Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 359: All hope

But in this kind of situation where I am still confused, they suddenly came to me and said that I still felt a little bumpy.

With my head hanging down, I wanted to give myself a little space to sort out my current situation. As soon as I turned my face, I saw Xiaoyou next to me, thinking of the man who had just come out with her, and I asked, "Where is that person just now?"

Xiaoyou pointed to the EEG room and said, "Let him do an EEG."

"EEG?" I was stunned: "You didn't bring him out for questioning?"

Hearing this, Xiao You pointed to Sun Miao and Fatty next to him: "I planned that way before I saw them, but since they also know something, we don’t need to get into trouble anymore. Let’s talk about it. I just asked him to do an electroencephalogram. At best, he felt that I was a idiot doctor who was serious and nosy, and would not think of too many other places.

Xiaoyou's analysis is very good, and I have no spare time to care about what that person thinks.

Fatty was not a person who could bear his temper. After waiting for me to do so, he was already impatient. He even rubbed his hands and was stopped by Sun Miao several times when he wanted to speak. Later, he probably couldn’t hold it anymore and patted him away. Sun Miao’s hand: "I said, elder sister, what are you thinking about? If I put it straight, you can understand it. Now that my grandson and I came here to look for you, we are just guessing. I'm worried that you will be deceived by this unknown thing, and it will be bad if you suffer a loss. You have been thinking about it for so long and have not figured out a result. I really have no patience to wait any longer. Brother Sun and I will set off soon Go to the head of the house, do you want to go together?"

I was taken aback: "You are going to find Chen Ming? Do you all know where he is?"

"I don't know." Sun Miao interrupted the fat man and glanced at him twice, probably because he didn't like the fat man's inattentive way of speaking.

"Then where are you looking for?"

Sun Miao took out a not very clear picture from his arms and handed it to me: "Look at this."

I received it and observed it carefully. This photo was taken from a room full of sturdy anti-theft windows, and I saw that the person taking the photo was very anxious at the time, and even the focus was not fully aligned and the shutter was pressed. So the photo is a bit blurry.

After carefully comparing the photos back and forth a few times, I asked Sun Miao: "Where did these photos come from?"

Sun Miao said: "If you can also be sure that the person in front of us is not the conductor himself, then these photos were sent to me by the real conductor."

After Sun Miao finished speaking, he took the photos in my hand and said in a low voice: "Do you understand what I mean? The commander is calling for help...he is calling for help with us."

The fat man stepped forward and pointed his finger at the anti-theft windows in the photo: "The commander should have been seriously injured, otherwise these things will not be able to trap him. His strength is amazing. If he wants to, he can completely break it. Broken, guessing... the injury has been severe enough for those who took him to comfortably pull down the phone that asked him to call for help next to him."

My heart was twisted into a ball by Sun Miao and Fatty’s speculation: "The photos are all taken indoors and are so vague. Can you tell where this is?"

Sun Miao thought about it for a while and said to me: "The shelter here has become like this. There are not many houses that have not fallen down, and almost all people who have been searched and rescued have searched for it, and The most important thing is that there is a signal in the place where the commander is...In Wuhan city, except for our team's internal line is still kept open, all the rest are unavailable, so... the commander should be in another shelter. Since those people have the ability to seize the command and send this substitute in such a concealed manner, they are definitely not simple characters. Hefei and other shelters have always been smooth and rainy, and there is a possibility of this kind of eye-catching people. It’s not very sexual, so it’s nine out of ten. At present, it is more likely that the command will be in Beijing.

I am a little worried: "The inspections in Beijing are very strict. According to your speculation, the most likely thing is not in Beijing, but in any place on the vast land with anti-theft windows. possible!!"

"Probably not." Sun Miao said, "Since they took away the commander, they obviously had a chance to kill him without killing him, it proves that the command is still useful to them. If they are used again, they must not. It may be placed anywhere, it must be as close as possible to their lair,"

After thinking for a while, I became more and more convinced that what Sun Miao said was reasonable. At this time, the brain was finally not confused or unconscious.

I asked for the photo in Sun Miao's hand again, and said to him: "So now you are going to Beijing?"

"En," Sun Miao nodded, "I will leave in about two hours."

"Okay, I'll be with you."

"Leave now?"

I shook my head and looked at the hall: "Don't leave now. I want to inform Chen Yang and let her be on guard. This group of people takes Chen Ming away. The person who wants to deal with must be Suotian."

