Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 344: the last time

Chen Ming grinned. He seldom showed his teeth, but he looked more beautiful than usual.

After rubbing his fingers on my lips twice, he gently hugged me: "Then I'm leaving."

Being held by Chen Ming, I suddenly lost a lot of perception.

Just when he was about to let go and leave, I grabbed him backhand, Chen Ming was puzzled.

I would never stick to him like this as long as it was about his work.

Tears fell again, and I spoke to Chen Ming: "It was Xu Yiwen who combined with others to throw me out of the shelter."

Turning my back to Chen Ming, I just took his hand and couldn't see the expression on Chen Ming's face.

Naturally, he would not know the confusion and panic in his eyes when he saw my slightly swollen lips.

Chen Ming didn't speak, I still dragged him.

For a long time there was a sheep's voice from the top of the stairs. He seemed to have planned to look back at me: "He Mo, I was almost bullied on the roof just now, but fortunately, nothing major happened."

I can feel Chen Ming looking back at him.

After a long time, Chen Ming finally spoke: "Why are you telling me now?"

"He saved my life."

For half a minute, Chen Ming opened my hand and went downstairs alone.

I stood there for a long time, and the temperature left by Chen Ming's scrub remained on my lips.

Sheep came and stood beside me, looking worried: "The reason why you appeared outside was because of the man just now? Although some do not understand the relationship between you, but... since that man lives with you , Why did you do this?"

I stared at a certain place, did not answer the sheep, my mind quickly drifted past the months when Xu Yiwen led me to flee in embarrassment, and I secretly said in my heart, Xu Yiwen...why it was you?

Chen Ming left for about half an hour, and Chen Yang came to me in a panic, saying that Chen Ming was crazy.

I was taken aback by her adjectives and ran out after her.

She knew where Chen Ming was, and drove me quickly to a remote clearing.

It was surrounded by barbed wire.

There were many uniformed soldiers standing on the open ground, and the guards were very strict. Even I, like Chen Yang, needed to be questioned.

When I entered the venue, I heard a bang.

But only a group of people can be seen ahead, not even the person who fired the gun.

Chen Yang dragged me, grumbling solemnly: "It's too late, it's too late."

When I followed her to the front of the crowd, I realized that this battle... was actually killing people! ! !

Standing at the front of the uniformed soldier was a cold-faced Chen Ming.

He held his hands behind his back and looked coldly at the people who were kneeling in a row with his back facing him, one of whom was already lying on the ground with his head broken.

It seemed that he hadn't seen me and Chen Yang at all.

Slowly walked towards the second person who was kneeling on the ground.

I saw Chen Ming standing beside him, lowered his head and asked for a few words.

His expression was extremely cold. His face is a bit strange to me.

Chen Yang looked at the picture in front of him anxiously, and said to me: "These people are the people who led the team. They made a lot of trouble some time ago. They were symbolically arrested by the C team and locked up for two days. Today, Chen Ming doesn't know what's wrong. He just suddenly ordered people to be brought to this place. This is the place where the death penalty is executed!"

I looked at Chen Ming and couldn't concentrate at all to listen to Chen Yang.

Soon, Chen Ming got up in front of the second man, waved his hand at the executioner, and then he retreated aside.

A few seconds later, in the sound of a bang.

The second man convulsed and fell to the ground after his brain splashed.

Chen Ming's uniform jacket was stained with the person's blood. He looked down in disgust, took off his jacket and threw it on the man's broken head, and walked towards the third person.

The man was paralyzed with fright, a water stain under him, and he urinated his pants.


Chen Ming stood in front of him with an indifferent expression. Those bitter pleadings and tears seemed to have no way to affect him.

Finally, the man was kicked away by Chen Ming in a burst of crying pleading, and was finally shocked.

He turned his head slightly and glanced at several people who were also kneeling behind him, and whispered something to Chen Ming.

After Chen Ming heard this, he was quickly taken away.

Chen Ming followed and left.

Never looked at me from beginning to end.

After he took the people away, the space suddenly came down.

Apart from the two guards, only Chen Yang and I were left, and the corpses on the ground had also been taken away. There was still a warm brain left in the ground.

Chen Yang seemed to be aware of the problem at this time, and asked me: "What's the matter with you two?"

I took a deep breath: "Nothing."

