Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 236 A betseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Gu Yuena's eyebrows frowned, she suddenly had a bad feeling, "How would you like to try?"

"You are a Shabi, super invincible Da Shabi!" Ye Zhiqiu grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, looking harmless to humans and animals, but what he said made Gu Yuena almost tempted to kill him.

Gu Yuena lowered her head slightly, unable to see her facial expression.But judging from her slight tremor and her continuously rounded breasts, it is estimated that she was suffocated in her heart.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu immediately stepped back two steps, looking at her with a vigilant expression, for fear that she could not stand it and suddenly beat herself up.

Don't be angry, I'm not angry, I'm very grand, just like being howled by a dog... Gu Yuena silently comforted herself in her heart.

After a short while, she raised her pretty face calmly, with a look of carelessness, as if nothing had happened.

Can this be endured?Ye Zhiqiu's face was surprised.

Gu Yuena looked at Ye Zhiqiu with contempt, and sneered, "It's just a few dog howls, how much do you care about the king? At this level, it is not worth the king's fight."


Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black immediately, and you scolded me so much, as if he was so generous.

First put the account you scolded me with the previous account on the small notebook. After you change your personality, you have no resistance, and the young master will get back with the profit...

Rolling his eyes at Gu Yuena, Ye Zhiqiu took out a small dagger, turned and walked towards the corpse of the big cuttlefish.

After the soul beast died, without the protection of soul power, the body was naturally not as strong as before, so Ye Zhiqiu easily cut off a small piece, and then he looked around, as if looking for something.

The big cuttlefish's body is too big, it is naturally impossible for Ye Zhiqiu to shape its body with the qi of life, and Gu Yuena has licked his fingers for eight hours, and his qi of life has not fully recovered.

So Ye Zhiqiu intends to use the original method of reincarnating from the dirty soil, which is to use sacrifices...

Gu Yuena watched beside her with a cold face in silence, she wanted to see what this kid was going to do.

The 10,000-meter-deep seabed is also the land of an ocean overlord. Naturally, there are no other soul beasts, and some have long been scared away by Gu Yuena's previous blow.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu thought that he hadn't gained anything, and planned to try another place, he suddenly saw an unknown fist large conch in the corner of the wall not far away, his eyes lit up...

This should be just an ordinary conch, not even a soul beast.Otherwise it would not dare to come to the site of the big cuttlefish.

"That's you..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled with his right hand claw-shaped, and grabbed the conch in the direction of the conch. The conch suddenly flew into his hand on the bottom of the sea.

Gu Yuena next to Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Ye Zhiqiu, and then at the conch in his hand. Her eyes were a little puzzled, and she wondered: "Why did you catch a conch? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't care about her ridicule. After he laughed, he held the conch and shook it in front of Gu Yuena, "I said I can turn this thing into a 300,000-year-old soul beast, believe it or not."

Gu Yuena:...

Are you stupid or am I stupid?Is this king a three-year-old child?

Gu Yuena just squinted at Ye Zhiqiu's words and didn't bother to answer.Baiyue Novel Network www.yue100.com

She felt that she would appear very mentally retarded if she answered this kind of dementia question.

"Don't believe it?" Ye Zhiqiu gave a fascinating smile, "Then you dare to make a bet with me?"

"Oh? How to bet?" Gu Yuena looked at Ye Zhiqiu with interest and said.

"I bet on whether I can turn it into a 300,000-year soul beast. Since you don't believe it, you are naturally the one who can't suppress it. As for the bet..." Ye Zhiqiu bowed his head slightly and thought.

"If you can do it, this king will swallow it raw. If you can't do it, swallow it." Gu Yuena narrowed her eyes and said.

Ye Zhiqiu's expression was startled, he didn't think he would lose, the question of the bet was very boring to him.

Is it difficult for a god-level powerhouse to swallow a fist large conch?Maybe she cheated and threw a crack in the space. Then she said that she had no choice but to swallow Ye Zhiqiu.

"This bet doesn't work, change another." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head.

"It's up to you." Gu Yuena held her chest with her hands indifferent, her expression a bit lazy.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, then proposed: "I lost, and one of the six conditions should be removed."

"Yes, this king thinks this proposal is very good." Gu Yuena smiled and looked at Ye Zhiqiu. In her opinion, it was almost like giving away for nothing.

She is a god-level powerhouse, dare not to say that she can easily turn a conch into a ten thousand year soul beast, not to mention that Ye Zhiqiu is still 300,000 years old.

"What's the hurry, I haven't finished it yet." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes narrowed, and he continued to speak slowly, "If you lose, then you have to take the initiative to kiss me for five minutes, mouth-to-mouth kiss."

Gu Yuena's face suddenly sank, this brat is fat?You still have the idea of ​​taking advantage of yourself?But what kind of kiss is tongue kiss?Why haven't I heard it?

"Why, don't you dare to bet? Even if you don't dare to bet." Ye Zhiqiu said as he gestured, he would throw out the conch in his hand.

"Wait..." Gu Yuena's eyes changed, and a lot of thoughts flashed through her heart in an instant. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said: "This king is gambled, I want to see, how can you even a soul beast? The conch that is not turned into a 300,000-year soul beast."

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at her and shook his head, "Forget it, I don't want to bet anymore, I feel like you're going to be foolish if you lose."

Gu Yuena's eyes flashed and she suddenly smiled. She smiled beautifully, "I have said everything, you can't be up to you if you don't bet. Besides, even if the king loses, isn't it a kiss for five minutes? It's a big deal to make you kid." While talking, Gu Yuena cast a winking eye at Ye Zhiqiu, watery eyes, where was the cold look before.

In order to win Ye Zhiqiu's bet, she used all the beauty tricks.

I have to say that Gu Yuena's movements are indeed very sultry, and Ye Zhiqiu's look is a bit uncontrollable.

However, he still suppressed the idea of ​​immediately agreeing in his heart, and said with a bitter face: "A kiss is different from a kiss. A kiss is only a lip touching a lips, but a tongue kiss has the interaction between the tongues, or let's compare it. I'm afraid you can't accept it if you lose..."

Interaction between tongues?Gu Yuena thought about that scene for a while, her face flushed.

But in her heart, Ye Zhiqiu's repeated refusals were obviously afraid of losing.That’s right, after all, I want to turn an ordinary conch into a 300,000-year soul beast, how could that be possible...

"Stop talking nonsense, kiss with tongue, if this king loses, naturally you will do what you say, and you can start quickly." Gu Yuena looked calm, and there was still a hint of playfulness in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes.

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