Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 341: Thicker than leaves

Going to the yard with Yaqi Yang Yang, Yang Yang looked at the swimming pool for a while, walked over and sat down by the pool, fiddled with the clean water in his hands.

Yaqi and I sat on the chairs placed on the lawn.

The two of us looked at the sheep, and I said first: "I didn't know everyone when I first came here, and I will definitely feel a little uncomfortable. They are all very nice, the kind of outspoken people who don't hide things, they are easy to get along with, don't worry."

Yaqi shook her head: "I didn't worry about this. Whether I get along well or not, it's better to communicate than those walking zombies."

I'm very pleased: "It's great for you to think like this."

Yaqi's expression closed, and she felt a little: "It just suddenly felt... how do you say, He Mo, do you know that feeling? When the mythical dream you have been waiting for is suddenly realized someday inexplicably , I don’t know what to do anymore."

"I understand."

Yaqi looked around: "All these, crowds, cars, systems, civilizations, everything I have obviously experienced for 20 years, and that barbaric days have only been a few years, and today I feel unexpectedly when I come into contact with these again. It’s very unfamiliar, and I don’t know how to walk. I subconsciously want to put things in my bag when I see things. Desperate World has developed too many such habits over the years." I took out two packets of small snacks in my pocket: "Look, when I see these, my first feeling is not to eat it, or to tear the packaging bag for children to let them eat it, but to put it in. I know it clearly. You can have dinner in the evening, but I still can’t help pretending to be.”

Yaqi talked with me. She didn’t go to school for too long, and she was not an educated person. Today, she said that she used her whole body language expression cells and sighed. I glanced at the sheep and did not speak for a long time. .

Akie obviously can't adjust her state at all. She feels that she can't integrate into this world, but she clearly wants to integrate into it. For example, when she speaks, compared to when we are outside, the sentences are deliberately beautified. stand up.

She is still a little unaware of the sudden arrival of life, so she needs to get used to it by herself.

Sheep has been squatting on the edge of the pool. When no one spoke with Yaqi for a long time, he suddenly got up and ran towards me and asked, "He Mo, can I swim in it?"

I was stunned for a moment before thinking about the starting point: "Yes, yes... but the weather is so cold now... Are you going to go swimming?"

Yang Yang completely ignored the words behind me, and the eyes of the whole person who was gearing up were bright: "Now the theories I have learned can be used."

"Theory?" I looked at him puzzled, and it took several seconds to react: "You don't know how to swim at all. They are all swimming teaching materials from other places?!!!"

Yang Yang shrugged: "That's right, of course that's the case. How can there be a swimming pool for me to train before?"

Seeing him starting to take off his clothes, I was a little anxious: "So cold weather, are you really ready to go down? Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

When Yang Yang heard the words, he put his jacket aside and shook his head and smiled at me disdainfully: "My uncle is not afraid of it."

After he finished speaking, he rolled up his trousers and put one leg out into the swimming pool. He immediately let out a scream.

In the next second, he jumped up as if he had been hit by electricity, and shouted, "I'm freezing to death, my little master!" far away from the swimming pool.

Yaqi and I looked at him, and we were stunned.

It took a long time for Yangyang to react, and turned to look at the two of us for a long time, probably feeling a little embarrassed. In fact, Akei and I would feel embarrassed just looking at him...

Yang Yang cleared his throat, rubbed his nose and turned his face away: "That...it's really not suitable for swimming today, let's wait for me to familiarize myself with the terrain."

I teased him: "Is there any terrain in the pool?"

Sheep's face twisted: "The little master said that there is it!"

At this moment, Da Bai walked into the yard swaying from the outside. Compared with the previous few times when he came back, everyone did not have much hypocrisy and joy when he arrived home this time. Everyone should be used to it. Deep down in our hearts, everyone Individuals are ready to lose someone anytime, anywhere.

She saw the naked upper body of the sheep, and immediately yelled, pretending to cover her eyes, her fingers leaked and ran to the sheep and the sheep, and slapped him on his ass: "Little hooligan! What are you doing? Why did you take off all your clothes?"

I don’t know why. Sheep and Sheep are not afraid of pulling two to five to eighty thousand yuan. When facing Da Bai alone, he flinches. This is probably what the old saying goes, one thing drops one thing, sheep and sheep are not reliable with Da Bai. The degree can be regarded as a person of a country.

Sheep was holding her ass, her face never dared to look white, and her facial muscles were a little tight when she looked straight ahead: "It's a bit hot... I want to take it off and cool it off."

Da Bai burst into laughter when he heard the words: "It's still hot now?"

"Now... it's not hot anymore."

"Then don't hurry up and put on clothes."

Sheep didn't even dare to fart, ran to put on a sweater with her clothes in twos, and rushed into the living room without daring to turn back with her coat.

The smiley branches trembled, Yang Yang, a young Zhengtai, seemed to have her appetite right, and did not molest her hands.

Turning my head, I saw Yaqi and I were sitting in the chairs, and immediately cleared my throat and came over: "What are you two doing?"

I deliberately teased her: "It's a bit hot, cool down here."

