Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 284 Fairy Fox Modeseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!That day, Ye Zhiqiu and others all stayed on Seagod Island. Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai and others were already preparing for the assessment of climbing the Seagod steps the next day.

Ye Zhiqiu went directly to participate in the Sea God Examination, which was similar to the Angel God Examination. This time it was also the Ten Examination. The streamer of the examination was also blackened by Ye Zhiqiu nine times, and was given to the Nine Big Tail Beasts as rations.

The only remaining test is: climb 999 Poseidon Stairs within one year and enter Poseidon Temple.

Nine tests changed to one test. This dramatic scene made Bo Saixi stunned, while Poseidon's Divine Mind was thoughtful, and the look in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes was a little strange.

Although I am just a divine mind left by the Seagod before becoming a god, your operation of blacking out the fruits of my labor in front of me is too good...


The next day, Ye Zhiqiu slept until three poles in the sun before getting up. There was no way. The night was too busy for him. After all, he had to run between Seagod Island and Shrek Academy...

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both gone at this time, and they probably had already climbed the stairs in front of the Seagod Temple.

My two daughters-in-law worked so hard, how could I slack off?999 steps, let it climb directly today.

what!!!What a day full of vitality.

Ye Zhiqiu got up and stretched out, put on his clothes and washed briefly before wandering slowly in the direction of Sea God Mountain.

Above the Seagod Stairs, Dai Mubai and other seven people no longer climbed upwards, but each sat down on the steps and began to meditate.

Among the seven of them, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu climbed the highest, and they were on the 40th floor. After them, Zhu Zhuqingmeng and Ma Hongjun were sitting on the 35th floor meditating and practicing.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar, although their spirit power is not the lowest among the seven, there is still a big gap between the physiques of the auxiliary spirit master and the war spirit master. Instead, the two of them are crane tails, one on the 32nd floor and the other on the 30th floor. Floor.

However, these levels are not their limit. Seven of them, each of them can at least climb several steps or so, but doing so will put too much pressure on the body, and it is impossible to practice well. , So several people stopped after the pressure reached a certain level.


With the sound of gentle footsteps, Dai Mubai and others opened their eyes one after another, looking at Ye Zhiqiu with curiosity and expectation.

Before they climbed here, they discussed a topic.The topic is, if Boss Qiu comes to climb the Poseidon Ladder, which is close to a thousand layers of Poseidon Ladder, how many floors can he climb?

Everyone had their own disputes, but no one would think that Ye Zhiqiu's limit would be lower than 500 floors.

Now that the real person came, they naturally wanted to open their eyes, even Bo Saixi and the Seven Sacred Pillar Title Douluo, who had recovered most of their injuries, watched from a distance.Meishuba www.meishuoba.com

"Why? Do you watch me perform?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled confidently and glanced at the Seagod Temple at the end of the stairs. His gaze was fiery. As long as he got there, there was a high probability that it would be a first-level spirit power reward.

He is now relying on his own practice, even with the help of the nine big-tailed beasts, it will take about half a year to improve to a level. In Ye Zhiqiu's view, it is too slow, far from the ease of passing the God test to reward.

Tentatively, Ye Zhiqiu came to the edge of the steps and took the first step. He wanted to see what this gravity meant and how it worked on him.

Taking the first step, Ye Zhiqiu stood calmly on it, and after feeling it carefully, he discovered that the slight gravity seemed to come from the divine light that permeated the top of his head, which was the so-called light of the sea god.

The pressure of such a low step was basically nothing to Ye Zhiqiu, and he couldn't feel anything too substantial. He began to climb up at a constant speed, his face relaxed, just like ordinary walking.

10 floors...20 floors...30 floors...

Within a few breaths, Ye Zhiqiu surpassed Ning Rongrong's Oscar, and after another breath, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu were also left behind.

The footsteps continued, and Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be unable to feel the slightest pressure, from the initial step by step to the later step by two steps, three steps, or even five steps.

This scene stunned the Seven Sacred Pillars of Seagod Island, who knew the difficulty of the assessment. Among them, the highest climbed level had only climbed over 100 steps, but Ye Zhiqiu had reached more than 300 floors at this time, and the slightest. Without the intention of exhaustion, the speed of climbing is still amazing.

It is not that Ye Zhiqiu did not feel the pressure. On the contrary, the pressure of the 300 multi-story steps was already a bit terrifying. Not only the sky, but even the steps under his feet were transmitting gravity, as if he was about to press him down.

But this is not yet Ye Zhiqiu's limit, he is still climbing up the 400th, 500th, and 600th floors quickly.

Just as he gritted his teeth and wanted to continue upward, in the Seagod’s light diagonally above, a ball of light condensed by soul power suddenly fell. This scene shocked many people present, only There was a hint of gloating in Posey's eyes.

Above 600 steps, it’s different. Every time you step up, there will be a condensed attack from the Seagod’s Light. The higher the number of floors, the stronger the gravity and the more frequent the attack. This 601 The layer of attack is just an appetizer at the beginning.


Ye Zhiqiu's conditioned reflex fist smashed the light cluster that was condensed by the Seagod's Light to pieces. The scattered energy once again flowed into the enveloping Seagod's Light above, and this energy light cluster seemed to have a recycling effect.

In this regard, Ye Zhiqiu just snorted, and continued to climb step by step under the pressure without any fear. At this time, he was already reaching the limit, with more than 600 floors. If Posey didn't use his privileges, he would want to come up. It's all difficult, Ye Zhiqiu can rely on his own strength to come here, it is already very bad.

Beads of sweat ticked down on his forehead, and his limbs were trembling. Ye Zhiqiu gritted his teeth and blasted a ball of light with another punch, yelling: "Nine Lamas."

There seemed to be a silent roar coming from Ye Zhiqiu's body. Then, the golden light radiated from Ye Zhiqiu's body. In the blink of an eye, it spread all over his body, covering every inch of his skin. Even the hem of the imperial robe was covered by this golden layer of gold. Wrapped in light.

The golden light that envelops Ye Zhiqiu is not dazzling, but it looks very peaceful. At this time, every strand of Ye Zhiqiu's hair has become crystal golden, scattered scattered behind him, as it contrasts with the royal robe. , There is nobleness and mystery in the chic posture, as if God's residence is in the dust.

The soft golden light all over his body would occasionally jump like a flame, and the light ball condensed by the neighboring Seagod's light had just approached this golden light, and the size of it shrank visible to the naked eye.

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