Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 354: The warmth of the morning

"What do you know?" Suotian asked this sentence.

Chen Ming has been watching Xiaoyou quietly, without speaking.

Xiaoyou glanced at Chen Ming for several times, and seemed to be thinking about something.

It took a long time to say: "About half a year ago, I received a task to investigate him. At the beginning, I was very surprised. How could someone inexplicably ask me to investigate such an ordinary person, but I followed a few times. The genius discovered that this guy is not a simple character. He seems to have very close ties with certain organizations. Note that not one, but many organizations, all have ties with him at the same time."

I felt very surprised: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Xiaoyou shrugged: "You never asked me. Besides, when I went to your yard that night and was discovered by you, I wanted to remind you, but I couldn't understand the situation at that time. , Can't you understand what I can do?"

"What do you mean by showing his feet?" Chen Yang asked.

"Do you still need me to talk about this? Commander Chen...do you really know it or pretend it deliberately? He walks in and out of your house every day, and he has such a close relationship with those people, you only need to pay a little attention to it. ."

Chen Ming did not speak.

Suo Tian glanced at him, then waved back and beckoned the deputy next to him: "Go and check the current situation of the Xu, next to Commander Chen."

"Yes." The man left after speaking.

Xiaoyou blinked, as if there was something to say, but in the end he didn't say it.

Chen Ming and Suo Tian finally had time to rest after being tired for a day. After all, they are also humans. When Chen Yang and I came to their tent, we were all tired of being called out by the comfort inside.

It didn't take long for two people to fall asleep in the dark.

Xiaoyou didn't know where he ran. This girl was so utterly babble that she couldn't find it with the effort of turning her face.

When I woke up, I smelled the scent of food.

Chen Ming and Suo Tian were sleeping on the other side. Chen Yang was still asleep. I rubbed my eyes and stared at Chen Ming and Suo Tian, ​​who were lying face to face. After a while, they couldn't reach the groaning belly. , Got up and climbed out of the tent.

I slept for several hours on this night. It was dark outside, and it seemed that it was about to dawn. Chen Yang and I lay together and slept directly for the entire time period of dinner and the afternoon.

Many simple sheds were temporarily built outside, with very bright lights hung on them, and the surroundings were very bright. Although it was still early, the surroundings were already full of people, most of them were tired-looking soldiers and wounded. Not serious patients.

Here, dozens of aunts formed a temporary cafeteria team, all of whom came early to receive breakfast.

Some of these aunts still have gauze wrapped around their bodies, but it's just that they can be seen at a glance that their injuries are not serious.

Most of the people in the line were numb, and one by one they took their own hot meals from the aunts. Even in this situation, the aunts themselves were injured, but when faced with these people in the line There was not the slightest irritation, on the contrary all smiles.

I stared at them for a while, and felt my depressed mood relaxed.

Some soldiers carried a few large bags of rice and put them behind them, and one of them said to them, "Thank you."

One of the women who was about to untie the bag smiled upon hearing the words: "Look at this child, how polite."

As soon as these words came out, the few people who had just helped carry things all shouted to them: "Thank you!"

Their unanimous and cute looks made the aunts very happy, and the laughter could be heard from far away.

The people who were waiting in line to receive the meal also craned their necks to look at the movement in front of them, and they laughed happily in front of them, and gradually their faces followed with a slight smile.

In the cold morning, under the dilapidated small canopy, there were more than a dozen elderly aunts without good figures, no good-looking faces, and no beautiful clothes, bringing warmth to everyone present except food.

After watching it for a while, I moved my arms and legs and walked back.

Outside the tent, Chen Ming stood on the open space and stared at the ground, not knowing what he was looking at.

I paused and looked at him from a distance for a while, and when Chen Ming noticed me, it was I who turned to continue walking towards him.

Next to Chen Ming, I glanced at the ground he had just stared at, and found a little bug that kept pounding there. After a pause, I took the initiative to say the first nonsense: "Wake up?"