He gave me a vain look: "Take it off when it's hot!"

After Yaqi and Dabai nodded their heads, she stood up and said to me: "He Mo, I went into the house and talked again when I had time."

"En." I nodded: "Don't think about it, take a good rest first."

"En." Yaqi responded, smiled at Da Bai again, and turned her head into the room.

After Yaqi left, every year and Nuonuo ran to the yard to roll, giggling happily.

Dabai glanced at the two children and said to me: "What did you two just say?"

I patted the seat next to her and motioned her to sit down: "It's nothing, just just chat casually, I'm afraid she won't be used to it just after coming."

"Are you familiar with her? How much do you know?"

"If you meet outside, let’s say you’re familiar, you don’t know much, if you don’t know, you must have lived and died together, but I don’t think there can be bad people everywhere in this world. If she’s true If you want to deal with me, I have no chance to come back here."

Dabai nodded: "I didn't doubt what she meant, just staying in this shelter for a long time, this kind of reaction is habitual."

The two were silent for a while. There was only Nuo Nuo and the playful laughter in the yard. They also came into the yard every day. They stood aside and looked at them. They were probably called out by the parents in the house to see the children. He was still a little unhappy with his mouth pursing.

I suddenly remembered what happened to Xu Yiwen, so I tentatively asked Da Bai: "By the way, what has Xu Yiwen been doing during the time I am leaving?"

"What can I do? Staying at home to help with the children, occasionally go out for a circle, I don't know what to do." After speaking, Dabai turned his face to look at me, and asked suspiciously: "Are you not? He Mo? You ask. What do you mean? What do you think about Xu Yiwen? It's not good, Chen Ming, who treats you wholeheartedly, besides, you all have children now...you can't just die."

"Don't think about it, I just ask." Hastily interrupted Dabai's guess.

Dabai nodded: "This is the same way. If there is a problem, there will be a long time ago. Besides, Chen Ming is so good, a fool will separate from him, but... why are you suddenly asking that?"

I waved: "It's nothing, I just thought of it suddenly."

Dabai's eyes became suspicious: "No! Don't ask others, don't ask your children, don't ask your parents, and ask them specifically, there must be a problem!"

"Is there any question? I just ask whoever thinks of it. When are you so sensitive." Worried that if she continued to chat with Dabai, she would notice something, so I hurriedly got up and walked to Tiantian.

As a sister, I care too little about him, and the communication between the two of us has been even less pitiful in the past few years, so he and I are not even close.

Fortunately, when he was young, he was still obedient.

When I walked to him, I put my hand on Tiantian's shoulder: "Do your parents let you look at them every day?"

He looked up at me every day, and immediately complained: "Yeah, I don’t know what my parents think. They are so annoying, and they are arguing to death. They still love to fight. They fight with Dad. Mom blames me too, they are so fast, how can I stop them."

Hearing that, I laughed and patted his shoulder: "Looking back, I will talk to my parents, let them understand what you have to feel, don't be angry."

Tian Tian still pouted: "Sister, I don't think my parents hurt me at all."

I was stunned: "Why do you think that?"

"Not now, I've been thinking about it a long time ago, they only like the little nephew and the two of them, they don't like me anymore."

Hearing that, I looked at Tiantian and realized that before I knew it, his size was gradually catching up with me. Although the skeleton was still like a child, his size was a full circle higher than before. For so long... I didn't even notice.

"Every day, my parents like you very, very much, they like you more than their little nephews, but they are still young, they can’t talk, can’t walk, and can’t do anything. Someone must take care of them. And if you are more sensible than them, you can do all these things, so parents think that you can solve them by yourself, so they will care less about you, but they must like you very much."

He lowered his head every day, and then softly tentatively said, "Sister...what about you? Do you like me?"

"Of course I like you! How could my sister not like you?"

"They said you won't like me anymore..."

"They?" I was stunned: "Who?"

He didn't answer my words every day, and kept his head down and kept silent. When I noticed it, I realized that he was sobbing: "I miss my brother..."

These words hit my heart like a heavy blow, and the whole person was stunned.

Looking at Tiantian...he and my brother's increasingly similar faces gradually overlapped in front of them.

"day by day...."

He was still weeping.

A heavy self-blame emerged.

My brother... how long hasn't he thought of him?

The person who used to be the closest, the person whose blood was thicker than water, was so easily erased from my life and memory.

Only remember every day.

He hadn't forgotten even a child, and his loved ones who remembered him firmly were forgotten by the self-proclaimed and sentimental me.

There were no tears, no sore nose, just heart-wrenching uncomfortable, holding Tiantian's hand, I said: "Sister misses brother too."

Back in the living room, looking at my mother who was teasing the key with Chen Ming, I walked over to talk to him about the daily situation.

But before I sat down on the sofa, my dad coaxed Chen Mo, who had just woke up and was ill-tempered, and walked downstairs.

Seeing this, my mother rushed into the kitchen to get a warm milk jug like a gust of wind.

Because I couldn't breastfeed, my parents always felt owed and distressed to the two babies.

