Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 346: Forces of nature 1

No one in the family knew what was going on, so my mother came over with the key and asked me what I would like to eat at night.

Turning to see the key, my heart felt bitter, and he stepped forward to take her and hugged her in his arms, and almost cried at my mother with a sore nose.

The key is soft, babbling, unable to speak, with a little hand on my chest, incredibly obedient.

Chen Yang looked distressed and said to me; "Don't be uncomfortable, even if he can afford you, he can't afford the two children. You two will be fine."

Upon hearing Chen Yang's words, my mother's expression immediately changed: "Huh?! Why are you reluctant? What happened?"

I held the key and didn't speak. Chen Yang told my mother about the matter. After hearing this, my mother slapped my thigh, staring at me and cursing with a hatred of iron and steel, "You said you are a dead girl! You! Why are you so stupid?! What's the matter? Do you dare to keep it? No wonder Chen Ming was angry. When you concealed it for Xu Yiwen, you put these two children and so many people in our family. Where is it?!"

Chen Yang saw that my mother lost her temper suddenly, and hurriedly persuaded: "Auntie, silently is your girl. You know her best. Sometimes she just has a thread in her thoughts. If it is too simple, she just thinks about other people's. I didn't expect so many for a while."

My mother still stared at me: "Don't speak for her! She doesn't look like this for a day or two! No matter how you suffer, you can't learn to remember! I tell you He Mo! If you continue like this, one day Your father, me, and our family will all die in your hands! Chen Ming, even if he is capable, can't stand you doing this!"

"What are you talking about?!" My dad's voice came from the stairs behind my mother. His tone was low and he could hear a slight anger.

My mother looked back at my dad and said angrily: "Ask what your good girl did! Now Chen Ming is going to break up with your girl! I see how she will clean up this mess by herself!!!"

After that, my mother turned around angrily and went back to the room, and slammed the door shut.

Chen Yang was very embarrassed and a little embarrassed when he saw it on the sidelines. He probably thought that she was talking so much that I was scolded by my mother.

Although the key couldn't understand these words, he could probably perceive the changes in the surrounding aura, and he didn't even squeak while lying on my shoulders.

My dad walked up the stairs slowly, and I was ready to be scolded by him.

In the end, after my dad came up, he just took the key, hugged him in his arms and kissed him. It hurt for a while before he said to me: "Go, girl, go sit in your house for a while, your father, I'm so long. No time to chat with you."

When Chen Yang heard this, he was about to leave, but my father stopped him: "Yang Yang, don't go, sit down and have a chat together."

In the room, Dad sat on the sofa holding the baby, and Chen Yang and I sat on the bed upright.

The key was supported by my dad, standing on his lap and babbling a series of cute milk cavities.

Dad teased her with a happy face for a while before he said to Chen Yang: "Your dad hasn't come to me for a drink for a long time. What have you been up to lately?"

Chen Yang heard the words and said: "The child has been ill these few days, and my mother can't take it alone. He has to help."

"Oh, the child is sick? What's the matter? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, it's a bit cold and diarrhea."

"Diarrhea is not a trivial matter. You must have a snack tightly. I'll go over and see when the child is better in a few days.

After some greetings, my dad seemed to finally enter the topic: "Just now, I heard roughly the same, but there are still some things about this matter that I don't understand. Can anyone explain it to me."

Chen Yang and I looked at each other, and no one spoke.

My dad didn't mind, and he said, "Is this guy named Xu a bad person or a good person?"

"Of course it's a bad person!" Chen Yang said, "I'm ready to kill Chen Yang, can I still be a good person?"

My dad looked at me: "Girl, what do you think?"

I thought for a while: "I don't know."

"A good person is a good deed, and a bad deed is a bad person. What's wrong with this?"

"He used to be a good person, but he has also done bad things. How do you evaluate this?"

Hearing this, my dad's face showed a relieved expression: "Girl, do you know that so many things have happened, what is the motivation that can support your dad and me most?"


Dad held the key in his arms: "Even though I have experienced so much and watched so much, my children can keep their original attitude and continue to live in this world. This makes me feel very proud. How does the current society change? The standards of human nature and morals can never be changed. I hope that my children will always remember the help given by others. That is a priceless treasure, even if that person It may have changed, but the help we have received is real and cannot be changed."

Chen Yang and I didn’t speak, waiting for my dad to continue speaking: “Others helped you, and others hurt you. These are totally different things. If you have to confuse it, you will negate the harm done to you by others, or else it will be negated. Because of the help of others, neither of them is good, so the most important thing is to be able to distinguish these, at least now you are safe and sound, I believe no matter how little Xu’s child wants to deal with you, since you have fallen In his hands, if he wants to kill you, you won’t have the chance to appear in front of me and your mother again, girl...remember, kindness is right. From the point of view of this matter, my dad thinks you are right. , Know how to be grateful, you did a great job on this."

