Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 254 My stupid sister Yo [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Everyone was originally watching Ye Zhiqiu's good show, but they didn't expect that there was another scene behind him?

A show is a good show, there are too many, then it is not a show, it is called dog abuse...

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu, who was in a dilemma among the three women, and Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong who were hugging closely behind them, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun suddenly felt a trace of envy in their hearts.


This kind of good thing, how can I never run into it... Damn!

Just as the three women on Ye Zhiqiu's side were anxious, in the ears of Xiao Wu who was not far away watching the excitement, Ye Zhiqiu's divine awareness sounded.

"Dead girl, come and help me out, I will help you resurrect your mother..."

Xiao Wu didn't hear the next few words clearly. She couldn't stand it only when she heard this. She almost came to Ye Zhiqiu at the fastest speed in her life, her eyes were red, and she looked at Ye Zhiqiu with tears.

This scene stunned everyone except Ye Zhiqiu, including Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang who were hugging each other.

What's wrong?How come Xiao Wu has such an expression, she wouldn't even be one of the harems of Qiu boss...

"Brother Qiu... what you just said... is it true..." Xiao Wu's voice was trembling, she was really afraid that she would hear Ye Zhiqiu say, I just made a joke, then she thinks she might Will not stand this blow.

Ye Zhiqiu's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this time. You are taking my last few sentences as wind.


God, why would I show you such a stupid sister...

You speak so directly, doesn’t it show that I am looking for you to help me out...

"Eh..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed helplessly, "I used to cheat you, but when did you see your Brother Qiu, I lied to you."

Two lines of tears wet her cheeks, but Xiao Wu smiled "pouch" at this moment: "It seems that there is really no..."

These two completely different emotions appeared on the face, leaving everyone puzzled.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" Ning Rongrong carefully grabbed Xiao Wu's wrist and asked.

"It's okay..." Xiao Wu wiped the tears from her face and smiled: "Brother Qiu said he could help me resurrect my mother. I am so happy..."


For a time, everyone was thinking about a question.

Can people really come back after death?

It shouldn't be possible, otherwise, wouldn't it cause chaos in the world...

But Ye Zhiqiu shouldn't be joking about this kind of thing. If he really joked about Xiao Wu's mother, what would he be sad about Xiao Wu experiencing ups and downs?

Among them, except for Gu Yuena's eyes flashing silently, the others looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing had even forgotten the quarrel.

Ye Zhiqiu's initial goal has been achieved.

But this kind of deliberate silence temporarily, it is estimated that they will only be noisier in the future, and Ye Zhiqiu can only talk about it later.

"You should have your mother's hair or nails on you?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled and rubbed Xiao Wu's head and asked.

"Yes..." Xiao Wu hurriedly took down the pink bow hairpin that had been worn around her waist and had never left her body, and handed it to Ye Zhiqiu.

"This was made by my mother for me. I kept it by my side all the time. The stuffing in the bowknot is my mother's hair."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and took the bow hairpin that was not as big as a palm. The front was okay, but the sewing on the back was a bit rough.90 Literature Network www.90wxw.com

Ye Zhiqiu used his soul power to condense into a needle shape, and from the gap he pulled out a black and yellow hair, and then returned the bow to Xiao Wu.

Everyone looked at the hair pinched by his right index finger and thumb, a little confused.

With this insignificant strand of hair...

Can Xiao Wu's mother be resurrected?

Ye Zhiqiu gave Gu Yuena an apologetic look, "Nana, there may not be a lot of energy in the evening."

"Just one day less, it's okay." Gu Yuena folded her arms and nodded calmly.



What are you talking about?Hey hey, there are still people here...

Everyone swept back and forth on Ye Zhiqiu and Gu Yuena with weird eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu, who reacted, rolled his eyes speechlessly, showing the clear green energy on his fingers, and said without a good air: "The Qi of Life, or simply the Qi of Life, what is in your mind? Are all colored objects?"

"Oh~" Everyone smiled suddenly.

Ye Zhiqiu was too lazy to take care of these two goods, and found a clean place to sit down, his eyes closed slightly, his palms of both hands, at this moment, there is a strong clear green energy permeating out, at the same time, a soul ring Started to fall around the top of the head.

The first four lines were purple, black, red and red, and everyone was already familiar with it.

But when the soul ring with white and gold lines in the fifth red fell, everyone except Gu Yuena stared blankly, Zi Ji faintly could guess that it was a soul that was close to a million years old. Ring, because the spirit ring on the Lord is this kind of white gold.

Yu Xiaogang frowned and seemed to be trying to remember. As for the rest of them, they were just a little strange about Ye Zhiqiu's spirit ring.

When the sixth golden ring of dazzling gold condensed, the surroundings suddenly became silent, and the sound of insects and birds were completely gone.

"God ring!" Two exclaims sounded at the same time.

Zi Ji and Yu Xiaogang both looked at the sixth divine ring slowly falling around Ye Zhiqiu with all their faces in disbelief.

The noble elegance and the humiliating aura that radiated above is definitely a god ring.

As for why he couldn't detect the power, Ye Zhiqiu must have suppressed it himself, but even if the aura power was suppressed, the aura of the god ring still affected the surrounding environment.

"Divine ring? The divine ring originally looked like this?"

Dai Mubai and others looked at each other silently, feeling a little speechless.Isn’t the god ring what the master said, the tenth spirit ring that only gods can condense?Why is the sixth spirit ring of the Qiu boss a god ring?This is too abnormal...

Wait, the sixth spirit ring?Damn it!Why is the Soul Emperor suddenly?metamorphosis!Big pervert!

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu completely ignored Dai Mubai's time and he had sunk into his own world.

The fifth soul ability, the ability to produce energy and gather spirits, has been driven to the extreme by him.

This time, resurrecting Xiao Wu's mother, he will use his anger to help reconsolidate his body.

Although the original rebirth of the dirty soil is simple, it is a body that is condensed from mud. Even if he was born in reincarnation, his body feels like mud in nature, and it is somewhat responsive.

Xiao Wu is his own sister, and since he wants to help her, Ye Zhiqiu naturally wants to be perfect.

The breath of life is the source of everything.

Reuniting the body with the breath of life is undoubtedly the best choice, there is no one.

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