Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 389: Xiaoyou is missing

I have never been so panicked as I am at this moment. The more I am afraid of that man's stiff and complicated face, the more I stare at him directly.

My head is full of doubts and puzzles. Xiaoyou was still talking just now, but where did he go now? Why did she disappear after I opened the door for a short while?

The man stretched out a hand and pressed it to the door, presumably to prevent me from closing the door again. He kept his ugly stiff smile away.

Finally, I put away the trembling of my internal organs: "Xiao... Where's Xiaoyou? I just seemed to hear her voice."

The man still smiled: "Where do I know, I'm just waiting for her here."

I think my eyes should have been widened to the point of horror to outsiders, because I heard Xiaoyou's voice..............

The man’s mouth was moving, and it was Xiaoyou’s voice when it came out. So... Xiaoyou has never come back since the beginning. He was the only one outside the door, and he imitated himself. The dialogue with Xiaoyou tricked me to open the door...This is simply the story of the living big bad wolf and the little lamb!

"You...who are you?" I feel that my basic analysis and positioning skills have collapsed almost at this moment.

The man finally put away the **** ugly smile: "I'm a guest."

He returned to the normal tone of the man just now.

Can anyone tell me what else to say besides turning around and running? ?

In this pervert who can make two different voices of men and women at the same time, I just turned my head and ran towards the balcony without any hesitation. I would like to thank God, which genius designed this villa? There is also a door where the master bedroom leads to the balcony. Although it is not as strong as the outside door, it is at least the door! A designer who can block a bit, if he is lucky enough to enter this villa, he will definitely send him a pennant!

The man pressed the door, seeming to think that I had already pierced my wings and it was difficult to fly, but he didn't expect that I would still do a dying struggle, and even ran to the balcony only blocked by a glass door.

Locking the glass door, I tremblingly confronted him on the balcony.

After the man kept his original posture and stood at the door for a while, the corners of his mouth began to extend towards both cheeks. To be honest, his smile was really uglier than a ghost. If the smile is not a smile from the heart, it would be better. Don't laugh, it looks more terrifying than staring.

He finally walked to the glass door and slammed a hand out against the glass door. He slowly approached the glass door with his face, and looked at me with both eyes unblinking. This person is simply He is a master who drives people crazy, he can perform even more terrifying effects than ghosts without any knives and makeup.

He simply grasped the fear of the most primitive things in the human bones.

what do I do? what do I do? ! ! !

Panicking, I looked back from the balcony. In order to create an overall feeling of atmosphere, the villa is taller between floors. I roughly estimated that if I stood on this window frame, I jumped down at least five or six meters. It’s so high that you won’t necessarily fall to death, but one who is not careful will definitely fall. If you twist your foot in the yard of Xiaoyou...it basically means that the possibility of running away is zero.

Here I regret that I want to beat myself up. Just before I opened the door in the house, why can't I think about throwing away two quilts in advance? It can be considered as leaving myself a way out. This is all right... .How to do? Going in a dead end.

The most important thing is that even if you jump into this backyard, you can't get out of the backyard. You must go back to the villa and pass through the living room on the first floor to leave the building through the main entrance of the living room.

If I didn't twist it enough that I didn't hurt, I would have to run non-stop towards the door immediately after I jumped down, and I might be intercepted by this person from the second floor directly in the living room a little slower.

Without time to think too much, I regained my senses and glanced at the man who had already started shaking the glass door. He was already thinking about opening the door.

Is it useful to call for help here now? I looked at the house next to me, can anyone in the family hear it? ?

At this time, they should all be taking a nap in the room. The possibility of hearing is really slim. The soundproofing effect here is **** good!

Just when I had no way of preparing for death, I just jumped down and tried hard, I glanced at the man standing behind my great savior. . . . . Xiaoyou! !

The moment I saw her, tears were squeezed out in an instant, you guy is back! ! !

Xiaoyou stood at the door with a gun in her hand. She was very alert. She shouted to the man who was still swinging the door: "Let go of your hand!!"

Hearing this, the man's actions came to an abrupt halt, face to me for a while before turning back slowly, she looked at Xiaoyou, and said for a long time: "You are finally back."