Sitting on the sofa, I watched my parents tease Chen Mo with a smile, and I felt relieved and complicated.

Chen Ming held the key with his little feet, kicked me, and said to the girl childishly: "Kick your mother!"

I was in a bad mood at first, but seeing that the two children were healthy, I couldn't hold back my face. After smiling at the key and saying two bad things about Chen Ming, I took her over and kissed her in my arms.

Every day, Nuonuo, Nian Nian, Key and Chen Mo, five children, I have never taken care of them with all my heart. I am not a qualified sister, let alone a qualified mother.

After dinner that day, I finally caught the effort of bathing the child with my mother, and I had time to talk to her about the daily situation.

At the beginning, Tiantian's mother was still indifferent and said that he was already a little bigger, and the younger one must take care of more, and there is no way he can't.

But when I talked about it, he cried and said he missed his brother.

After my mother had a meal, she almost threw the key into the basin, and she immediately started to cry.

I hurriedly picked up the child, and my mother asked worriedly after she recovered: "Did you drink water?!!!"

I said: "No no, this baby is timid, so she can cry."

My mother was in a daze while pouring water on the key, and it took a long time to indulge in a sigh of relief: "My father and I are sorry for Tiantian." For a long time, she added in a dumb voice: "I'm sorry, too..."

"How can I be upset to my brother?"

"The medicine has been researched out. If my father and I have the ability, take the medicine to find your brother and heal him, he will be able to come back." Before I finished speaking, my mother burst into tears.

My son...that is a concern that I can't give up all my life.

I watched her quietly for a while, washed the children and put on clothes and coaxed them to sleep. For the first time, my mother showed the two children together for my father to watch, and followed me to the living room to find Tian Tian who was still watching TV. .

Every day, I took a shower in the bathroom on the first floor and put on my pajamas.

Everyone went back to the room. There would be no other people on the first floor except him and Yang Yang.

Seeing my mother and I go downstairs, I glanced at both of us every day, and then continued to put their eyes on the TV.

After Yang Yang greeted my mother politely, he slanted my eyes and regarded the apple as the click of my head.

Looking at the sheep walking past me inexplicably, I was a little confused...when did I offend him.

My mother sat next to Tiantian, but she seemed restrained.

It seems that she hasn't spoken to Tian Tian for too long.

After the two of you sat together and watched the TV quietly for about ten minutes, my mother said, "God, are you still asleep?"

Shaking his head every day; "Not sleepy, I want to watch TV, and there will be good cartoons at eleven."

"Do you eat apples? Mom will peel an apple for you."

Every day I glanced at the apples and fruit knives on the table, hesitated for a moment, picked up the apples and cut them skillfully: "I can peel the apples."

My mother looked at his skilled hands: "Who taught you?"

"Brother-in-law taught it."

My mother looked back at me, her expression full of distress, then she looked at Tiantian again: "Then are you hungry? Mom will boil eggs for you."

"I'm not hungry, I eat a lot at night." After saying every day, I looked at my mother: "Mom, do you want to watch TV too?"

My mother nodded: "Well... suddenly I want to watch it with you today."

Hearing this every day nodded: "Okay."

I walked away gently, leaving a space for the two of them to be alone.

Back in the room, Chen Ming was still sitting on the sofa reading a book and waiting for me.

Hearing the sound of me entering the door, he looked up and put away the book and said: "Are you taking a bath?"

I shook my head and sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder, a little tired: "Let me lean on this for a while."

Chen Ming put the book in his hand aside, put his hand around me and asked, "What's the matter?"

With my eyes open, I said: "In the past... my mother always told me that life is like a tree, big and small things are thicker than leaves. I couldn't understand it before, but now I understand."

Chen Ming didn't say a word, and waited for me to finish.

"I, two people, the family is good, that's not good, it's good to have a good family, but it's easy to say, but it's really difficult to do."

Chen Mingen said, "Just come back, don't think about it, just let the flow go."

"How can I go with the flow... Problems have appeared every day, and his personality has become too introverted."

Chen Ming pondered for a while: "He lacks the care he should have, and he has indeed changed a lot."

Hearing what Chen Ming said, I suddenly felt more sad: "We must be nice to him."

Chen Ming hugged me tightly: "Definitely."

I also circled Chen Ming, closing my eyes and thinking that I would just sit and rest my head like this.

Within a few minutes, Chen Ming urged again in a low voice: "Don't you take a bath?"

I shook my head: "Wait."

"Go now, don't wait."

"No! I don't want to do anything right now, so I just want to sit like this and say I don't wash it!"

After a few seconds, Chen Ming suddenly hugged me from the sofa: "That's not good, I have something to do."

"What are you doing, I'm not in the mood if you don't say anything...well..."

I am half happy and half worried about Chen Ming's learning to force a kiss. What's happy is that this guy has some romantic elements in this aspect at least. What's worrying is that sometimes once I talk in a hurry, he kisses him without saying anything.

Early the next morning, before I got up, Chen Ming, who was dressed, came up from the living room and told me that Chen Yang had come to me.

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