. Thank you for saving me just now." After Gu Yuena wiped the sand on her face, she looked at Ye Zhiqiu and smiled. Her smile was very sunny and bright, just like The innocent and innocent little doll of a scheming little doll.

"Gu Yuena..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured. He really didn't have any impression of this name. He had never heard of it. As far as he knew, it seemed that there was no such a god in the God Realm.

"Are you a soul beast? What is the body?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at Gu Yuena curiously.

"..." Gu Yuena showed a dazed expression.

In the dark, she knew that her name was Gu Yuena. As for other news, she didn't know anything, she only had a vague instinct to act.

Just looking at her expression, Ye Zhiqiu knew that he probably couldn't ask anything.

The facts were indeed as he expected. Gu Yuena looked dazed at some of the other questions Ye Zhiqiu asked, asking three questions.Cool Pen Fun Pavilion www.ku162.com

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help being a little silent, this baby was like a blank sheet of paper now.

Ye Zhiqiu can be sure at this time that this should be her secondary personality, and the master personality shouldn't be so stupid.

This is more troublesome. Although I don't know why a god-level powerhouse like Gu Yuena is schizophrenic, generally this schizophrenia is very unstable.

Most of the time is dominated by the master personality, that is to say, the master's time outside is much longer than the deputy personality.

If the secondary personality can be outside for 5 hours 24 hours a day, I am afraid that the rest of the time is the master personality.

In this regard, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but feel a pain. If her master came out, he might be in trouble.

The facts were similar to what Ye Zhiqiu had guessed. Gu Yuena was awakened by Ye Zhiqiu ten thousand years earlier, and her state was much worse.

The injury did not recover, not to mention, the self-proclaimed strength and memory were only halfway through. In this case, she was sneaked out of the lake of life by Ye Zhiqiu early, and her plan was completely disrupted.

This is why she wanted to shoot Ye Zhiqiu when she first came out of the crystal coffin.

But for her, there are also benefits, that is, the master character will not be suppressed most of the time.

This is good for her, but for Ye Zhiqiu, it is a huge disadvantage.

The most important thing for him now is not to hunt down the spirit ring, but what method he should use to suppress her master character so that she can't get out, or he won't do it to himself when she comes out.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't find a good way. The only way was to run quickly now, the farther the better.

But this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Gu Yuena said before that to change the situation of humans and soul beasts, which means that there will be a battle between humans and soul beasts.

A god-level powerhouse, there is absolutely no one among the human beings to stop. This terrible situation is all due to the consequences of Ye Zhiqiu's low hands for a while.

So Ye Zhiqiu felt that he had to resist this responsibility. He couldn't run, and he couldn't beat him. What should he do?

When Ye Zhiqiu frowned and thought about it, Gu Yuena had already run to the beach to wash her lower body. Apart from the wet body, she returned to her previous beautiful and pleasant appearance.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

Ye Zhiqiu, who has been frowning, seems to have become a little heavy in the surrounding air. As long as he is not a fool, he is in a bad mood. Gu Yuena is not a fool. She just lacks an understanding of things, but the master's instinct is still there. .

"Eh..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed and stretched out a finger. The breath of life slowly dissipated from the body, and a seed under the sand quickly sprouted and turned into a brand new wooden deck chair.

Patting the armrest of the chair, Ye Zhiqiu looked at Gu Yuena and motioned for her to sit down.

Ye Zhiqiu's original intention was to have a good chat with her and see if she could persuade her with her mouth. After all, although she is not dominated by the master, the scenes that happened should be seen and heard by the master. .

But at this time, Gu Yuena turned a deaf ear to his act of tapping the arm of the chair, staring at his fingers in a daze, as if...the desire for certain things was still in her eyes.

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