Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 252 Even if it is an enemy of the God Realm [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Gu Yuena, who was on Ye Zhiqiu's right hand, kept her eyes focused on Ning Rongrong in his arms for a while, and then looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was on his left hand, who looked envious, and her eyes narrowed slightly when she stared at Ye Zhiqiu.

Perceiving this evil look, Ye Zhiqiu's body stiffened, and he looked sideways. Sure enough, Gu Yuena was looking at him playfully, with a hint of danger in her eyes.

Even Zi Ji beside her stared at Ye Zhiqiu in dissatisfaction.Are you still not satisfied with our Lord?There are still two hidden here?Still such a weak human being?

"Ahem..." Ye Zhiqiu pulled Ning Rongrong off his body, rubbed his nose and smiled dryly: "Don't make trouble, let me introduce you."

"This is Gu Yuena, a god-level powerhouse. She is the uncrowned king of the Star Dou Great Forest. This is Zi Ji, a 200,000-year-old soul beast, and the main hell dragon, also from the Star Dou Great Forest. She is currently Nana. His mount also serves as a maid." Ye Zhiqiu introduced to the crowd with a smile.


"God level..."

Except for Dai Mubai, everyone was horrified.Before Ye Zhiqiu said that he was beaten by a god-level powerhouse, and the master gave them a popular science on what a god-level powerhouse is. It is an existence above Title Douluo and possesses a god-level spirit ring. Now this legendary character Standing in front of everyone like this, it is a wonder that they are not surprised.

Because of the horror of Gu Yuena's identity, they even selectively forgot Zi Ji's 200,000-year-old beast.

Among them, Xiao Wu probably didn't have much respect for them, and the eyes of Gu Yuena and Zi Ji were full of curiosity and envy.

These two sisters are already strong enough not to hide their identities, but they have to hide themselves, relying on the protection of Brother Qiu, eh...

Facing everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, Gu Yuena frowned. She didn't like being stared at by so many people, and she didn't want to be the so-called focus.

Looking across everyone, Gu Yuena suddenly let out a light "Huh" her eyes fixed on Xiao Wu.

After Xiao Wu ate the top Acacia Heartbroken Red among the immortal products, most people couldn't see her identity, but Gu Yuena, who was a god-level powerhouse, still faintly sensed something wrong.

Her eyes were filled with a layer of milky white at this time, exuding a faint gleam, and she looked at Xiao Wu again.

At this moment, Xiao Wu, in Gu Yuena’s eyes, completely turned into a big pink rabbit one-person tall, and her two long ears were nervously cocked because of Gu Yuena’s forcibly watching. , Looks pretty cute.

This scene made Gu Yuena's lips a faint smile.

"Don't look at it, Xiao Wu is just like you. Don't frighten her." Ye Zhiqiu reminded her with a frown on her wrist.

Gu Yuena cast a faint glance at Ye Zhiqiu, "Is this king acting, are you in charge?"

The two of them were chatting here, and the rest of Shrek was shocked by the thunder again. They looked at Xiao Wu in surprise. Listening to Ye Zhiqiu's meaning, Xiao Wu is also a spirit beast?

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing had known about this a long time ago. Their focus was a little different from the others. They both stared at Ye Zhiqiu's hand, because his hand was pulling Gu Yuena's wrist. They found this There seems to be something wrong with the relationship between the two.

"Brother Qiu, how can you tell me who you are? What if Xiao San knows that I don't like me..." Xiao Wu said with a puff.

Ye Zhiqiu laughed dumbly, rubbing Xiao Wu's head and teasing: "Don't be afraid, when the big deal comes, your brother Qiu, I will force you to marry you."

Xiao Wu blushed and whispered: "Forget it..."

"Xiao Wu, are you really a soul beast? We haven't noticed it after we have been together for so long." Ma Hongjun said in a little astonishment.

Xiao Wu nodded with some disappointment, "I am indeed a soul beast. I have deceived everyone for so long, sorry." Literature 88 www.glgw88.com

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she wanted to bow her apology deeply to everyone.

However, her scorpion braid was grabbed by Ye Zhiqiu Qigen at this time, and her body naturally couldn't bend down.

"Apologizing is too far-fetched. I believe everyone will not mind this. We have experienced the devil training of sharing weal and woe. Don't be so hypocritical." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly and loosened her scorpion braid.

"Yes, an apology will be avoided."

"Xiao Wu, you love carrots so much, isn't it a rabbit?"

"Good sisters don't have to say such things as I'm sorry, it's too strange."

Ning Rongrong and others all gathered around, and you comforted Xiao Wu in a word.

No one expressed discrimination against her spirit beast's identity, but more curious.

Yu Xiaogang's three college teachers looked at each other on the periphery of the crowd. What they have seen and heard today has refreshed their understanding.

Outside the crowd, Ye Zhiqiu took Gu Yuena to find Kuyuena next to him and sat down side by side, and said with a stern mouth: "You see, in fact, if humans and soul beasts can get along in harmony, wouldn't it be good?"

Gu Yuena lifted her cheek with one hand and stared at this scene blankly, "The killing will always exist and cannot be changed. This... is just a small part."

"A small part is also a good start, isn't it? I haven't worked hard on how to know the final ending. In my opinion, the coexistence of humans and spirit beasts is the best ending." Ye Zhiqiu said with a calm expression.

"If it sounds nice, anyone can say, you should know the God Realm, right?" Gu Yuena suddenly turned her head to look at Mr. Ye Zhiqiu's face.

"Understand a little bit, what's the matter?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at Gu Yuena suspiciously.

Gu Yuena raised her head slightly and looked at the sky, as if there was a so-called god realm there, whispering softly, as if she was talking to herself.

"The God Realm does not allow soul beasts to become gods. Did you know..."

"I know... but aren't you becoming a god? Don't you have a special way to become a god." Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused.

"I am a special case, a special case that cannot be copied. My special case cannot be imitated by others." Gu Yuena said lightly.

Ye Zhiqiu was silent for a while, and said: "I understand what you mean. If you hope that soul beasts can become gods like humans in the future, I will help you."

"Even if it is an enemy of the gods?"

"Even if it is an enemy of God Realm."

"it is good!"

Gu Yuena smiled, the smile was very bright, so bright that people were intoxicated.It is really rare for her to have such a brilliant smile on her face with a cold personality.

Being an enemy of the God Realm, Ye Zhiqiu agreed to something that many people couldn't even think about, just because Gu Yuena was his woman, and he didn't want her to worry about her people, it was as simple as that.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know if he could do this kind of thing, but he knew that he still had a long way to go.

To rewrite the rules set by the God Realm, he must have the strength to overwhelm the entire God Realm with his own manpower to force the other party to negotiate.

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