You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!The two were moving at high speed under the sea. After five hours had passed, Ye Zhiqiu finally couldn't help it.

Gu Yuena squinted at the side of her eyes, a little puzzled: "Do you really know where those sea spirit beasts over 300,000 years old are hidden?"

"I don't know." Gu Yuena said calmly.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes widened suddenly, so together you take Lao Tzu on the bottom of the sea for five hours for five hours when you go shopping?

"I don’t know if you are still running so fast? You are really looking for a needle in a haystack, but don’t find the sea soul beast by then, and you fall asleep first. Then I will not only have to deal with the sea soul beast, but also take care of your other personality. Don’t you understand that silly Baitian..."

"Shut up." Gu Yuena snorted uncomfortably, "I don't know the location. Could it be that you know the location?"

"I don't know..." Ye Zhiqiu shrugged very bachelor.

"Then take a good look at how this king found it." Gu Yuena gave Ye Zhiqiu a slanted look and said lightly.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

OK, you are a big man, you are awesome, I watched...

I'm looking at a ghost, I'll take a nap first, and you will find it slowly.

Ye Zhiqiu stretched out his arms and grabbed Gu Yuena's slender waist next to him. His legs were also a ring, and he clamped one of her legs, and he hung her on her body.

"Do you want to die?" Gu Yuena raised her eyebrows and said angrily with her head sideways.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled her eyes, leaned her head on her back, squinted her eyes, and let her fly with her, "I was so angry that you slapped me for eight hours, and then I was loosened by you, and now I am grabbed by you again. After walking around the sea for five hours, I am a little soul king. You say I am not tired. Don’t make trouble, let me take a break..."

Just after squinting his eyes, Ye Zhiqiu's even breathing sounded. He was indeed very tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

Gu Yuena took a few deep breaths, and forcibly resisted the urge to grab the cargo leaning on her back and throw it into the bottom of the sea, and began to search for the traces of the 300,000-year-old soul beast.

At this time, they had already entered the depths of the ocean, and Gu Yuena was not all looking for it, she had been using her time on the road to discern the height of the underwater land.

At the same time, she was also walking in the lower direction. The deeper the sea, the greater the chance of having a soul beast with a high age.

This is not to say that there are no high-age soul beasts in the shallow sea, but the probability is not as high as in the deep sea.

Because the soul beasts in the deep sea have always been more brutal than those in the shallow sea, their ages will naturally grow faster when they swallow each other.

This is a very common law of big fish eating small fish.

Once the big fish has supplemented enough energy, it can transform and evolve into soul beasts with a higher age.

Those soul beasts of 100,000 years seldom relied on their own cultivation to reach 100,000 years, most of them relied on swallowing each other's essence, swallowing the origin, and morphing out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain.

If they look for it in the shallow sea, it is a real needle in a haystack.But if you were in the deep sea, the chances would be much higher, and it was just a matter of time to find a high-age soul beast.End Novel Network

It took more than two hours. During the period, Gu Yuena passed many various sea soul beasts, as many as a cow, and saw a lot of them in 100,000 years, and even passed by a 200,000 A giant sea turtle as old as a hill.

However, these spirit beasts still did not meet the requirements that Ye Zhiqiu said before. He said that the bottom limit of his spirit ring was 300,000 years, and Gu Yuena had no choice but to continue deep into the seabed.

Although the bottom of the sea was dark and lacking light, for high-level spirit masters, he could barely see the surrounding environment. Gu Yuena, a god-level powerhouse, was not affected much.

Just as she traveled on the bottom of the sea for a short while, the light in front of her, which was originally bright in her eyes, suddenly became darker and deeper.

There, there is a huge seabed rift. The depth of the rift is unknown, but looking down from above, there is a deep darkness, like a monster that is ready to choose people at any time to devour it, opening its huge mouth.

Gu Yuena stopped over this deep-sea rift valley, and there was a deep and terrifying unknown under her feet. If people with deep-sea phobia were here, they would be scared to collapse on the spot.

However, Gu Yuena had a hint of joy in her eyes for this situation. Under this special terrain, there was a greater chance of having high-rank spirit beasts. She intuitively told her that there were targets she needed below.

A woman's intuition is very accurate. If this woman is still a god, it feels like she's basically gone.

After only staying for a moment, Gu Yuena bends her body and rushes straight down the rift valley that looks like a huge mouth in the abyss, disappearing into the gloomy darkness.


Ye Zhiqiu had a sweet dream. In the dream, he and Qian Renxue were sweet and tender, just when his hand was about to explore a certain peak for further development...

Qian Renxue's soft and smooth body suddenly felt a shock.

Without the slightest defense, he was immediately lifted and turned several somersaults on the seabed, and rolled directly out of the protection range of Gu Yuena's spirit power.

The icy waters under the deep sea, and the terrifying pressure suddenly acted on him.

Ye Zhiqiu's face instantly turned pale, and he felt as if he was struggling to press on a mountain. When he was in crisis, his mind instantly recovered from his dream. The deep purple soul power was agitated, and the surrounding sea water was drained instantly. , Steamed the wet clothes on his body, at this time, he looked around with vigilant eyes.

Gu Yuena, who was filled with milky white light, was undoubtedly the most conspicuous place in this deep sea, and the dazzling light made this quiet and cold deep sea a little more lively.

On the left and right sides, there are about five or six hundred meters apart, and the vertical upward mountain walls are not visible at the top, which shows that the height is not low.

Ye Zhiqiu quickly judged that this type of terrain should be a large rift valley in the deep sea, but Gu Yuena unexpectedly brought him to such a place.

"Can you be gentle with the way you wake people..." Ye Zhiqiu took a few steps forward and didn't have a good air when he came to Gu Yuena.

"If you don't chop your hands, it's not bad, and then give this king a joke, this king doesn't mind taking you under the water." Gu Yuena gave Ye Zhiqiu a slanted look, her face ruddy, and a little shame.

This kid was holding herself to sleep and groping around with her hands and feet. At first, she still endured no seizures, until his paws seemed to have a tendency to reach her chest, Gu Yuena used her spirit power to fly Ye Zhiqiu away .

Under this circumstance, it was only strange that she could look good, and she had been killed by her when she came over.

"Unreasonable woman..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured, unfolding his spiritual consciousness, spreading to the distance.Over there, he noticed a strong aura that didn't come out, there was definitely a soul beast, but he didn't know the age.

Three miles away, a black shadow like a big mountain seemed to shake slightly at this moment.

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