Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 352: Meet Xiaoyou again

Someone in the room where the medicines are stored specially distributes medicines, and only specialized doctors and nurses are qualified to take them. People like me who wear obvious temporary caregiver clothes will not give me medicines.

No matter what I said, the people inside waved my hand impatiently to let me leave. There were a lot of people in the line behind. I couldn't keep delaying and could only stand by the side, and talked about it when they were a little free.

On the other side, the man and Chen Yang were still anxiously waiting for the medicine I brought back. Seeing that the line behind was getting longer and longer, I looked like an ant on a hot pot hurriedly scratching my head.

In the end, I couldn’t wait to jump in directly in front of the first person, and said to the humanity inside: “Just two boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs and bandages, why are you so strenuous?”

When the person inside saw that it was me, the already ugly face immediately became even more ugly: "Why is it you again?! Hurry up! Call the doctor and give it to you."

"Are you going to give it or not?!"

"I said you hurry away! People behind are waiting anxiously!"

Just as my angry fire was about to rush to my brain, a passing doctor stopped and glanced at me, then politely stepped forward and asked, "Why are you here? Did Command Chen not arrange for you to leave?"

I don't know this doctor, I stared at him twice, and my heart moved... It doesn't matter if I know him or not, as long as he knows me!

I grabbed his arm and said, "I and Suotian's wife are here to help take care of the wounded. The people here don't give me medicine! You can tell them quickly."

Upon hearing this, the originally kind-eyed doctor immediately turned his face and cursed at the person inside: "Give her the medicine! This is the family of Commander Chen! Can you keep your eyes open?!"

The person inside almost quarreled with me, and this would be scolded by the doctor again. The boss snorted twice, got up and handed me the medicines and bandages I needed. He took it and thought about it for a while. Knowing how many times to run, it is not worthwhile to be angry with them, so his face was swept away with a smile and politely said to the man: "Thank you so much."

She probably thought that someone would support her and would trouble her, but she didn't expect to thank her again. To my smiling face, the unhappy face she put on was immediately embarrassed and she didn’t know how to put it away. , Kept it well, muttered for a while before saying very stiffly: "Mrs. Chen is polite."

Holding the medicine, she ran back to Chen Yang non-stop. She and the old lady were waiting a long time ago. After taking the medicine in my hand, Chen Yang whispered: "If the **** is going to have a baby, I'm probably waiting for you. Come, the baby can be weaned."

On the side, I scratched my head and smiled with a guilty conscience, and then watched Chen Yang start to clean the dirt around the wound.

We don't know if there is any internal injury on the old lady's son. At present, the only relatively serious thing that can be seen with the naked eye is this one on the shoulder.

The glass block inserted into his shoulder was not too small. Chen Yang cut the surrounding clothes and cleaned it slightly, and he was already sweating in pain.

The old lady wiped her tears distressedly, and nervously reminded Chen Yang on one side: "Tap... Tap... Don't break it..."

Chen Yang was a little speechless when she was mumbling, and she retracted her hand and asked, "Grandma, if I don't touch it, how can I bandage him?"

The old lady was a little embarrassed: "Take it lightly... watching him hurt so much."

Chen Yang turned his head back and continued to clean up the surrounding area: "The pain is definitely painful. It hurts even more when it is pulled out for a while without anesthetic. If you can't accept it, grandma, don't watch it. Otherwise, if you keep talking like this, I keep talking. Heart, it's really possible to hurt your son."

"Good, good..." When the old lady heard this, she waved her hand quickly: "I won't say anything, I won't say anything... I'm sorry girl, please treat him well, don't pay attention to me."

I was aside, watching Chen Yang start to take a deep breath, tied the injured shoulder, and when he was about to pull out the glass, I really didn't dare to look again. I turned my face and squatted behind Chen Yang.

Then, in the scream of the man's braised throat, Chen Yang used all his strength to finally pull out the piece of glass.

