Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 384: Find someone

The coming is raging and we want to tidy up our family.

Parents wanted to hug their children and hurried upstairs to hide without a chance. The leading man had a square face, and when he looked at one of our houses, the expressions of the old and young hesitated a little: "There is no one in your family who can come out and talk. ?"

I stood and went out: "Just tell me what's the matter."

He looked at me suspiciously: "You? Okay, then tell you. Yesterday my daughter-in-law took the child through your door. What do you do to bully my daughter-in-law and child for no reason?"

"No reason?" I asked him back: "That's what your daughter-in-law told you? No reason?"

The man looks fierce, but he seems to be a very reasonable person. When I heard this, he didn't worry but asked: "What? Do you have another version to say?"

I turned around and pointed to a person in the room: "Big brother, since you are here today, let me delay you for two minutes to see. Our family is old and old, small and small. If you think there is no reason, we will In this case, will you go to find nothing to do?"

The man was stunned: "You always beat that person, right? I looked at you and you weren't injured."

Speaking of this, I immediately recalled the picture from yesterday, and the depressed air came up again.

"I didn’t know which of the two of you was your wife yesterday. My daughter ran to her door. Even if they let your child pee in front of our house, they even pressed my daughter up, whether it was intentional or not, child. Even if they are ignorant, the two of them see that they are mothers, can they always help? As a result, both of them laughed and watched my one-year-old girl being stepped on by those children. You are also a father. Man, if your child is like this, would you be unhappy? This man lives in the world, even if he has no temper, he has two hard bones?"

After the man listened, he immediately looked into my mother’s arms and his face was still carrying a large scar key. Seeing that the child kept tearing because of the pain of the wound, he was a little embarrassed after hesitating for a long time, but since he has come and left. It's so shameless.

Seeing the signs, I hurriedly said: "Brother, since you are here today, we are not right for us to beat your wife, but it is absolutely impossible for us to move a finger for the child. I have no cause and effect on this matter. I have to make up a lie to deceive you. Whether it is true or not, this community can be seen by surveillance. You can go and check it. If you find that it is different from what I said, then you come back and we absolutely have nothing to say."

The man nodded when he heard the words: "Sure, I will go and see tonight. If it is what you said, I will educate the wife at home, but if it is not what you said, we are definitely not a bully."

After the man left, my parents blamed us for not beating people like that, so I went back to the room without answering.

I took the key back to the room, and she nestled in my arms obediently.

I held her leaning against the bed, holding a storybook and telling her stories that she might not understand at all.

I really don't understand why these little kids like to listen to stories so much.

She fell asleep before she finished telling a story. Chen Mo pushed in and lay on the bedside to watch her sister sleep. I put aside all the irritating problems and looked at the two children, only feeling satisfied.

But the happiness lasted for a few seconds, Chen Mo suddenly slapped the key on the face with a slap, and then stumblingly ran out the door with a chucking smile.

The key was suddenly slapped in a dream, and immediately opened his eyes in confusion. I didn't cry for a long time when I saw in confusion...

I was also stunned...Looking at Chen Mo who fell outside the door because of running too fast, I even forgot to get angry.

Who did this kid learn this trick from? ?

I quickly got up and patted the key's belly lightly, before she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Only then got up and picked up Chen Mo, who was lying on his stomach wherever he fell at the door.

This child is becoming less and less like his father, and he has no prospects at all. How can he follow me one by one?

That man has not returned since that day, but the messy ground outside our house was obviously much cleaner the next morning. It seemed that someone had come to clean up at night. There was a fruit basket with a card inside. There are three very jerky words "I'm sorry" on it.

I took the fruit basket back, and the family immediately asked where it came from. I put the fruit basket high in the kitchen to prevent the children from eating it, and then replied, "It was given by an unfamiliar friend."

The defensive heart is indispensable. This fruit basket should be sent by the man, but maybe it is not. I don’t dare to risk letting my family eat it, and I don’t want to waste my good intentions and throw it away. Broken yourself.

After Chen Ming left, the house became quieter and quieter. The days are still going by. In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed. It seems that the shelter has fallen into calm since those people left. Chen Ming has gone too many times. Too much I am almost used to it, and I have no other thoughts besides thinking about him, complaining...I am too lazy to complain.

It seems that after Xu Yiwen's death, the mysterious organization in the sanctuary disappeared, and we have not even seen Zhou Wen again.

I asked Xiaoyou in private, and Xiaoyou said while watching TV: "You still don't ask, I don't know how to spend a good and quiet life, what do you do with all those idleness?"