"How is it possible, don't lie to me, according to Chen Ming's wife-slave temperament, as long as I see you, the big thing will come over to talk to you, this is not the right attitude."

My heart became a mess.

Even a little lost: "He is mad at me..."

"I am angry with you?" Chen Yang was taken aback: "Why?"

After telling the cause and effect of the incident, Chen Yang sighed several times in succession: "It's not that I said you He Mo... You really did not do this thing right. What you thought two days ago, you even concealed it for him, he But I want your life! What is a piece of clothing? Even if he gives you a car of weapons, the purpose of wanting your life has not changed. He can only say that he is watching you die without doing anything, and doing something to see. If you die between the two, he chose to give you a coat. No matter how kind you are, you can’t hide his affairs because of this little thing, right? Have you ever thought that he even you You can kill, so many people in your family, who else can’t do it? Besides, if he really likes you, you and Chen Ming’s child...you are not afraid that he will kill him with enthusiasm. Both were slaughtered too?!"

I nodded: "I know all this... but it has been several years! We have lived together for several years. I thought that as long as he was given a chance, he would become the same him, so I just had to pretend to be this. If it doesn’t happen, then nothing will change...I’m real...I don’t know if he will become like this."

After sighing, Chen Yang said, "You can understand your thoughts, but you cannot remember the kindness. When the other party wants to hurt you, all the kindness must be forgotten in an instant. You have been here for so long, if you haven't It’s too dangerous to learn this."

After saying these words, Chen Yang went on to say: "In this way, I can understand Chen Ming's reckless behavior today. He should be trying to ask something from those people. It looks like you. That Xu Yiwen at home is still a personal character...This is a big trouble!"

Chen Yang's words were a little awake to the dreamer.

I suddenly remembered that Xu Yiwen had vaguely revealed his different existence to me a long time ago.

We hadn't moved here at that time. We had just completed the Huanhu Park on the other side of the community. Once, a group of us was walking there, and he and I walked at the end of the crowd.

Just smiled and asked me, ‘He Mo, what do you think you like Chen Ming? ’

I was full of happiness at the time, and without thinking about it, I said, ‘He loves me, I love him, and... he is very safe. There is nothing he can’t do. He is my hero! ’

When I said that at the time, one was really that in my heart, and the other was deliberately told to Xu Yiwen.

As a result, Xu Yiwen didn't even think about it and came up with a sentence, "If one day you find that I am better than him, he can't protect you, and your hero is not even as good as me, what should you do?" ’

I laughed very happily, ‘if you can be great, of course I’m happy too, but if you’re great, it’s not the same thing as whether he can protect me. ’

Xu Yiwen also laughed, ‘There will be such a day. ’

I grabbed Chen Yang: "Will Xu Yiwen hurt Chen Ming?!!!"

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and sneered randomly: "Just rely on him? Then you don't know Chen Ming too much."

Chen Yang originally wanted to take me home first, but under my repeated begging, she took me to where Chen Ming worked.

In the office, Chen Ming was sitting on the sofa, pinching his eyebrows, listening to someone next to him reporting some news he had just received.

Hearing someone told me and Chen Yang were coming, he raised his face and looked at the door.

Those people should have almost finished talking about it. Seeing the two of us came, and after getting to know Chen Ming, he left the house.

Chen Ming's complexion was not good, and Chen Yang was unwilling to enter the house with me. After pushing me in, she ran out to chat with an acquaintance.

The door was taken by Chen Yang.

There are only two people in the house, I and Chen Ming.

Although worried, when facing him, I always feel confident that no matter what I have done wrong, as long as I act like a baby and admit my mistakes, Chen Ming will unconditionally forgive and give in.

When I spoke, my tone of voice was already pleading for mercy and grievance: "Chen Ming...I'm sorry...I should have told you about this earlier."

Chen Ming sat on the sofa and did not move or speak.

I continued: "Chen Yang told me...you are very angry..."

The sentence ended, and the room was completely quiet.

Chen Ming finally looked at me.

My lips moved slightly, but what I said broke my whole heart.

He said: "He Mo, I'm so tired. I don't want to deal with these messes for you anymore. This is the last time. Anything you cause in the future will have nothing to do with me. The child can give it to me, and the family can give it to me. You, I won't go back again."

The world collapsed suddenly.

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