Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 250 The first mount in life [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Di Tian and the others twitched, they all looked at Gu Yuena, if Gu Yuena spoke, they would also recognize it...

This is the equivalent of the ancient emperor suddenly finding a queen, but here is the queen finding a husband, they will have an extra master on their heads for nothing...

Gu Yuena's questioning eyes towards Di Tian and the others just nodded calmly, "If you see him in the future, you can see me, but you don't need to execute the commands you don't want to execute."

"Yes." When the Ditian seven responded with a sigh of relief, they also slightly bent over to salute Ye Zhiqiu sideways.

It can be seen from the salute that their attitude towards Ye Zhiqiu is actually a bit responsive.

Yesterday, to Gu Yuena, the seven of them all solemnly half-kneeled and saluteed. By the time Ye Zhiqiu became slightly bowed, we can see the difference in their attitudes.

After all, the Seven had only one master, but suddenly there was another one.

They were originally the king of the soul beasts, with their own arrogance, so naturally they felt a little aggrieved at this time.

Ye Zhiqiu saw everything in his eyes, but he didn't care about it.

Pointing to Daming Erming, who was shrunk in the far corner, Ye Zhiqiu said, "They are my friends. In the future, under the care of the seven of you, Nana will go with me. Go back to the bottom of the lake and practice hard." "

"No! There must be someone by your side to protect you." The seven said in a resolute manner at the same time, staring at Ye Zhiqiu, as if he would beat him to death if he didn't agree...

Ye Zhiqiu glanced silently at Gu Yuena, who was smiling and groaning beside him, and rolled his eyes. You brothers are really competent...

Then he looked at the seven people up and down a few times, thinking about picking out a pleasing follower...

In the end, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes stopped on the head of Di Tian, ​​his eyes suddenly bright, and the straight looking Di Tian felt hairy.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered over his chin and asked, "Ditian, you are a black dragon, right?"

"Yes... to be precise, I am the noble golden-eyed black dragon... King..." Di Tian, ​​who didn't know what Ye Zhiqiu was thinking, seemed a little cautious when he spoke, for fear that he would pit himself.

Ye Zhiqiu grinned in satisfaction, smiled a little evil, and while looking at Di Tian aloud, he whispered: "This is good... this is good... the more expensive the blood, the more arrogant..."

Ditian: "?"

What are you talking about?Why do I have a bad feeling?

Ye Zhiqiu stepped forward, patted Di Tian on the shoulder, and said old-fashioned: "Xiaotian, how do you think Nana treats you?"

"Very...very good..." Ditian looked dumbfounded. You are asking... Even if the Lord is not treating me badly, I dare not say anything about this occasion...

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said sternly: "Since you also think Nana is very good to you, now there is a chance for you to repay this kindness, do you want to repay it."

"Of course... to report..." Di Tian continued to be confused.

"That feeling is good..." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly smiled and said: "Xiaotian, you see that Nana has to walk every time she goes out. How tired is that? Why don't you turn back into your body and give Nana a means of transportation?"


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Having said that, co-authoring you, you just want a transportation tool and outfit ratio, right?Push everything on top of our Lord, can you still point your face?Simply shameless especially...

Gu Yuena grabbed the soft flesh around Ye Zhiqiu's waist and turned it 180 degrees, and rolled her eyes severely at him.Did you kill people like this?Di Tian said that it is a 600,000-year-old soul beast, do you still want to fool him as your mount?If it wasn't for this king, you can see if he is right for you...

Di Tian's face was indeed a little dark at this time, and he stared at Ye Zhiqiu with a grievance.

If it was Gu Yuena who said this, it would not be a problem for her to fly around the Douluo Continent without saying anything else about Di Tian, ​​but it was Ye Zhiqiu...

This made Di Tian feel very upset.

It happened that he was still his own man...

There was no way for me to do anything, and my heart was really aggrieved.

At this time, Zi Ji, who was wearing a purple palace dress, walked out and helped Ditian out of the siege, "Well, I actually think I should be better than Brother Tian. After all, I and the Lord are both women, so I can easily serve the Lord Upper living..."

Ye Zhiqiu scratched her head and looked up and down a few times. Zi Ji looked like she was about twenty-five or sixty years old, with purple hair and purple pupils, and even her dress was purple.She looks pretty on the outside, but the overall look gives her a sense of mystery, which adds a unique charm to her.

But Ye Zhiqiu didn't catch a cold for her, because Ye Zhiqiu only liked dragons as mounts, such as the original unicorn evil dragon, such as the current Emperor Tian...

In his opinion, dragons are more domineering when used as mounts, and they have a good face when riding out.

He hadn't heard of Zi Ji before, and it was the first time he had met Zi Ji to listen to Gu Yuena's introduction, but only by name.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what her body was, and the gaze showing through his eyes was naturally a bit disgusting.

Zi Ji didn't care about Ye Zhiqiu's disgust. Instead, she bowed her knees generously and bowed to Gu Yuena and Ye Zhiqiu. She smiled lightly and said, "Since you are the man of the Lord, you are naturally also the Lord of Zi Ji. We should satisfy ourselves if there are requirements from the above. But Brother Tian needs to take charge of the Star Dou Forest, and he has no time for him to take care of the small things like transportation to the Lord, let Zi Ji come."

Zi Ji speaks very well. Although she is only a 200,000-year-old beast, she has just stepped into the ranks of beasts and is the youngest among the seven, but the other beasts will not look down upon her because she is standing behind her. Ditian, Ditian has always taken good care of her, and the two of them are like a brother to a sister.

Seeing that Di Tian was in trouble at this time, Zi Ji also took the initiative to stand up and help out the siege in order to repay Di Tian's care for so many years.

Moreover, she is the youngest in generation, so it doesn't matter if she can mount.

Seeing that this girl is very good at talking, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but get a little interested. He secretly calculated that as long as you don't get out of your way, you can barely accept it...

"What is your body?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zi Ji and asked curiously.

Zi Ji raised her head somewhat proudly and said, "Although her cultivation base is not as high as Tian Ge, her blood is a noble hell dragon..."

Before Zi Ji finished speaking, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up, and immediately said: "Miao, as long as it's a dragon, it's you."

A group of people did not understand the meaning of Ye Zhiqiu's words at first. After a moment of stunned, they reacted, and they couldn't help but look at Ye Zhiqiu with black lines. Together with you, you must pick a dragon to ride on. class...

and many more...

Isn’t our Lord also a dragon?

Could it be...

The Seven Ditians couldn't help but glance at Gu Yuena and Ye Zhiqiu with weird eyes.

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