Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 386: Multiplayer warning

The host asked the audience for a long time, and Tian Tian was brought back to the backstage.

There were a few young girls dancing on the stage. I was really standing in embarrassment and was about to go down and wait. Someone called me to go backstage.

When Chen Yang and Xu Shu heard that they would follow along no matter what, the visitor didn't say anything as tacit understanding that they would follow.

The backstage is much quieter than the front. In a very simple place, a bald, short and fat man sits in the boss chair and watches the scene of the front stage on TV.

Seeing us coming in, I didn't get up immediately, and continued to stare at the TV for a while, then slowly extinguished the cigarette **** in his hand and got up and asked the man: "Which one asked to enter the life and death room?"

The man pointed at me: "This one."

The fat man glanced at my shriveled body with bean sprouts and asked me in surprise, "Is that you?"

I nodded: "It's me." Before I replied, I saw Tian Tian squatting in the corner under supervision. He was crying, his eyes turned towards us, but he was smart and didn't call me.

"Did you think carefully?"


"Your brain is okay, right."

I smiled: "Do you think I'm like a sick person?"

The man scratched his bald head when he heard the words: "Looking at the handsome, it really doesn't seem to be a faulty person, just doing something...a bit faulty. Since you have watched the game, you should know the rules, this house of life and death. Once you enter, there will be no return. The way of death is very miserable. Aren't you afraid?"

I shook my head: "I'm not afraid. It's interesting." It was funny when I said it. How could the conversation between me and this bald guy feel like a Hong Kong gangster movie in the 1970s.

Hearing that, Bald didn't intend to persuade me more: "Then you'd better not regret it. You can't get out if you want to come out after you go in."

I nodded, looked at Tiantian, and thought for a while and said to the bald man: "Since I'm in, can you let this kid go?"

Hearing this, Bald seemed to have realized something. He looked back at Tiantian, then turned to look at me, with a slightly funny expression on his face: "Girl, may I ask your last name?"

"He, He Mo."

After hearing this, the bald laughed suddenly, patted me on the shoulder and said, "It turned out to be you."

Chen Yang and Xu Shu were both stunned by this sentence. After the bald smiled, he waved his hands and said to the person next to him: "Relax that kid, come to tea soon, we are here for distinguished guests."

The bald man sat down to meet us, and I asked him puzzledly: "Excuse me, have we met?"

The bald man waved his hand: "You and I have never met, but I am familiar with Xiao Chen."

"Little Chen? Chen Ming?" I asked.

"En." The bald took a sip from the water glass on the table and asked me, "Do you both have dolls?"

I don't know the person in front of me, and his attitude has changed so much for a while. I can't figure out what this person is coming from. After thinking about the child for a long time, everyone knows everything before nodding: "Well, the baby is born."

"Yeah." The man was full of surprise: "It's still a dragon and phoenix? When will you have time to hold me over and show me." After speaking, seeing that I was still looking thoughtful, the bald touched his scalp again. , Signaled the other people in the house to go out first, and only a few of us were left before speaking to me: "Just now someone reported that a woman came over and wanted to go into the house. Someone said she looked like Chen Ming’s wife. I’ve never seen you and I’m not sure. Now that I know it, I’m not covering it. If you want to talk about the relationship between me and Xiao Chen, it’s really impossible to say a sentence or two, but you can rest assured, Xiao Chen treats me very well. My old Jin has been in this circle for so long. It is the most righteous. Our business is bluntly doing things for the boss. We are not very capable. It is still possible to put one or two people. This is the little brother who has been caught. I guess you spent so much effort coming here to see that the face is your brother, right?"

Although I still can't trust this old Jin, since he let go of his promise to let him go, of course I was very relieved and quickly thanked: "Thank you so much."

The man nodded: "You are welcome, I have long heard that Brother Chen has gone far away. The land has been in chaos recently. I think your orphans and widows do not have a pillar in the house and it will be hard for you."

I laughed: "That's not enough. Didn't everyone say that women are inferior to men? There are too many people in the family."

Old Jin haha ​​laughed twice: "Don't be stubborn, it's great, you brother can still catch us? There are some things I can't say more, this little Chen Youen and me, the kindness of saving my family's life is not toothless Unforgettable, sister, if you encounter any problems in your life in the future, even if you come here to find me, Lao Jin, as long as you can help, you will definitely do your best. Today, you will go back as soon as possible. I will find someone to replace this little friend."

I shuddered at the thought of looking back at another child who died tragically because he replaced Tiantian, but I knew that I could do nothing to save Tiantian. It was the relationship left by Chen Ming in the past. It can be said that I have already picked one up. Great bargain.

We left here after we thanked Lao Jin again and again.

Lao Jin drove us all the way to the road. Chen Yang and Xu Shu walked in front of them every day. At the end, Lao Jin whispered to me: "From next week, try to stay at home as much as possible. Going out, here we are... something big will happen."