Chen Ming turned his face and looked at me inexplicably. The expression of ‘how can I stand here if I didn’t wake up" made me feel very embarrassed.

I cleared my throat and pointed to the direction I had just arrived: "There is breakfast over there, do you want to go over to eat it?"


"Then do you want to go to sleep again?"


"Are you cold? The temperature seems to have cooled down today. Would you like a thicker coat?"


With a twist of my face, I couldn't hold it anymore, and stepped forward and grabbed Chen Ming by the collar: "What the **** are you doing?! I've apologized too! I'm sorry! The place is shaking too! What else do you want to do?! I can’t serve you well? The surname is Chen, my old lady will just leave it alone. From now on, whether you are angry or not, I don’t want to worry about it, but if you want to divorce or break up, I can Let me tell you, there are absolutely no doors and windows! Just because I have a big belly and dying to give you two kids to come out, you are not qualified to break up with me because of anything! It must be me that day Come on! All you should do is be my husband quietly!"

After I finished speaking, I still had Pu on my face, and my heart immediately began to feel anxious. In case he was still very angry, or if he had made up his mind to leave me, then these words seemed to him not to be more irritating. Does he feel irritable?

When I realized my conjecture, I immediately panicked.

Is it subconsciously...I am also ready to lose Chen Ming?

Chen Ming didn't speak, looked at me a few times, turned his head and walked away.

I wanted to hold him, but looking at his back, I suddenly felt comfortable.

Until he disappeared from my sight, I sighed and turned back. Chen Yang rarely had time alone with Suotian. I didn’t go back to the tent, and ran to receive breakfast for four people. Fen put the remaining three copies at the door of the tent.

Then I went to the hospital lobby.

After one night, the number of patients here soared, and the doctors who were already too busy were even more exhausted.

Wrapped in a nurse's uniform, I turned my head and saw the small tour beckoning to me at the gate. Seeing her, I felt a lot of comfort in my heart. Chen Yang is not here. If I am alone, I will be more seriously injured. I don't know what to do. Xiaoyou is much more professional than both of us. It will be much easier if she comes.

I took a white coat and stuffed her, before she put it on, I pulled her into the hall: "Hurry up! Come and help!"

Xiaoyou was dizzy by me, and kept yelling from behind: "I'm not here to be a good man with you! I was almost exhausted yesterday, so I won't do it today!"

When I heard that, I turned my face to look at her, did not let go: "If you don't come to help, then why are you looking for me?"

Xiaoyou looked around, seeming to have lingering fears about yesterday's excessive fatigue: "What can I do, I want to talk to you, otherwise it will be so boring all day."

She gave her half of the gauze and disinfectant that I had just received with a glance: "Help and chat, otherwise I won't talk!"

After hearing this, Xiaoyou looked at the things in his hands embarrassedly, scratching his scalp and said: "The last time!"

Then all morning, Xiaoyou and I were so busy and dizzy, no one had time to chat anymore.

In a patient who was treated in the middle of the treatment, almost all of his leg was smashed by a slate. None of the doctors who threw around the corner could walk away to help him. It happened that Xiaoyou and I were bandaging another child who was not seriously injured. See Zhuang Xiaoyou looked at him a few more times, then motioned to me to wrap the little girl and walk towards that person.

The man was covered in blood, and he screamed silently. After bandaging the child, I hesitated for a long time before I dared to look over.

Xiaoyou's expression was serious and severe. After touching his legs up and down, he seemed to be meditating on something. After a long while, he got up and walked towards the male doctor nearest to us.

The doctor was stitching a young woman’s arm. Xiaoyou walked over and didn’t know what he had said to him. The male doctor looked back at the person lying on the ground, nodded to Xiaoyou, and took the wounded woman. After handing it to Xiaoyou, he walked towards the patient with the broken leg.

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