Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 357: Spies in the hall

"Are you sure?" Chen Yang obviously didn't trust Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou seems to be used to being so unsure of himself: "You can choose not to believe it, anyway, there was nothing wrong with me."

After speaking, Xiaoyou glanced at me: "My occupation is not convenient to tell, but you can believe that there is basically nothing in this shelter that I can't know. As long as someone wants to ask, want to know, I Have the ability to dig out everything that is covered up."

Chen Yang seemed to distrust Xiaoyou even more after hearing this. She probably felt that she was bragging. In her heart, she might think that Xiaoyou would know this. Maybe it was because she heard the conversation between her and Suotian outside the tent in the morning: "Anyone can brag. , I can say that I am more trembling than you, but what can these mean? It means that you are really trustworthy?"

Xiaoyou sneered twice and said to Chen Yang: "Suotian and Chen Ming's immortal physique, I think you really want to know how they came from?"

Her words are like dropping a bomb in the air to quiet the world.

The surroundings were completely silent, only the sound of wind and the falling of rubble.

Our slightly loose white coats undulate by the wind.

I was completely stunned. Chen Yang had to recover my sanity much faster than I did. She asked Xiaoyou, "How do you...how do you know this?"

Xiaoyou looked at us both in surprise, with a little pride: "I know more than this, but I won't say it."

Chen Yang stared at her very carefully, staring back and forth carefully for at least ten minutes before saying: "Why are you helping us."

Xiaoyou said: "I just want to help He Mo, not you."

"Okay." Chen Yang nodded and didn't mind the words: "Then why do you want to help He Mo? You two should be unfamiliar."

Xiaoyou looked at me, his lips moved slightly, and his voice was soft: "For a few pieces of cold bread."

"What?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

And I know what the small lobby is really about.

That night, when I met her in the yard, I gave her a few pieces of bread and a blanket that she refused.

Xiaoyou did not continue to answer Chen Yang’s question, but instead walked towards the hospital lobby: "Okay, let’s go back. The situation of the three of us must be closely monitored. There must be an observation in the hospital lobby. People in the three situations of us, and the fake Chen Ming, the purpose is not to deal with He Mo."

She stopped here. Chen Yang and I both understood what she meant.

Since some people have spent a lot of time pretending to be Chen Ming by our side, so ridiculous things have been done, then the person they deal with must not be someone like me who will not threaten them at all. They really want to deal with it. .. is the lock of the sky.

Chen Yang and I looked at each other deeply, and the thoughts of both sides were written in their eyes.

"Xiaoyou." I shouted to her: "What are we going to do now?"

Xiaoyou paused and turned his back to me and Chen Yang: "On the premise that you believe me, the most urgent thing we need to do now is to find out those spies, and maybe we can tell from them. , But... the trouble is that we don’t know how many hidden people are around, so we need to cover up our hands, we three have to cooperate."

"How to cooperate?"

Xiaoyou turned around and looked at Chen Yang: "Do you believe me?"

Although it was you who asked her, but Chen Yang was the only one who looked at her from beginning to end. She seemed to be very sure and I would believe her.

Chen Yang nodded, moving very slowly: "I believe it doesn't matter if I believe it or not. If He Mo believes in you, I will believe in you."

Chen Yang's dissatisfaction with what she said meant that she still didn't believe in Xiaoyou, but she could just look at the situation first and choose whether to believe her or not.

After all, this matter is now not only my problem, but also related to the safety of Suotian. She will be more cautious in handling it, and will not easily commit any possibility.

After listening to her, Xiaoyou laughed after a few seconds, and said to both of us: "Go back to the lobby and pretend that nothing has happened. After a while, I will see who I am continuously touching in front of him. Ears, then that person is what we have to deal with, and I want to take that person to a place where no one is there with me."

"There are so many people in there. If we take people away, we will definitely be noticed. Didn't you just say that there are so many hidden people in there, we don't know." I said.

Xiaoyou was a little helpless: "He Mo, do you always fail to grasp some of the central ideas in other people's words? Didn't I also say it just now, because we don't know the hidden person, so we must be concealed when we do it! Acting! I want your help! We have to let others take it for granted that it is normal for us to take that person away."

