You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!Bo Saixi glanced at the crowd, and finally fixed his eyes on Ye Zhiqiu, who was speaking at the front of the group of people.

This person, she can't actually see the depth?This made Bo Saixi frowned, but that was all, maybe this kid has some ability to hide his breath.

"The mainland spirit master sneaked into the Seagod Island secretly but said that she was not malicious, don't you think it is a bit funny." Bo Saixi calmly lifted the blue-gold Seagod's scepter in his hand, and the end of the scepter slammed hard, his naked eyes. Visible dark blue transparent ripples swayed in the space like water ripples, spreading rapidly to the surroundings, and the surrounding vegetation was bent to ninety degrees.

Involuntarily, Dai Mubai and others retreated several steps, activated their martial spirit, and gradually stopped the retreat with their spirit power.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't seem to be moving. Except for the sound of hunting and hunting noises of his light purple hair and imperial robe being lifted, his figure remained motionless.Shaking his head and sighing helplessly, Ye Zhiqiu could only say, "Senior, don't rush to do it. I came to participate in the Seagod Examination. This shouldn't be considered a violation of the rules of Seagod Island?"

Bo Saixi's spirit power aura spilled immediately.

If Ye Zhiqiu had come to participate in the Seagod Examination, it was indeed not a bad rule, at best it would be improper behavior and sneak into the Seagod Island.

Bo Saixi frowned, took a deep look at Ye Zhiqiu, who looked calm, and moved his eyes to the seven people behind him.

"Where are they? They also came to participate in the Sea God test?"

"They can take the exam, but they are not taking the exam now." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and continued: "Presumably you can see that Senior, their spirit power is too low now, and there is basically no possibility of passing the test. So I hope Senior can agree with them. Cultivate under the pressure of Seagod’s Light, and then take part in the God Test on Seagod Island when the spirit power level is high."

"No." Bo Saixi refused without even thinking about it. This proposal did not conform to the rules set by Poseidon. It was impossible for Ye Zhiqiu and others to sneak into this loophole if he regarded Poseidon as his own belief.

"If they weren't here to participate in the god test, leave immediately, and I can forget it." Posey's eyes were cold, and the dark blue spirit power fluctuations that had been calmed down all over his body were beginning to overflow again at this time. It seems that as long as Ye Zhiqiu says no Word, she is about to do it directly.

"Is this Seagod Douluo mean there is nothing to talk about?" Ye Zhiqiu's eyes also gradually became cold, and he was kind to explain, but it didn't mean he was a good temper.

If you want to fight, then fight.

Ye Zhiqiu's expression made Bo Saixi suddenly want to laugh.Mainland spirit masters, are they so arrogant now?Knowing that you are a Level 99 Ultimate Douluo, still want to come hard?

"I don't know how to live or die." Bo Saixi sneered, eight black and one red nine spirit rings surrounded him, and the breath on his body was no longer suppressed. As the top 99 Ultimate Douluo, he was on this island filled with countless water elements. Above, Bo Saixi’s true combat power was infinitely strengthened.

Ye Zhiqiu himself can ignore the pressure of the 99-level Limit Douluo, but Ning Rongrong and others behind him can't handle it. Ye Zhiqiu must take the initiative to stop it.

"Pediculous behavior." Ye Zhiqiu took a step forward with a cold face, and the six spirit rings instantly rose from under his feet. As soon as Posey's aura coerced over him, he was instantly ripped apart by the impact.Little Tao Chinese

In the first invisible match, Ye Zhiqiu had the upper hand.

At this time, Bo Saixi didn't have time to think about the issue of aura coercion. She was completely suppressed by the six spirit rings that surrounded Ye Zhiqiu.

Originally thought that his eight-black and one-red spirit ring configuration was already at the top level in the world. As a result, except for the first and second spirit ring, this young man was slightly worse than his ninth spirit ring.

The bright and noble platinum color of the sixth ring made her feel violently shaken. As a great sacrifice to Seagod Island, she naturally knew what level of spirit ring it was.

"Who are you?" Bo Saixi looked at Ye Zhiqiu with solemn eyes. At this moment, she put away her inner contempt and disdain, and never dared to underestimate this young soul master from the mainland.

Underestimating a person who possesses the divine ring ability, undoubtedly he is extremely stupid. On his sixth spirit ring, Bo Saixi felt a kind of pressure from the divine residence. Although it was weak, it still had an impact on her. The surrounding sea elements seem to have become a lot more difficult.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Bo Saixi's eyes very calmly, and said lightly: "It's just ordinary people. If Seagod Douluo changes his mind, this battle may be avoided. We just want to use the assessment grounds that the Seagod originally arranged to cultivate. It is not an enemy of Poseidon Island."

Bo Saixi sneered and said, "It sounds good, I don't agree. Are you planning to come hard? The mainland spirit masters are indeed robbers. The spirit temple was like this, and you are now."

"Seagod Island, fearless, defend the glory and immortality of the Seagod." Tiantian, a strong male voice suddenly sounded, and seven streams of various colors swept across the sky. The seven titled Douluo responsible for the Seven Sacred Pillars of Seagod Island arrived at this time.

Six men and one woman, some of them stand in the void, some on the top of a tree, and some on the top of a rock. They all have strong spirit power fluctuations, and nine spirit rings of various colors linger outside.The position of the seven people faintly surrounds Ye Zhiqiu and the eight people. This formation seems to have a tendency to besiege.

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the others are almost shocked at this time. With so many Title Douluos, this is a posture. This is to beat them in groups, Nima, Boss Qiu, you won't play off.. .

We don’t want to practice, we want to go home...

Ye Zhiqiu just glanced at the seven new titled Douluo from the corner of his eye, and he didn't bother to take care of it anymore. These people shouldn't worry, it's still more troublesome for Bo Saixi.

Ye Zhiqiu said coldly, "I'm so good to say, is Seagod Douluo insisting on doing it?"

"Either leave, or you die, the Seagod's glory is not to be profaned." Bo Saixi's eyes were cold and the Seagod's scepter in his right hand assumed a fighting posture.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned, scolding a group of brainy fans in his heart.He actually couldn't understand the thoughts of the Seagod Douluo group of people. He just wanted to use the Seagod's light to cultivate for a while. You guys won't lose a piece of meat, so you must develop to this point. Kind of situation?He looks like a big villain invading other people's islands.

Do you know, once we fight, you Seagod Island, maybe it's gone...

Are Poseidon’s rules important, or the life of the soul master on Poseidon Island?Are they all stupidly confused?

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