The fat man agrees with me very much: "Sister, you are right in saying this. How do you think about this matter? I feel a lot of tricks. Generally, the enemy's words are designated to be slaughtered by the commander first, but not only did this group of people leave it to the commander. When I got out of the room for help, I even sent a ghost with an unknown name to pretend to be a commander. If they say that their purpose is not to deal with the lock master, I don't believe it.

"Right." Xiaoyou, who had been silent for a long time, also leaned in: "If it weren't, the whole thing would be completely unexplainable."

"Have you told Suotian about the news from Chen Ming?" I asked Sun Miao and Fatty.

They both shook their heads at the same time, and Sun Miao said, "For the time being, the fake person stayed with Captain Lock all day. We are still his people after all, if we rush to talk to Captain Lock. A whisper, he will doubt it."

"Then if you leave for Beijing later, won't he still find out?" Xiaoyou asked the key point.

"At that time, it was discovered that there was nothing we could do. After all, the commander must not delay for a moment.

Hearing this, Xiaoyou went silent, at least for several minutes without saying a word. When he raised her head again, she looked straight at me: "He Mo." She looked at me very seriously: "Your current situation. It’s not suitable to leave here at all. Any one of you will be spotted immediately after leaving. Although the plane will not run as fast as their communication signal, when you get to the place, they will definitely be waiting for you. I went into the trap myself in the past."

"Then what do you think should be done?"

"I'll go." Xiaoyou didn't mean to joking at all: "If you think I'm worthy of trust, and feel that I'm worth your gamble, lend me ten people, and give me enough guns and ammunition, and I will give your Chen within three days. Ming brought it back safe and sound."

I was stunned and looked at her with a little surprise, unable to digest her sudden words for a while.

Both Sun Miao and Fatty looked at her questioningly, as if they didn't understand what kind of oblique wind the stranger had suddenly made, and actively asked to do such a fatal errand.

Xiaoyou ignored me, just looked at me quietly, her eyes were not for a moment, at this moment I suddenly felt that something in her eyes seemed to be somewhat similar to Chen Ming, that kind of self-confidence and indifference, an ordinary person absolutely No.

Maybe it was because of the look in her eyes that I nodded, "Then I will trouble you."

Xiaoyou's eyelashes moved slightly, and she laughed quickly, and she stretched out her hand to me: "After I come back, you are not allowed to give me cold bread, I want something more delicious."

I held her hand tightly: "Absolutely!"

"That's it." Xiaoyou smiled even more.

In her smile, I turned my face to Sun Miao and said, "Can you take out ten people who are not easy to find and go to Beijing with her?"

Sun Miao hesitated: "He Mo... you really plan to..."

"Yes." I interrupted Sun Miao's words: "It has become like this anyway. What does it matter if you take a gamble? Is there someone who can be sent?"

Sun Miao glanced at Xiaoyou and nodded: "Yes, it is arranged now. Weapons and personnel will be in place within half an hour."

Hearing that, Xiaoyou took off her white coat and handed it to me: ‘The race against time, then there is no delay. Leave now. "

Sun Miao glanced at me deterministically, then turned around and left with Xiaoyou.

The fat man didn't immediately follow up. He stood beside me watching Xiaoyou's clothes taken off and asked me: "Sister, are you familiar with her?"

"Unfamiliar." I looked at Xiaoyou's back and said.

"Then how dare you..."

"What's not to dare?!" I looked at the fat man: "Chen Ming said a word to me, which supported me through many difficult roads."

"What are you talking about?"

"If you are afraid of everything, then all horrible things will come to you at the same time."

Hearing these words, the fat man didn't say anything, he just nodded his head secretly: "I hope your choice of'not afraid' this time is not wrong."

After speaking, the fat man also chased Sun Miao and left.

They had to return to the fake Chen Ming as soon as they finished their affairs. Otherwise, if they were noticed, Xiaoyou's approach this time would be useless.

After they left, I stayed where I was.

After taking a few deep breaths, the firm voice in his head advised him not to be confused at this time, because he was not able to save him, so he must make the most correct choice to save him.

When faced with such a situation that was enough to make my whole body tremble, I suddenly became sensible.

After throwing Xiaoyou's clothes into the trash can next to me, I rubbed my face, turned my head and went back to the hall.

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