Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 361: The Walking Dead 1

Throughout the whole night, Chen Yang and I hardly slept very much. When we were resting in the corner of the wall and just wanted to fall asleep, there would always be painful groans from the painful patients that attracted our attention.

Those who come and go do not wait for us to have the opportunity to lie down and the sky is already bright.

Large-scale search and rescue operations have begun again, and the number of injured people sent has increased sharply.

We were busy again.

Over the past few days, I have seen a lot and done a lot. Practice makes perfect. Chen Yang and I are gradually able to deal with some relatively serious patients. What we both face is that the doctors who see them will not die for a while. On one side there is really no way to control people.

Although they cannot die, they are painful, and although many wounds cannot kill people, once they are not treated in time, they may still kill people after being infected.

Throughout the morning, the rare and quiet thing that took over from the hospital last night were the screams and screams.

The search and rescue team should have found a place with a relatively concentrated number of survivors, otherwise there would not be so many people suddenly appear today.

Through the gap in the toilet, Chen Yang caught a young soldier who had brought the patient over and asked about the rescue situation outside.

Sure enough, the soldiers said that many people were buried under a large area of ​​rubble, most of them were alive, and they might have concentrated on excavating and helping people there all day today.

Tired hands trembled. After hearing the news, Chen Yang and I didn't know if we should be happy or worry about the already saturated hospital.

Time soon arrived at noon. Needless to say, no one had time to have lunch. We couldn’t even go to the toilet, because the short walk to the toilet would definitely be caught by the patient who was moaning in pain and begged to give it to him. Look at the injury.

Fortunately, we were sweating constantly, and we didn't have a chance to drink, and we didn't want to go to the toilet at all.

Chen Yang and I picked up a little girl with two smashed fingers at the door.

The child's parents came with all the dirt, and they both had wounds on their bodies, which was much lighter than that of the child.

Generally speaking, those skilled doctors will not deal with such patients at the first time, because they will not endanger their lives. Another thing is that almost none of them have ever been out of the operating room, and they are all on the verge of collapse. .

Chen Yang and I happened to pass by them. It is possible that both of them have children and are the least resistant to injured children.

In addition, the child's mother grabbed my clothes hard and pleaded.

Poor parents in the world, watching their children suffer such suffering, their husbands and wives must be heartbroken.

Chen Yang and I couldn't deal with this kind of problem. We had to deal with the wound on the little girl first when we squatted on the ground.

There is really nothing we can do about it.

While frowning, suddenly a pale little soldier hurried in from outside.

The hat on his head was crooked and he didn't even have the time to help. After entering the hall, he looked around blankly, and finally grabbed a little nurse and asked anxiously: "Where is the person in charge?"

The little nurse was taken aback by his rude gestures, but still pointed in the direction of the operating room and said, "Operation is in progress."

"When can you come out?"

"It hasn't been long since I first entered, it is estimated that it will take at least two hours."

"It's too late! It's too late!!" The soldiers' faces were full of sweat, and Chen Yang and I squatted on the ground and looked at him.

The little nurse thought for a while, then suddenly turned to look at me and Chen Yang, and immediately whispered to the soldier: "The two over there are Captain Lock and the wife of Command Chen, what's the matter? Can you say no to them in the past?"

Hearing that, the little soldier was taken aback for a moment, and then looked in the direction the little nurse was looking at. His expression was tangled for ten seconds before he ran towards the two of us.

Knowing that something was wrong, Chen Yang and I stood up early and walked towards him.

Before the soldier spoke, my heart beat faster and my muscles began to tense.

God bless you, don't do anything related to Chen Ming, anything you say at this time will not be a good thing.

The soldier didn't have time to say hello to both of us politely, and took the two of us to a place with fewer people.

After making sure that the people around would not hear our conversation, he said in a hurry: "There are walking corpses coming in from the collapsed north wall!! The way forward will definitely pass the hospital, and there will be at most twenty minutes of rushing ahead. The group of walking corpses will come here. The current estimate is more than 5,000 and less than 10,000. We have to evacuate within 20 minutes."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang and I both tightened our faces.

This is in trouble!

But Chen Yang was the one who had seen the scene after all, and in just two seconds he asked that person, "What about the captain lock and them? What are you going to do?"

"The other temporary walls have been repaired. Only the north wall can enter the walking corpses. The captain has ordered all the walking corpses entering the shelter to be destroyed at all costs. The soldiers on the periphery have tried their best to block more walking corpses from entering the shelter. Shelter."

"Do we have enough personnel and weapons?"

The soldier shook his head: "I'm just a small soldier, where would I know this? A small team of teammates and I were assigned to help the personnel transfer. See what we should do now?"

While they were talking, I kept turning my head to look at the overall structure of the hall.

There are no windows on the wall, only a huge door facing the outside is made of glass.

If you can find a way to block that door...

I turned my head and asked the soldier, "How many have you come?"

"Count me, fifteen."

Nodding, I turned my face to Chen Yang and said, "Let them find the curtains upstairs, block the distance of about two meters below the big glass door, and find something to block the door. If you can keep the room inside. It’s absolutely quiet, and I should be able to avoid it."

Chen Yang seemed to disagree: "You mean to hide?"

"En." I nodded: "There are so many patients here, the transfer back and forth is not appropriate, and who to transfer first, whether it is too late, and where to transfer to, these are all problems that cannot be dealt with in a short time, and they all Only fifteen people came, and if that’s right, the meaning over there should be to let them assist us in avoiding, and they should be able to deal with these walking corpses in the shortest time."

Chen Yang also expressed his worries: "The words are correct, but have you thought about it? All you said are to ensure that they will never be discovered by the walking dead. There are so many people here in case someone will come out. After that, what if you were discovered? The glass door couldn't stop the walking corpse for five minutes and rushed in. How many people can run out of this room by then?"

Chen Yang and I both expressed our thoughts and worries, and for a while we stood in a stalemate.

The little soldier sweated anxiously, and finally summoned the courage to speak: "Both of them are big people, and a humble person like me said a few words. If you think you can listen to it, you can just listen to it as if you don’t want to listen to me today. Overstepped."

"You said." Chen Yang said.

"I think Mrs. Chen's method is more appropriate in this matter. Although Mrs. Lock's concerns are reasonable, you only raised doubts and worries and did not give a suitable solution. We only have Fifteen minutes have passed, so there is no time to give you time to figure out a solution."

After the little soldier finished speaking, Chen Yang's face shook, as if he suddenly understood, he nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. It is also a delay in arguing with He Mo here, so good! Just follow He Mo. Yes, you quickly get all the people outside. Everyone squeeze. By the way, remember to let everyone know the crisis of the current situation. Whether everyone in this room can survive depends on whether they can manage their own maintenance. be quiet."

Hearing the words, the young soldier finally relaxed his tired and nervous expression, and nodded at attention to both of us: "Yes!

He ran out quickly, not much, the people outside quickly rushed in and started to do things quickly and only methodically.

At present, the most difficult thing is not how to block the door, but how to pacify the feared person in a room within fifteen minutes.

Let so many people understand the situation in a short time and are willing to keep quiet for a long time. This matter... is really difficult, but it is the most serious problem and must be dealt with well.

When the walking corpse comes, one person makes a big noise, then all the people in our whole house will be finished!

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