If you don’t look at this time, you have to watch it. I quickly **** his wound with medicine. The old lady felt sorry that her son could not do anything anymore. It was very troublesome to deal with the injury on the shoulder. Although I am an absolute layman, But because I have been injured more often, and wandering outside for a period of time, this kind of basic is still a little bit better.

After the treatment, the old lady gave his son some water, and the wounded fell asleep faintly.

Chen Yang and I got up and reminded the old lady to always pay attention to whether her son's body temperature had risen, and then turned and walked towards the rest of the wounded who did not have a doctor.

Chen Yang squatted in front of a little boy sitting in the corner with his arms tangled in clothes. The boy's face was full of tears, and he seemed to be frightened. Seeing me and Chen Yang squatting in front of him, he drew back in fear. He shrank, but soon realized that we can help him now. He flinched to a halt and looked at us and asked in a low voice, "Did you see my mom and dad?"

Chen Yang was holding the remaining disinfectant in his hand, some anti-inflammatories with bandages, and putting those things aside, while reaching out to untie the clothes that were temporarily tied to his arms.

I can only talk to the little boy on the sidelines to divert his attention.

"They may be outside to help find other people. If you treat the wound here now, they will come to you soon."

I try my best to make my voice sound more familiar.

However, these words made Chen Yang look back at me twice. She quickly turned her head back to observe the boy’s injuries, and said coldly, "The situation outside is very bad. If your parents are still alive, they will definitely come. you."

Hearing this, I want to remind Chen Yang that this is too cruel, but she kept her head down to deal with the wound and ignored me.

The boy didn't even have much reaction when he heard Chen Yang's words. Maybe he had already realized it, or he still didn't quite understand what the meaning of this loss meant.

After Chen Yang cleaned up the dirt in his wound, I squatted down and bandaged him, holding his slender wrist that hadn't been opened yet. I thought, if his parents really didn’t have a chance to live again, then this boy would be alive. Living alone in this world will learn to be strong earlier in this world.

When he got up after the dressing, Chen Yang was already in front of the next person.

I thought about it for a while, patted the little boy on the shoulder, and reminded: "You can take a break first. There is water over there. If you want to drink, you can go there and get it yourself.

He looked at his wrist injury seriously: "Thank you sister."

Nodded, I turned my head and walked towards Chen Yang.

It just so happened that Chen Yang had already taken care of the wound and asked me to bandage it. As soon as he squatted in front of her, Chen Yang whispered: "Let me not think so much in this place. I have endless sympathy."

I wrapped the gauze layer upon layer, and said to Chen Yang, "I see."

We searched for those left behind among the wounded at our feet. Although the words were reasonable, Chen Yang still tightened his brows when looking at those who were wailing in pain, his eyes flickering, and there was a lot of heartache inside. And can't bear it.

When the two of us passed the door, two people came in carrying a stretcher from the outside. Probably they were also used to carrying the injured person in this way, and turned away when they reached the door.

The doctors were so busy that no one even took a look at the person lying on the shelf.

The people on the shelves were all gray, and there was a lot of blood on their clothes. It seemed that the situation seemed very serious.

Chen Yang glanced at the motionless person and said to me, "Go, let's go over and take a look."

The purpose of the two of us walking over is to perhaps listen to each other's last words, but when I took a closer look, I was taken aback for a moment. How did this person feel familiar, and then took a closer look, Xiaoyou! ! !

The man who ran to our yard in the middle of the night to eat and drink!

She looked very embarrassed with her whole body dirty. Maybe her sloppy room in the past left me too deep impression. I would know that it was her, but I felt that the picture did not have any sense of disobedience.

She turned her eyes around two times before looking at me and Chen Yang. There was no feeling that she was seriously injured when she looked at me half a distance. When she saw me, she smiled in surprise and faced me. I waved and said hello: "Hi~"

But then her sore face from the torn wound was twisted into a ball.

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