As soon as I thought about it, I didn't keep asking.

In fact, just a little bit of careful thinking at the time would reveal that Xiaoyou seemed to have a kind of covert evasiveness about this issue. She seemed to know something, she didn't dare to say, she couldn't say.

Just in the days when we almost stay behind closed doors.

Unknowingly, a new type of casino began to be active in the dark city. It was a cruel and **** entertainment method. When Chen Yang told me about it, goose bumps arose.

Similar to gambling, the organizer only needs to provide a platform and walking dead, as well as living people...

They let humans fight against the walking corpse, and the people below can bet whether the human wins or the walking corpse wins.

The most important of these is the hottest and most crowded battlefield between children and walking corpses.

It is said that sometimes hundreds of people who have made gambling money can gather on the sidelines.

When Chen Yang talked about this, I was feeding the children. I rubbed my arms and said to Chen Yang: "Why would anyone like this game? No one cares here? What if a dead body runs away? "

Chen Yang waved his hand when he heard the words, "Who is in charge of this kind of thing? Since they dare to take care of it in advance, everything depends on the relationship at this time, and I don't know if it's sad. But it's OK. The corpse shouldn't be able to escape. They used that kind of glass cage. People and walking corpses were in it. Unless one of them died, the door would never be opened.

When I heard this incident, I felt that the distance between us was so far away that it was impossible to have anything to do with us at all.

So I can’t even think about whether the people who fight the walking corpse are willing, how did they appear in the cage facing the walking corpse.

Until one night for dinner, my parents couldn’t find Tiantian. Our whole family went out to find him. I went to trouble Chen Yang and the others. When I was helping to find them, Xu Shu looked stiff and reminded me whether I was going to the city.’ Go inside the wrestling hall.

She said this for a long time before I remembered exactly where the wrestling tube she was talking about. She was shocked and the blood was cold, and she didn’t dare to delay for a second, just following those in Chen Yang’s team. People looked for each fighting hall.

I dared not tell my family that I could only find Yang Yang with Xiaoyou and Yaqi, saying that I was going to look for it outside the community.

After Chen Yang in the car told them where we were going, Xiaoyou immediately frowned: "I know those places, violent games, and those who fight with walking corpses are said to have been taken away from the street. I didn't care much when I left, but now it seems that not seeing them every day may have something to do with them."

Yaqi hurriedly stopped Xiaoyou's guess: "Don't make any conclusions. People who are so big every day, maybe just sitting somewhere in a bad mood and don't want to go home. You will scare He Mo if you say this."

I’m full of self-blame now, and I don’t even care and take care of Tiantian as much as Chen Ming.

They take good care of me every day. My parents sometimes say that when I am eating at home, he will go back for me. However, I have not paid much attention to him in the past few years. Since the birth of the child, he has been more concerned about him. Less.

Looking at the fast-moving streets outside, I regret it, how could there be such a selfish sister like me!

They should have checked the specific locations of those underground places in advance. We quickly arrived at the first one. Xu Shu took me and Chen Yang in with them. The rest of the people stayed in the car and waited for the signal. The guards strictly stopped them. He said that he needed to pass tickets, Chen Yang was very good at showing off: "What? We also want tickets?"

In all likelihood, the guard didn’t know Chen Yang, but I hesitated for a while after listening to her, and I didn’t know what to do. One is a lie...then they are in trouble.

After waiting for them to hesitate for a long time, Xu Shucai asked with an unfathomable look: "Right, I heard that there are boys fighting with walking corpses here tonight? I ran all the way to see this, how did I place the bet? What's the starting price?"

The gatekeeper looked at each other after hearing the words, "You are mistaken? We did not have a new person to deliver tonight. Are you talking about the shop in the basement of the city west bar? I heard that there was a new person who just delivered it. Performed tonight."

Hearing that, I made a squeak in my heart. Chen Yang secretly took my hand and patted his head at the two of them: "Oh, look at my brain. When I heard people say it, I thought it was here. It turned out to be from the west of the city Ah, really...it's really annoying how much you have to go around this time."

The goalkeeper laughed with him: "It's worth running for a wonderful performance, right? Isn't it a warm-up?"

Chen Yang smiled noblely: "Little Mouth can really talk.

We returned to the car and ran towards the west of the city without stopping.

During the period, I tried to contact people at home, but I still couldn't find it every day.

When our car was on the viaduct, Xiaoyou suddenly gave a hey when looking at a passing car outside the window, but when I also looked over, she immediately retracted her eyes, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

Muttering with laughter in his mouth: "Strange...Why is she here?"

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