Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 276 My goal is six [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Bibi Dong glanced at Ye Zhiqiu with a weird look, only to find that he was staring at his face in a daze.

This makes Bibi Dong's brows frowned, this little apprentice...doesn't he have any thoughts about himself?

"What are you staring at as a teacher?" Bibi Dongdan faintly awakened Ye Zhiqiu.

"Um..." Ye Zhiqiu returned to his senses, scratching his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "Teacher, you look so cute, you will be distracted by accident..."

"Cute?" Bibi Dong was taken aback, could he actually catch up with this word?Wait, doesn't this kid really have ideas about himself?That won't work, he must dispel his thoughts of rebelliousness.

Bibi Dong put his hands on the wooden bed, leaned down, facing Ye Zhiqiu, and looked at his eyes with strict expressions, "Qiuqiu, you seem to have many little girlfriends? One from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and one from the Zhu Family of the Star Luo Empire. There is also Qian Renxue, the granddaughter of the great elder."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded with some guilty conscience, and cautiously probed: "Teacher, why are you asking such a detailed question? Are you jealous?"


Bibi Dong lowered his head slightly to prevent the expression on his face from being exposed, and his petite and thin body seemed to be trembling slightly.

I eat you raw...

Now if there is a table, the old lady will definitely lift a table. What kind of brain circuit is yours to think of being jealous?

After abandoning a lot of energy, Bibi Dong suppressed the words in his heart that he wanted to vomit, and when he raised his head, he returned to his plain and calm appearance.

"You think too much, you don't object to being a teacher, but don't let down your confidantes. Three, almost..."

"But teacher, my goal is six..." Ye Zhiqiu said weakly.

You don't have yourself in these six, right?

Bibi Dong turned black immediately, "No, only three."

"But... I already have four now..." Ye Zhiqiu spread out his hands with an innocent look.

Four?Who is the fourth one?Didn't Wuhundian Intelligence Network find it?This made Bibi Dong frowned slightly.

"Then four, there can be no more. Do you think you are the emperor of a country? You still want to engage in San Gong and Six Courtyards?" Bibi Dong sank.

Originally, as Ye Zhiqiu's elder, she didn't care how many women Ye Zhiqiu harvested, but in her opinion, the more the better.

But this kid's idea seemed to hit him, which made Bibi Dong unable to calm down.She must stop the development of this situation and dispel Ye Zhiqiu's dangerous idea.

In Bibi Dong's view, it is impossible between them.The age difference alone is so much worse, and it is still a master-disciple relationship, which is almost the same as that of parents.Moreover, she already had someone in her heart, although that person never came to her...

"Although I am not the emperor of a country, but the emperor of a country is my woman and the other is my little brother, I am not bad..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered.

Bibi Dongmei glared, "You don't want to be silly, thinking that you can't tell me if you mumble to be a teacher? Don't you be obedient, believe it or not to beat you as a teacher?"

Ye Zhiqiu shrank his neck and said helplessly: "Teacher, Senior Sister Nana will hate you like this. You are called Bang Da Yuanyang." Starting point Chinese www.qdzw.cc

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed, and Nana, that child, seemed to really like him.

After pondering for a while, Bibi Dong said, "If Nana insists on following you, she won't object to this as a teacher. In the future, you will not make other crooked ideas, understand?"

"Understood..." Ye Zhiqiu pulled his head down with a helpless expression.

He estimated that Bibi Dong realized that he had thoughts about her, so he would specifically focus on this at night...

It doesn’t seem to be a surprise. I married six wives and accompany one every day of the week. The idea of ​​taking a rest on Sunday to invigorate the kidney will be lost...

Regret... what a pity...

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Zhiqiu's appearance, and he was slightly relieved. Seeing this kid's so decadent appearance, it seemed that he had given up his thoughts...

As for loving him?Don't make trouble, Bibi Dong thinks that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. It is better to get rid of his thoughts earlier, so that it is not good to get too deep.

Bibi Dong still knows her own charm. When she was a saint, she couldn't drive away many flies.

As a result, after so many years, because she ate a plant of fairy grass, she became the same girl as she was. What made her speechless was that she seemed to be fascinated by her apprentice...

"Okay, you go back. I'm going to practice as a teacher." Bibi Dong closed his eyes, and just sat cross-legged without making any movements.

Ye Zhiqiu stared at her face with one hand on his chin and sighed slightly. It seemed that there was really no chance...

Turning his hand, Ye Zhiqiu took out a small clear green wooden ball from the black jade bracelet and placed it on the bedding.

"Teacher, as long as you crush this thing, I can perceive it. If you want to find me, you don't have to run away and call me. I'm leaving..." Ye Zhiqiu got out of bed and just took a step , As if thinking of something, suddenly turned his head.

"By the way, sir, I plan to form a federation that encompasses the entire Douluo Continent. The time has not yet arrived, so it is still in the preparatory stage, but sooner or later it will be implemented. The two empires of Tiandou Star Luo and the Great Forest Soul of Star Dou The beast party has already decided to join it. Then you can watch for me. Don't let the guys in the elder hall make trouble. If you can't handle things, you can crush the little wooden ball and find me..."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Zhiqiu's figure also slowly disappeared.

As soon as Ye Zhiqiu left, Bibi Dong opened his eyes in confusion, frowned and muttered silently when he looked at the place where Ye Zhiqiu disappeared.

"Federal forces? Star Dou Great Forest Soul Beast?"

She didn't care if Ye Zhiqiu wanted to build a federation, and she would absolutely support it.

Whether or not Ye Zhiqiu can be established, it doesn't hurt her.

Star Dou and Star Luo Empire Ye Zhiqiu said that she had decided to join them. She could understand that. After all, Tian Dou could be said to be in the hands of Ye Zhiqiu himself. Although Star Luo Empire did not know how Ye Zhiqiu contacted him, it was at least human. There is excuse for one party's power to join.

But what kind of ghost is the Star Dou Forest Soul Beast?Can soul beasts join the forces of mankind?What is this kid doing?It’s really a headache all day to get rid of all the things that I don’t know.

This time teleporting, Ye Zhiqiu still did not return to Tiandou City, but ran to Hu Liena sadly for comfort.

As a result, the two of them went to bed without realizing it, and slept until dawn.

Before leaving, Ye Zhiqiu also left her with a small clear green bead before teleporting away and returning to Shrek Academy.

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