Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 302 I'm very strong [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Huh~ I just want to say it looks good. And you, just talk, can you not get so close..." Bibidong wanted to lean back and stay away from Ye Zhiqiu, but there is a big tree behind her. Refundable.

His eyes were also evasive, and he didn't dare to look at Ye Zhiqiu.The seemingly strong words are weak and weak.

Can't you see that your teacher still has such a cute and arrogant side when he was young?Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have discovered the New World, so he decided to continue teasing her.

"If you don't get closer, how can you hear the words clearly..."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly, his cheeks couldn't help getting closer and closer, and both of them could feel each other's breathing at this time. Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's posture, it looked like he was going to kiss him.

Bibi Dong's body trembled, isn't it? Although you are really good-looking, I am quite willing to make friends with you. If you get along well, if you have a good personality, the relationship will be good with a boyfriend and a boyfriend. If you get more familiar in the future Marriage and childbirth are not bad, I have thought about the name of the child...

But now, aren’t we just seeing each other?

Is this development too fast?

How can you have a relative when you meet?

This is too shameful, right?At least give me some preparation time?

No, no, you can't let him kiss.What if he thinks I am a very casual woman?Be reserved, Bibi Dong, you must be reserved...

Thinking of this, when Bibi Dong moved, he wanted to leave first.She was blocked by Ye Zhiqiu on her right hand, so naturally she could only hide to the left.

Just moving a small step under her feet, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be aware of her intentions, the corner of her mouth was slightly lifted, and her right hand stretched out one step faster than her, around the outside of her arm, and pressed against the big tree on her back. on.

The left and right sides were all blocked, and Bibi Dong's movements suddenly stopped. Ye Zhiqiu took a small step forward, dispelling Bibi Dong's idea of ​​bending over and slipping under his arm. Now she was completely stunned. It's the kind that has nowhere to hide.

Bibi Dong Jiao's body was close to the tree pole behind him, and his toes were squeezed. Seeing that he was hopeless, he had to look to the side and threatened fiercely: "Hey, I warn you not to mess around, I am very strong. I am a 50th-level soul sect, and another soul ring will be the soul king. Don’t think that if you look good, I won’t beat you. Believe it or not, I will beat you into a pig..."

Ye Zhiqiu’s smile became more and more obvious, and his face got closer and closer. He chuckled and said, “I’m so scared, but you just looked at me and said to the big tree, why are you trying to take it? Is it a pig head?"

"You..." Bibi Dong was a little angry, turned her head abruptly, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu, but she seemed to have forgotten. The faces of both sides are very close at the moment. It's okay for her to put her head on her side against the tree pole. As soon as their heads turned, their lips touched together.

Bibi Dong was stunned on the spot.

Even Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment. He intended to tease her, wanting to see how his teacher looked like when he was young. This scene would happen that he had never expected.

Frozen, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but stretched out his tongue and licked her soft lips. At this moment, Bibi Dong's eyes widened in an instant, and his pale pink pupils trembled.

Originally, in order to avoid Ye Zhiqiu's approach, he clutched his hands tightly on his chest, and violently pushed a hand on his chest on the spot, yelling "stinky hooligan" in shame.

Ye Zhiqiu took two steps back, standing on the branch of the tree, and touched his nose with some embarrassment.

"Ahem, I said that it was purely involuntary just now, do you believe it? Otherwise, if I ask you to lick it, even if we are even?" 8090 Chinese www.8090zw.com

Bibi Dong:???

I have never seen such a brazen person...

In the distance, an angry shout suddenly came over at this moment, "Boy, if you dare to be presumptuous, the pope will not forgive you..."

The three Chihiro Ji who deliberately moved the battlefield a little further away, although they didn't have time to see what happened here, they could still hear the verbal conversations here.

At this moment, he heard the words of licking, and he couldn't help being furious on the spot.

Ye Zhiqiu curled his lips. Although he can't display his full strength, it is just like you. It is estimated that you will be gone with one look. You can fight for a long time against an 80,000-90,000-year-old soul beast. It's not that I look down on you and let you stand up. You can't touch me, where does the confidence threaten?

"Hey, the teacher is angry. Would you like to go first?" Bibi Dong glanced at the "rumble" battle center in the distance, turned back to look at Ye Zhiqiu and whispered quietly.

"Oh?" Ye Zhiqiu suppressed a smile, "Why do you think about me? Don't blame me for what happened just now?"

Bibi Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I think I was bitten by a dog. By the way, what's your name? Which city do you live in? In the future, this saint will go out to explore the mainland and find you to form a team?"

"Look for me to form a team?" Ye Zhiqiu was taken aback.

"Why, are you still not happy?" Bibi Dong's eyebrows frowned, and Xiao Hu's teeth appeared immediately.

"That's not..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I guess I won't be able to stay in this world for long. I may not wait for the day you mentioned. Many people are still waiting for me to go back."

Bibi Dong was puzzled, "What this world?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Because I am not from your world."

Bibi Dong was startled, staring at Ye Zhiqiu with a face of disbelief and looking up and down. The clothes on his body made Bibi Dong pay more attention to it. Just now, she had always felt that this suit was familiar, as if she had seen it before. Thinking back carefully, isn't this set of robes for the saints of our Spirit Hall?

And it doesn’t look like an imitation?

The exclusive clothing of the Saint Child of Wuhun Temple, in addition to the silk snow shirt robe and trousers shoes inside, there is also a layer of spun gauze draped on the outside. The overall tone is snow white, and then the inner and outer clothes are sewn. Gemstones are used for decoration, whether it is the cloth of clothes or those gems, they are all made of rare objects. Not only are they pretty simple, they also have a defensive effect, which is extremely difficult to imitate.

Bibi Dong saw this dress in Chihiro Ji’s room a long time ago. Even though Chihiro Ji was no longer wearing it as the pope, he still hung it on a hanger and kept it well. I didn’t expect to see it on this person now. Arrived.

"This is the exclusive robe of the Saint Child of our Spirit Hall. Where did you steal this dress?" Bibi Dong frowned.

"I need to steal? I was originally the Son of Spirit Hall." Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly.

Bibi Dong was taken aback, and sneered: "You are really funny, you actually pretend to be a saint son in front of my saint woman, don't I know if there is a saint son in our Wuhun Temple?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and replied, "You are so proud of the saint of the mortal realm of Douluo Continent? What should I do, my saint son of the gods?"

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