"Dad..." I didn't expect him to say that, and I didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"But." My dad interrupted the following words: "When I say this, it does not mean that I am sure of your final approach to this matter. On the contrary, I feel very angry because you can't bear to tell me. Your mother, our whole family, and the lives of these five children are left alone. If your mother did this, I would also think that she is a very irresponsible and hopeless person. Kindness itself is not wrong, But if the kindness you want to show brings life-threatening danger to unknowing people, it’s too much. Although Chen Ming’s words are heavy, dad can understand. This time it’s your fault. You must go and ask for his forgiveness."

After listening to my father's words, Chen Yang remained silent for a long time. The last shot of his thigh turned to my dad's admiration: "Uncle!!! What you said is so good!! The core issue of this matter was completely solved by you. It's open! No wonder my dad admires you, but your life consciousness can't be achieved without admiration!"

My dad stood up holding the child and said, "Don’t praise my uncle. I’m so sorry. Take it to confess my mistakes with my son-in-law. Chen Ming really didn’t have to say a word about me as an old father-in-law in the past few years. The next time I saw this child angry, I wondered if it wasn't good. Silently, her mother was anxious and said serious things. The problem between the two of them is gone. Let it go."

I originally wanted to admit my mistake with Chen Ming. Once a quarrel is very taboo, the two people will not meet each other. If the Cold War begins, then the emotional crisis will come.

I have never planned to leave Chen Ming in my whole life. I did the wrong thing. It is only natural that he was angry and I would apologize.

After my dad left, Chen Yang picked up the car key and said to me: "Listening to Uncle He's words, it's an epiphany! What's the big deal! Everything is done by humans, and since there are no terrible consequences, nothing can't be forgiven. Yes! Let's go! I'll take you to kill Chen Mingna! I'll give him a boost!"

I nodded vigorously and changed the clothes on my body that had been rubbed and stained with blood because of the fall.

I specially put on a big red sweater with a small cherry. Chen Ming likes me to wear this color the most. He lives too lightly, so I hope I can look warmer and more colorful.

After the mirror was cleaned up, except for the ugly bandage on his face, the whole person was neatly rounded, and as expected, wearing clothes is the spirit of losing weight!

Before leaving the house, I ran to take a look at Chen Mo. The little guy usually sleeps better than his younger sister and doesn't need adults to worry about, so I hug less.

I kissed him on his face for several laps and didn't wake up. Looking at the small face carved out of a mold between him and Chen Ming, I secretly thought, son! Mom, go and apologize to your father! For the first time in years, give my mother strength! !

After leaving the house, Chen Yang probably noticed that I was a little nervous, so he changed the subject and pointed to the surrounding houses and said, "Do you know why I can only live here for a few years?"

"Why?" I asked completely unconcerned.

"This house is strong enough to withstand very strong earthquakes, completely different from those temporarily built in the city."

I looked around and said, "No matter how strong the house is, what's the use of it? There won't be an earthquake here."

Chen Yang said: "That's hard to say, but of course it's best to avoid earthquakes. Natural disasters or other things must not be present. The current shelters can't handle it at all."

After Chen Yang mentioned this, I suddenly remembered: "By the way, what's the situation on the south wall now?"

"It's not so good. People in the entire district have retreated. That district has been sealed off, and walking corpses have swarmed in. If they can't hold onto it, then the entire district can only give up."

Fortunately, when the sanctuary was established, the various districts could be completely sealed off. Otherwise, once a place was breached by a walking corpse like this, the entire sanctuary would be unsafe.

The car drove out of the community slowly, and through the rearview mirror, you could see the houses in the community, which were solid and iron-based.

Closing the car window, Chen Yang played a particularly explosive tune.

Looking at the rushing crowd outside, I felt nervous because I was about to see Chen Ming.

The car needs to go through the city center. The tall buildings here are all left over from the past. Looking at those tall buildings, I recalled what my dad said just now in my mind.

What he said is right, kindness is not wrong, seeing someone on the side of the road fall down and stepping forward to help, see someone needing help, stepping up to help, this is all right, but in the end all this must be built On the basis of hurting other people.

As he was thinking about it, Chen Yang suddenly closed vaguely, staring at the front and asked me: "He Mo, do you think it just seemed to sway?"

"No..." As soon as these three words were finished, I didn't even have time to wonder, the whole body began to shake violently! !

what happened? ! ! Chen Yang stepped on the gas pedal to death. I didn't fasten my seat belt. My head hit the glass window directly because of inertia. I haven't recovered yet. Amid the violent shaking, Chen Yang screamed and pulled me back: " Be careful!!!"

The second after my head left the glass window, a flying stone the size of a human head slammed into the front windshield of the car.

Broken glass was splashing everywhere, but Chen Yang and I were unable to avoid the shards of glass because of the violent shaking.

Amidst the resistanceless shaking, a terrible term appeared in my mind.


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