Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 278 God Exam loopholes [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!With Ye Zhiqiu's strength, the God Test is at least the bottom of the five or six tests, right? He came back so soon?Did it fail the first exam?Gu Yuena was a little confused, she wanted to ask what was going on.

As soon as Gu Yuena left, there was a lot of discussion in the classroom.

"Who is this man, who actually called this devil away? A savior!"

"Don't you know Ye Zhiqiu, the holy son of Wuhun Hall? It was him who landed on the playground of our academy when he came back from riding a hundred thousand year soul beast last time."


"Don't you find him handsome?"


On the open-air observation deck of the teaching building, Ye Zhiqiu leaned his back against the railing, lazily watching the crowd approaching him.

Ning Rongrong was still the same as usual, the first to run up and get into his arms.

Gu Yuena sat down on a wooden chair on one side, tilted her legs up, and her face with her hands on her face, wondering: "Why did you come back so soon? The god test failed?"

"No, the exam is over." Ye Zhiqiu responded with a smile, and then looked at everyone, "I'll say something, you find a seat yourself."

Dai Mubai and the others hurriedly found a wooden chair nearby and sat down, looking at Ye Zhiqiu expectantly.

They basically figured out Ye Zhiqiu's habits, as long as they were notified to all of them, it would definitely be a good thing for them.

It was not until Ning Rongrong also got off Ye Zhiqiu and ran to Zhu Zhuqing and sat down obediently, that Ye Zhiqiu put away his lazy appearance, looked at everyone and said with a serious face: "I went to Wuhun Temple to take part in the God Test of Angel God. I wanted to take you directly to participate in the Sea God Island God Examination, but since your current strength is too low and the failure rate in the examination is too high, I am afraid that you will waste precious opportunities for growth in the examination, so I changed my mind. "

Although Dai Mubai and others had a lot of doubts about Ye Zhiqiu's words, they didn't interrupt him.

"You still have the opportunity to participate in the God Test on Sea God Island, but you have to wait until your spirit power is level 60. Before that, I will still take you to Sea God Island, but instead of taking the God Test, I will gather the wool of Sea God Island."

Ye Zhiqiu's words left everyone with a little understanding.

As the most enlightened person other than Tang San, Oscar understood a little, and proudly explained to everyone: "If I guess it is correct, the Seagod Island in the mouth of Boss Qiu should also be like Wuhun Hall. The inheritance of the gods like the angel gods, and from what Qiu said, it seems that the test of God can only start after level 60, and a person in the test of God has only one chance to take the test. If he fails, he will lose his qualifications. Mr. Qiu, my analysis is correct. ?"

Oscar made such an analysis, and the rest of them immediately understood, and they all looked at Ye Zhiqiu, waiting for him to answer.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Oscar's eyes with a bit of appreciation, and exclaimed: "From what I can analyze in a few words, Xiao Ao's head is indeed at the forefront of you."

Oscar scratched the back of his head, smiled embarrassedly, and caused a lot of blank eyes.

"The next thing I'm talking about is the key point." Ye Zhiqiu's expression suddenly became serious, and Dai Mubai and the others also became slightly nervous.Kuwen Novel Network www.kuwenxs.com

Ye Zhiqiu slowly said: "Seagod Island is the inheritance of the Seagod's divine residence. Through the nine trials he set, he can inherit the Seagod's position. The first trial of the nine trials is called the Light of Crossing Seagod. The name looks tall and tall. , In fact, it’s climbing stairs, but this is not an ordinary stairs. There will be gravity rules suppressed on it. Every time you climb a floor, you will increase part of the gravity. But this is also good. If you practice in that extreme environment, your cultivation speed will A lot faster. Our goal this time is there."

"Uh... wait, Boss Qiu." Oscar rubbed his temples and said in a daze, "Since you said that we have to reach level 60 to participate in the god test, and climbing the gravity steps is the first test of the god test, then we If you go to climb, don’t you just start the God test?"

The others were also dumbfounded and couldn't figure it out. Seeing Ye Zhiqiu in a daze, aren't your words inconsistent?It is said that we can only participate in the god test after level 60, and now we should take us to start the first test...?

Ye Zhiqiu smiled profoundly, "The steps of Seagod Island are there. If you don't pick up the Seagod's assessment, you can directly use the assessment site he set up to practice?"

Everyone was stunned, there is still this kind of operation?

It sounds like it works...

But this is obviously a loophole in the rules...

"If we do this, will we violate the rules? Then the people of Seagod Island will let us do this?" Dai Mubai muttered.

"Breaching the rules is affirmative. The people on Seagod Island will inevitably stop us from doing this. But..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled playfully and continued: "But, they seem to be unable to beat me. There are many operations. There is space. You can go to the steps over there to practice and familiarize yourself with the environment in advance. This way, when you start the Poseidon assessment, you will be able to relax a lot."

"..." Everyone.

You are directly squeezing people's face on the ground and "snapping", will they still give us a place for God test in the future?When they won’t give it, you won’t have to speak with your fist again...

A group of people looked at each other. They felt that Ye Zhiqiu really did it...

Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly: "If you understand everything, just disband. After lunch, you go to the small lake in the backyard to find me, and I will take you to the Sea God Island to practice. Mubai, you go talk to the dean and the others."

"Okay." Dai Mubai nodded and left directly.

The others also dispersed, only the three daughters of Gu Yuena, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing remained.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Gu Yuena and pondered: "Nana, would you like to go to Sea God Island with us?"

Gu Yuena rolled her eyes and said silently: "What am I going to do? Do you still climb the stairs with them? It's not as interesting as being a teacher here."

"It's good if you are happy." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Then I will take the test on Sea God Island during the day, and come back to heal you at night..."

Dai Mubai and the others were going to sap the wool, but Ye Zhiqiu was not. He was going to directly participate in the god test, continue to test the streamer in black, and feed the origin of the nine-tailed beasts in his body.

This time, it is estimated that it will not be time for the Soul Master Elite Competition of the All-Continent Advanced Academy. Except for Ye Zhiqiu, the rest will not come back, but will work hard to cultivate there.

Gu Yuena suddenly glanced at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing with profound meaning, and smiled at Ye Zhiqiu and said, "By the way, the god of the sea god, which one of them do you plan to help obtain? A chance to become a god? But it's very rare, and the Seagod is a first-level god, and his status in the gods is not bad."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and at the same time looked at Ye Zhiqiu.

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