I was a little embarrassed by what she said, scratching my head and stopped speaking.

After Xiaoyou discussed a few words with Chen Yang, we went back to the lobby.

The hall is still full of voices, all kinds of blood and sweat, very strong.

In order to keep the temperature in the hall, the windows are closed, only one door is open, the effect of air circulation is very poor, and the smell here can be imagined.

After entering the hall, I continued to follow Chen Yang, so that when it was convenient for a short tour to make a gesture, Chen Yang and I approached from two places to draw unnecessary attention.

Xiaoyou wandered around the hall alone.

Because I didn't know where anyone would be watching us, Chen Yang and I didn't dare to make any eye contact with Xiaoyou since entering the lobby.

Chen Yang and I squatted in a relatively open field to deal with this small piece of slightly injured person.

Both of them kept silent. During the period, I took a quick glance at Xiaoyou and found that she was probably concealing her. She also squatted in front of a child to change the bandage of her wound.

Almost twenty minutes later, all three of us completed our work almost at the same time.

Slowing down the speed of packing those medicines, I saw Xiao You slowly walking towards Chen Yang and me.

Chen Yang and I looked at each other quickly, wondering why she suddenly approached both of us? Is there something to say?

Just when the two of us were about to get up to meet her for a while, I glanced at me and noticed that Xiaoyou made a downward pressure with her palms while turning her face to talk to the family members of the patients nearby.

This action is commonly used by Team C, and I am familiar with Chen Yang.

Stay safe and stay still.

That is to let us wait.

Squatting again, I turned my head back to the patient in front of me and said: "Come on, do it well, and I will check for you to see if there is any injury in other places. You don't seem to look good. Is there any discomfort? Is it?'

The man was flattered, and quickly brought out all the uncomfortable places on his body.

I gave her a squeeze and a squeeze, and pretended to check it around. I really found a lot of bruises on her body, which should have been smashed.

At this moment, Xiao You, who approached us, squatted down in front of the middle-aged man who was measuring blood pressure in front of Chen Yang.

Xiaoyou gently asked the person: "Why are you uncomfortable?"

Chen Yang said: "He is dizzy, I will check his blood pressure."

Xiaoyou's expression was shocked, and he immediately put a hand under his nose and rubbed it hard: "Oh! Dizzy? Don't have a concussion. Do you have any other feelings besides dizziness? Do you want to vomit?"

Chen Yang and I were both shocked when they saw this, and tried to keep the expression on their faces, but their heartbeats had obviously accelerated.

Unexpectedly, the spy that Xiaoyou was talking about would have been with Chen Yang and me since just now.

When the man heard Xiaoyou's words, he immediately glanced at Chen Yang subconsciously, and said for a while: "I don't want to retching...just dizzy."

Xiaoyoushou rubbed his nose again, took a quick glance at me, touched the person’s head and asked, “Have you been hit by a stone or hard object before? Seeing that your face is so pale, it shouldn’t be a blood pressure problem. You are not very old, are you?"

The person obviously didn't want to communicate with Xiaoyou too much, and responded vaguely, basically saying that he was dizzy, and there was no serious reaction. In short, he wanted Xiaoyou to leave as soon as possible.

Normal patients will not be like this.

Just like the one in front of me, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, as long as one is willing to deal with it, they can't wait to take out their wisdom teeth that were pulled out 20 years ago to make us firm.

He really has a problem.

I have to say... Xiaoyou's observational power is really amazing. From the beginning, she seemed to be able to discover the problem in a period of time that far exceeded the time that Chen Yang and I had noticed.

Chen Ming’s disappearance and the impersonation of people who look exactly the same are, in my opinion, very difficult and almost completely unsolvable problems. She was able to say how to deal with the whole thing in just a few words, the order, and even the use of What kind of appropriate means.

This little tour... is definitely not a simple character.

I looked at her.

My side is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Next, you have to keep an eye on Xiaoyou and this man to see what kind of method she is going to use to take such a big man out of this place.

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