Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 256 Complicated Relationsseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Arou bows to the Lord, and thanks the Lord for the grace of rebuilding." As soon as the woman brought Xiao Wu to Ye Zhiqiu, she knelt down with excitement.

Ye Zhiqiu was taken aback, hurriedly turned his body, did not receive the gift, and said with a headache: "The big gift is forgotten. I am tired of this kind of red tape. I have always been my sister Xiao Wu. It’s not a big deal, and you don’t have to do this. Too serious makes me very embarrassed."

"This..." The woman hesitated for a while.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were smiling, and they took her by the hand and pulled her up.

"I'm just saying that Brother Qiu doesn't care about this kind of thing..." Xiao Wu smiled, her face full of happiness.

"Call the Lord..." The woman knocked on Xiao Wu's head, and said.

"I'm not calling..." Xiao Wu murmured while sticking out her tongue.

Ye Zhiqiu said helplessly: "Since you know Nana, it is even more correct for me to save you, but although you are conscious now, but your body has not been fully resurrected, you should be able to feel this. The distance to complete resurrection is poor. This is the last step. After the college settles down, I will help you complete this step. Now I will solve some minor problems first..."

The relationship between the two parties is too complicated, and Ye Zhiqiu simply slipped away.He and Xiao Wu are brothers and sisters, they should call his mother aunt, but his mother is called Gu Yuena, who is the master, and Gu Yuena is the woman of Ye Zhiqiu...

This relationship is really intricate, and this is why Ye Zhiqiu is not subject to her etiquette.

When the words fell, Ye Zhiqiu turned and walked straight out of the milky white shield made by Gu Yuena. The strong wind blowing on his face instantly threw his imperial robe off the hunting sound, and the slightest coolness also drove away the disturbing thoughts.

Heaven Dou City... is coming...

If such a giant dragon flew into the city like this, and didn't scare others to death, Ye Zhiqiu had to say hello in advance and deal with this matter. After all, there might be more days riding Zi Ji flying around.

Ye Zhiqiu stopped until he reached the leading position.

"Zi Ji, stop outside the city. Don't frighten people."

"it is good."

The huge body in the clouds suddenly leaned towards the bottom at this moment.

From a high altitude, people with insufficient eyesight may only think that this is an ordinary big bird, but when Zi Ji falls vertically to a certain height, the huge figure seems to be able to block the sun from the sky. , Cast a large black shadow, the horror atmosphere overwhelmed the Quartet.

At this moment, even a fool knew that this was a soul beast, or a super-large soul beast.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Heart-piercing shouts were everywhere on the walls of Heaven Dou City, and large swaths of spirit rings were shining brightly.49 e-book www.49txt.com

All the guards of Tiandou City looked at the behemoth slowly falling in mid-air with horrified faces, and clenched the weapon in their hands. What level of spirit beast is this, too big, right? One hundred thousand year old spirit beasts. Although I haven't seen it, I guess it's not so big, right?

"Look, there is someone on the dragon's head..." I don't know which sharp-eyed one yelled first, and his eyes shot towards Ye Zhiqiu's place. Some were frightened, some were curious, some were in awe, and everyone had different expressions. different.

Zi Ji's figure fluttered and hovered about 20 meters above the wall of Tiandou City. Ye Zhiqiu held his hands and looked down at the many soldiers guarding the wall below. He calmly said, "I am Ye Zhiqiu, this purple dragon is my mount. You'd better remember her appearance clearly. If anyone dares to attack in the future, don't blame me for being merciless."

He didn't speak much, but after the increase in spirit power, he made the entire Heaven Dou City clearly audible.

Whether it was the soldiers in charge of guarding, the pedestrians on the street, even some nobles in the imperial city, Qian Renxue who had not had time to leave in the future, all looked at the purple dragon over the east gate of Tiandou City for a while.

His words are undoubtedly warning the entire Sky Dou City people. It can be said to be arrogant to the limit, and directly hit the royal family's face, but even if Ye Zhiqiu did this, no one would even think about it. Offending him face-to-face, just his identity as the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall is not a good match.

Those nobles, at best, would only dare to talk about him behind their backs, or impeach a few words in front of Qian Renxue, if you let them speak in front of Ye Zhiqiu, I guess they wouldn't want to kill them one by one.

Moreover, the battle between Ye Zhiqiu and Dugu Bo has long been known to the world. With such a young title force, no one dares to offend him face to face. There are even many people who want to flatter him and try to climb up. A little bit of relationship.

"Zi Ji, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was almost shocked by himself, Ye Zhiqiu nodded on Zi Ji's head with his toes, and said.

"Wow~" Zi Ji slapped her wings fiercely, and set off a gust of wind, and the garrison soldiers who stared at her in a daze on the city wall blew to each other, and then flew slowly into the city, dropping a large area Shadows, basically every avenue, is crowded with dense figures, looking up at Ye Zhiqiu, who stands proudly at the dragon's head.

At Shrek Academy, Zi Ji slowly landed on the academy playground under the awe and curious eyes of the surrounding teachers and students.

"Take it easy, don't look down..."

The building of the college is really like a toy in Zi Ji's eyes. If the playground is not big and spacious, Zi Ji may not even be able to find a landing position...

Regarding Ye Zhiqiu's words, Zi Ji just turned over her amethyst-like eyes, and squatted down slightly so that a group of people could get off her.

Zao Wou-ki and other college teachers had already been waiting to greet them. If Ye Zhiqiu hadn't let go before, it is estimated that when Zi Ji hovered over the academy, they would have already thought about how to run away.

On this day, the most talked about topic in Star Dou City was that the Saint Child of Soul Hall surrendered a 100,000-year-old soul beast as a mount, and landed at Shrek Senior Soul Master Academy. I heard that he was also the vice president of this Academy.

This wave of Ye Zhiqiu's operation was undoubtedly a wave of earth-shattering advertisements for Shrek Academy. On the same day, the street at the entrance of the Academy was parked with countless carriages and crowded everywhere.

There are aristocrats and common people who come with various purposes. Most of them want to ask their children for a place as a transfer student. A small number of people come with generous gifts to see Ye Zhiqiu. These people are basically some people. A noble who thinks he has a little status

It's just that they couldn't even get in at the gate of the academy, and Zao Wou-ki had already taken several soul emperors and seven or eight soul kings to the gate of the academy to forcibly drive people.

Not going?That feeling is good, Zao Wou-ki said that he just happened to be itchy hands, but I couldn't beat Ye Zhiqiu, why I couldn't beat you?

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