Looking at Xiaoyou's face, it seems that he doesn't know this person: "You came to me?"


"Then trouble you to show what you should be like as a guest, so what do you mean when you suddenly come to my bedroom inexplicably?"

"I just want to have a chat with this lady."

"She has nothing to chat with you!" Xiaoyou said, and stepped out of the door. He stood in the corridor outside and pointed his gun at the man: "Come out! Go downstairs to the living room if you have something to say!"

The man only paused for a second, then turned his head and left the glass door according to the words, and walked slowly outside the door.

Seeing his back getting closer and closer to Xiaoyou, my heart is getting higher and higher, for fear that this man is cunning and multi-faceted, don’t use any conspiracy and tricks against Xiaoyou, if Xiaoyou is accidentally injured, it would be too wrong. Up!

Fortunately, I didn't think about it. The man didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He actually walked downstairs according to Xiaoyou's intention.

After the man went out, Xiaoyou gave me a quick wink, raised his chin in the direction of her cabinet, and then slightly gestured to the gun in his hand.

She meant to say that there is a gun in her closet! I want me to go downstairs with her after I get the hand...

This man seemed to make Xiaoyou feel very nervous.

Not dare to delay, I quickly opened the glass door and ran towards the closet. This is a row of closets. I didn't know which one I was referring to just now. I could only open them one by one and search through all the clothes. It was a mess that I got the pistol in a windbreaker.

After quickly checking the bullet, I loaded the pistol in my hand and turned around and walked downstairs.

While I was going downstairs, I was still speculating about the man’s identity, but what I didn’t expect was that...just looking for a gun for a minute, there was no personal image on the first floor... ...

The door of the living room was wide open. The pistols Xiaoyou had just held were scattered on the ground. I searched all the rooms but couldn't find the two of them. I picked up Xiaoyou's gun and checked it. The bullets were still full. She I didn't fire a shot.... If she fired, I would be able to hear it upstairs, but no, there was no gunshot from beginning to end.

I ran out of the living room and watched back and forth several times along the road, but there was no one person...........

In the end what happened? Where did Xiao You go with that man? How come two people have disappeared out of thin air after such a short time?

I didn't dare to go into Xiaoyou's home again after being killed. After standing outside the door for a while, I hurried back towards the house.

In the living room, Xiaoyou, Dabai Xiaoyu, and Lin Wei were fighting the landlord. Seeing me coming back in a hurry, Yang Yang asked, "He Mo, what's wrong with you? How come you have lost your soul? Didn’t you go to Xiaoyou’s place? Did you two quarrel?"

Dabai slapped him when he heard the words: "I know nonsense, how could they quarrel."

Lin Wei also asked, "What's wrong with you? Her face looks like something is happening."

I'm a little bit shocked... and some feel that nothingness is unreal because things are too sudden: "Xiaoyou is gone..."

"What?!!!" The four of them called out almost at the same time.

Xiao Yu immediately lost the playing cards in her hand: "What are you talking about? Where can she not see it? Don't be too fussed. Did someone her age go out for a walk?!"

I shook my head fiercely: "She didn't see her under my eyelids!!"

"Did you see her missing with your own eyes?" Da Bai asked.

"Just one minute... I was still looking at her a minute ago, and in just one minute there was no one at all."

Hearing that, the few of them looked at each other for a while, all of them lost their playing cards and followed me to Xiaoyou's house. Xiaoyou's door still remained the way it was opened when I left.

Looking at that door, I can't even be sure that what I just experienced is true. Maybe Xiaoyou is already sitting in the living room drinking tea?

Thinking of this, we have entered the living room, and as we just saw, there is no one in the living room.

They went back and forth to find the house and shouted for a long time before they finally believed what I was saying.

We returned home again, Xiao Yu asked me: "You can tell us the details of the matter before you can analyze what happened."

I told them everything that I had encountered since I entered Xiaoyou’s house, and every thing I did. At the end, when I heard Xiaoyou and the man went downstairs, both of them disappeared. When the incident happened, Yang Yang said: "It should have been taken away by that man."

Xiao Yu whitened the sheep and said, "Nonsense! Now everyone knows what you said, the point is...who is that man? Why did you catch Xiaoyou? Where did you catch Xiaoyou!"

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