I was shocked: "What's the big deal?"

Lao Jin said: "I don't understand a sentence or a sentence. I'm just looking at the specific situation of the venue. It's not very clear, but I guess this matter is also related to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen has been away for a long time. It shouldn’t affect you anything for the time being, but you’d better take precautions. When you really can’t hold it... come here to find me, although Power Microwave should still be able to block you when necessary.”

I couldn't hold back anymore, and asked Lao Jin: "I'm sorry Lao Jin, although it shouldn't be, I really want to know, we never know why you are so good to me."

Lao Jin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "I can understand, I can understand... If I change it, I will feel that I can’t understand it. It’s not convenient today. If you believe me, there will be a chance. ."

In the car, Chen Yang was already calling me and responded to her. I nodded to Lao Jin: "Thank you so much today. I will come when I have a chance."

"Okay. Be careful all the way."

When I got into the car, I immediately threw myself into my arms every day and couldn't help crying.

This guy must have been frightened. He has grown up from this kind of fright in the past few years and his mind has been extremely fragile.

I hugged his head in distress, and kept quietly soothing.

For a long time, he was probably tired from crying, lying on my lap with his eyes closed and not talking.

Chen Yang looked at Tian Tian distressedly and touched his head.

Chen Yang also has a younger brother who is much older than Tiantian. It is said that Chen Yang used to doting on this younger brother, and she is probably the most able to experience the feeling of being a sister.

It's just that compared to Chen Yang, I care and pay too little for Tiantian.

The car was quiet for a long time before Chen Yang asked me, "What did that person tell you just now?"

Speaking of this, I immediately became puzzled again: "What made me start next week to be careful not to go out at home, something serious is going to happen."

After hearing this, Chen Yang didn't react much, but Xiaoyou's expression changed drastically: "It looks real."

"Really what?" I asked her.

She glanced at the people in the car and thought they were all credible before she said: "I received news a few days ago that the government here is going to clean up some autonomous groups. You should know about the Cultural Revolution, right? It's similar to those, it's said that all The shelters are all preparing to remove some private researchers who have done scientific research. Even higher-ranking doctors and students with higher medical education will be taken away. Some research institutes will be closed and personnel, including those inside, will be shut down. All remaining research corpses, and some normal humans suspected of being infected will be cleaned up. The purpose is to prevent all kinds of weird drugs from being researched out and cause large-scale disturbances. In fact...to put it bluntly Well, some people start from this aspect and gather all the research abilities in one place, under the jurisdiction of a certain person, while others do not have expert support and sources in this area, even if they are capable of perfection. "

Xu Shu interrupted Xiaoyou's words: "I didn't understand what it meant, and how would you know this?"

Xiaoyou glanced at Xu Shu: "It's really hard to understand, but you only need to know that this place, including all other shelters, is going to be turbulent. Some people want to establish a centralized power, and to put it bluntly they want to be emperor. And how do I know? Naturally, there will be my way. This is inconvenient to tell you, sorry."

Xu Shu didn't care much: "This doesn't sound like it has much to do with us. What's so nervous?"

"It doesn't matter much?" Xiaoyou looked at her in surprise: "You and Chen Yang, the team, and even Team C are now private independent groups. This was plainly stated in the past...a stumbling block that affected Jiangshan's stability. It doesn't matter much...you are in big trouble!"

Chen Yang heard this and asked Xiaoyou: "What? Now that more than 90% of the C team has left, they are still ready to deal with the C team?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? All the members of Team C are so easy to deal with when they are here? To deal with it, you have to take advantage of this... I want to say that Chen Ming was also relieved when he left with Suo Tian, ​​and he was relieved. After leaving so many messes for so many months, I am not afraid that I will get moldy when I come back."

Xu Shu looked at Chen Yang: "I think... if what she said is true, what we should worry about most is our team... The C team is well-trained, even if only left They will not attack them easily, but what about us? We are both here, and it is very likely that we will be treated as models."

"But... it was too sudden." Chen Yang said, "How could such an inexplicable thing happen suddenly? How can it be like a joke in such a sudden occurrence."

Wen Yan Xiaoyou looked out the window and said: "Before this world became like this, wasn't the virus outbreak just like a joke?"

The car quickly arrived in the community. My parents were still looking everywhere and didn't come back every day, so Chen Yang and Xu Shu took Tian Tian to go back to our home. Xiaoyou and I went out to find my parents to come back.

Running fast in the dark community looking for my parents, Xiaoyou followed me very closely: "Don't you have anything to say?"

I looked around: "What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to say anything when I hear such news?"

"I don't want to." I replied firmly: "No matter how much you say, it will happen. Since Lao Jin told me specifically, it should be everyone knows that this thing will definitely be the first to be unlucky for us. What do we say, those people will let us go?"

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